One of these isn't actually a new one but bear with me.
Foundation and Empire
Just as in the Isaac Asimov series, there will be a massive empire (255 sys galaxy, empire will have controlled roughly 2/3 of all planets) that is incredibly inefficient and corrupt. Several nations are already defecting on the periphery. There will also be the two foundations, one physcic and the other non-physcic. The first foundation (the material one) will be very efficent albeit without a strong production base of minerals so they will have to go towards miniturization. They will have better tech than most others around them and on par with the empire.
The second is a secret. No one else will know where they are nor will they know what powers the possess.
The empire will have much more expenisive, and larger ships and components.
There will be 2 or 3 pirate nations (using P&N tech) and 1 nomad. There will be 4 periphery nations near the 1st foundation, there will be another 3 small kingdoms at the start. As the game progresses chancellors, and admirals will break away and new players will be added with their own small holdings.
Just as in the books, the second foundation will have a specific purpose, and so will the first, however the first foundation will be unsure of their ultimate goal. The others will do as they please to their betterment.
I will RP the empire, and the other ppl will all be RPed as well. If you've read adn enjoyed the books i hope you'll take an interest here. If you haven't please read them.
I will make a mod to allow the very different techs of the four major Groups (Empire, 1st foundation, 2nd foundation, splinter kingdoms) to have their own distinct ways.
Free Enterprise
The idea of this game is to offer an alternative, a very strong one, to conquest.
The way to win this game will be to have the greatest wealth ($$ per turn, $$ in bank, social conditions, assets (ships etc), planets, research, special facilities).
There will be lots of non-military facilites available, and lots of tech a la junkyard mods (10 levels of resource production). There will also be "monument" type facilites which will aid your score and help you in other ways, much like the wonders of the world did in the Civ series.
- Some will be 1 per empire (only 1 counts per empire)
- some will be 1 per game (must announce begin construct, 5 turns before completion (maybe), and submit one turn of completion to host for verification)
- Some will be already built on "ancient" race worlds and must be captured and held, and if destroyed, lost forever.
You may be thinking at this point, "self, why don't i just go to war and conquer everyone?"
For one thing, trade will be increased greatly, and if everyone stops trading with you, your economy will suffer greatly. Also, there will be a requirement in designing empires to pick the peaceful happiness trait.
- 2-5 roleplay neutrals (can go to war without major penalties, they will do your fighting, of course you can fund them
- 4-7 roleplay pirates and nomads (mess around with whomever, confer wisdom and gifts upon players) (maybe the phantom syndicate will make a return?)
- everyone else will be countries vying for best score.
Right now i'm thinking of a medium start with some more ruins than usual, just to get everyone jumpstarted.
1 Last thought, unlike other games where stellar manipulation is so useless; in this game stellar manipulation, esp ring and sphere will be big bonus points.
In Review
Both will require modding, the second less so than the first. However, both will also be mainly RP, and will require honest players. I think they'll be tons of fun and will be willing to do the majority of the work. I just hope there is interest before I dive in (although with the foundation series i'll do it anyway).
[ December 22, 2002, 01:46: Message edited by: Skulky ]