Mapping AAR
This is an AAR (after action report) of my first encounter with the map-editing function. I�m jumping into this pretty cold. I�ve downloaded some sample maps, and read the threads about unit modding (doesn't seem to be a lot on maps). I have no real experience with mapping or painting programs.
Also, for the record, I�m using Windows XP.
So, I�m going to try something simple. I�d like to see what the Desert Eye demo map looks like without the wraparound feature, so I�ll try that as a first project.
First off, I�ll read the map editor PDF.
Ouch. I recognize the defined commands as line commands used to modify a MAP file (similar to the command lines used in unit modding���Quite similar to your vaporators, sir.�) But there doesn�t seem to be any instruction here on how to use the map editor program itself. I�ll try the old-fashioned method of jumping in and pushing buttons.
Initial Map Folder Operations
* I go into the �dom2� folder and open its �map� folder. In it, I find the �� file and open it with Wordpad. (The name �eye� is used for the Desert Eye map files.) Since I�m taking out the wraparound feature, I�ll use the filename �eye_flat� to designate my altered map.
(As I understand it, a game map requires two files, one graphic file (TGA) and one text-code file (MAP). So I�ll need �_flat� Versions of both files.)
* MAP File Changes: Still in the �map� folder, I copy "eye" MAP and rename the copy �eye_flat�. I leave both in the map folder.
* I then open the �eye_flat� MAP file. I locate and delete the line �#wraparound� (I picked this tip up from the forum, thanks, Gandalf).
* I also look for the command line that identifies the TGA file to use and change �#eye� to �#eye_flat� in that line as well. Then I save and exit this file.
* TGA File Changes: Still in the map folder, I copy the file �eye� TGA. I rename the copy �eye_flat.�
* This done, I exit the map folder completely.
Round One: Starting the Editor
* Next, I start the Dom2 game program using the standard shortcut (.exe command). On the opening game menu is the button, �Map Editor.� I left-click to open the Map Editor and a new menu pops up. My choices are �New Map� and �Load Map.� Since I am working with an existing map file, I choose �Load Map.�
* New Screen: �Enter File Name.� I enter �eye_flat� (the name of my copied map files). I get a new window with a menu and also see the lower left corner of the Desert Eye map. I�m in.
* The SW corner of the �Eye� map is a sea province that I later determine is [14] (for those who don�t know, all provinces on all maps are numbered--this number never changes, although province names often change from game to game on the same map if the name randomizer function is enabled). Although I can�t see the full map on my screen, the keyboard arrow keys let me scroll across it. Reassured, I scroll back to the menu.
At the top of the menu, I see a checklist of terrain types under the header �Randomize Names�. Of these, �Fresh Water� and �Farm� are checked, the others are not. I don�t mess with them and continue reading.
The button options are:
Local Guess
Guess Neighbors
Remove Neighbors
Randomize Names
Save or Exit
At the bottom is a checkbox labeled �wraparound�. It is not checked, so I assume my deletion of the �#wraparound� line when I worked in the map folder has disabled this.
(Digression: I can�t resist getting out and loading the original �eye� map file into the editor to see if this box is checked. It is, and that map has no corners�it can be continuously scrolled.
Incidentally, I use the choice �Save or Exit� in the editor menu. This brings up a save screen that requests a save file name. I hit OK without entering a name, and it gives me a popup message that the editor has been exited without saving the map file. OK, that wasn�t particularly intuitive, but now I know how that works. Back to the project. I go back into the Map Editor and �eye_flat.�)
I first decide to try the �Guess Neighbors� button, thinking it might show me the existing connections. The command turns red, all buttons become unresponsive, and map scrolling freezes. Although my cursor is still mobile, I can�t do anything with it.
I use Ctrl-Alt-Del to exit Dom2 and try again.
(Note: This will happen every time I hit this command button on this map�I won�t bore you with accidental triggerings of this effect, and will only mention it in passing when I deliberately try it. Just assume that my next action is prefaced by the words �After I reload��.) Thus, onward...
For my next loading, I again ignore the Random Names section and click the �Local Guess� button. Nothing happens, so I left-click on the large sea province in the SW corner of the map [14]. Nothing happens.
I try a right-click, and am rewarded with connection lines, some going into adjacent provinces, and some going to provinces across the map. Looks like I�m making progress.
I try �Guess Neighbors� and have to restart.
I right-click to get the connection lines back, then try the �Remove Neighbors� button. All the lines disappear from [14]. So far, so good. I pick the sea province to the east [12] and left-click it. A connection line appears from [14] into [12]. Even better.
I left-click in all the provinces adjacent to [14] to connect [14]with them. The editor won�t let me connect into some of the partial provinces. I remember from the forum that each province has a �white dot� that marks its center. I guess that the ones I can�t connect to have their centers off the map edge. So some partial provinces at the board edge won�t be playable from this side of the map--OK, next�
I right-click on the partial small island to the SW [2] (this did connect to [14]). Huh? One connection going back to the sea province [14] but no other connections? Did I erase ALL the connections on this map? I right-click on another land province [3]�yup, no connection lines. Arrrrrgh. �Remove Neighbors� looks like a global erase.
I consider restarting, but decide to continue until something else happens. I go back to the island and hit �Guess Neighbors� to see if more connection lines will show up. Oops.
Well, at least that �Remove Neighbors� command wasn�t saved.
First Lessons: Review
Looks like the first move, then, is right-click to activate the �from� province, �Local Guess� to erase existing connection lines, then left-click to lock in the �to� provinces. And both the �Guess Neighbor� and �Remove Neighbor� buttons seem to be progress-killers for this project. (Maybe they are used to clean an existing map before completely changing the graphics and connections?)
Round 2: First Progress Check
I right-click the large SW sea province [14], hit �Local Guess,� and left-click the adjacent provinces. Then I right-click the next sea province to the east [12], hit �Local Guess,� and left click the adjacent provinces.
At this point, I go back and right-click the first province [14] to see if anything has changed. It hasn�t�my modifications are still there. So far, so good.
I cautiously hit the �Save or Quit� button. It asks for a file name and I type in �eye_flat.� Hitting �Return� sends me to the Dom2 menu screen.
I hit �Map Editor� and reload. I right-click on the SW sea province [14] to check the connections. WHAT?
My connections are there, but there is a new connection that goes across the board to a land province [4]! I thought I killed all the wrapping connections? (There were three, two are gone, but this one is back!)
I check the second sea province (directly east [12])�it�s the way I left it. I right click on the first sea province [14], then use �Local Guess� and left-clicks to reset the connection lines. Then I go SE to the island [2] and use �Local Guess� and left-clicks to set that. Finally, I do two more provinces, the next land province to the east [3], and the next sea north of [14] (which is [36]). Then I save, reload and check again.
Now I�m confused. The SW sea has re-established its cross-map connection to [4], the island has NOT re-established its (S-N) connections, the north sea province [36] has also re-established one connection with the east board side [25].
I shall have to think about this. In the meantime, I�m calling a break to go into a game that uses this map in order to pull out the province numbers (which I�ve gone back and put into the foregoing text).
The only thing I can figure is that maybe, since I haven�t gone to the other (right) side of the map and shut off the connections from that end, the connections might have to be confirmed killed from both directions. I also note that the surviving connections are to provinces whose numbers are lower than the provinces whose connections I�ve modified. I�ll work that angle next.
It�s a bit of a chore to get out of the editor and reload the game every time I want to check a province number. Is there any way to work around this?