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Old April 8th, 2011, 03:41 AM
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Default RUSSIAN CIVIL WAR II - Multiplayer "User vs AI" Campaign

I inadvertently started this thread in the winSPMBT section so I am reposting it here where it belongs.

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I have started this new thread so we have a single place to post for the actual campaign. For those only "kinda" following along this is basically a group operational level game where each player takes the role of a commander and will play their "unit's role" through custom User Campaign's designed specifically for their unit.

For more information please refer to and read through this thread;

vs AI Tournament (Actually a Campaign)

Next, here is the draft campaign overview;


April - May 1930.**

The Russian Civil War basically ended with the surrender of General Anatoly Pepelyayev and his White forces in the Far Eastern Ayano-Maysky District on June 1923. As the Red Army slowly pushed the Whites out of Siberia many commanders made their escape, along with a good portion of the men to safe haven among the US and British possession in the Pacific. Many more were given refuge in northern Japan where they continued to be armed and trained for their eventual return to the Russian mainland. The regions of Kamchatka and Northern Sakhalin remained under Japanese occupation until their treaty with the Soviet Union in 1925, when their forces were finally withdrawn, however the Japanese continued to eye the region for future conquest.**

It was with the onset of the Great Depression in 1929 that the opportunity finally started to present itself for a return of the White army. The Pitelinskii Uprising in January 1930 and increasing peasant revolts against forced collectivism only encouraged the Japanese to push the Whites harder. Hoping that the Red Army would be too occupied in eastern Europe to do anything this far east the Japanese prodded the Whites to act. **

In late March, 1930 act they did and a large army of White veterans boarded vessels supplied by the Japanese and were successfully landed at Okhotsk along the northern coast of the Sea of Okhotsk. As they quickly overwhelmed the small Red army garrisons in the area their beachhead expanded considerably. In less that 2 weeks they had occupied an area over 100 square kilometers reaching 100 kilometers to the north near Arka, 70 kilometers to to the west at Zapadnyy and 65 kilometers to the east at Ul'beya. Not wanting to be left out of any of the spoils, Japan, the United States and Great Britain quickly dispatched their own forces from nearby bases to "support" the effort in the hopes they could cash in on the considerable resources in the area the Whites had already overrun.**

Slowly the Red Army responded and the first available forces were dispatched by train from bases in central Siberia. Unfortunately, these were essentially small units recruited as personal bodyguards of former Red Army officers who were now nothing more than warlords that kept the peace in their local areas. They were the first to arrive and confront the Whites with promises from the Politburo that more heavily armed and better trained Red Army units would soon follow to finish the job.**

As one of these "warlords" you quickly organize your men and arrange travel to the east by train. You should be in the area assigned to you no later than April 3rd, 1930 and are expected to take up the attack within a day or 2 of arrival, if not sooner. To make sure you do your duty to the state a Commissar and his aide have been assigned to you.**


THE COMMISSAR: The Commissar, his aide and a staff car will accompany your unit everywhere you go. Should you find ways to put the Commissar in position to get "Kills" and thus increase his standing as a true Hero of the Red Army he will make sure that he heaps added praise of your loyalty to the state in his reports to the Regional Commissar. Thus you can expect that you and your men will be given special attention when supplies are issued. This could mean critical access to armor or air support if in the area as well as recruitment of local troops to bolster your ranks. However, if the Commissar unit is killed you can expect to be punished heavily. The exact punishment depends on the whims of the Regional Commissar and could range anywhere from withholding of supplies, being ordered to make attacks you have little if any chance of winning, or even surviving and so on. Basically this means it is in your interest to put the Commissar in position to get easy "Kills" BUT not get him killed in the process.**
Wargaming Blog: Combat Campaigns
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Old April 8th, 2011, 03:42 AM
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Default Re: RUSSIAN CIVIL WAR II - Multiplayer "User vs AI" Campaign

If you want to sign up, post your interest in the vs AI Tournament (Actually a Campaign) thread. I plan to use this thread for "official" communications with active players.
Wargaming Blog: Combat Campaigns
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Old April 8th, 2011, 03:13 PM
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Default Re: RUSSIAN CIVIL WAR II - Multiplayer "User vs AI" Campaign

OK, here we go;

Attached is the campaign path for Brian61.

Comrade, the train carrying you and your men from your garrison in central Siberia can go no further without risking the safety of the trains due to enemy activity. You are being offloaded with your supplies here at the village of Arka.**

Once you and you men are accounted for, you are ordered to proceed with your force to the railroad bridge east of here where it crosses the River Okhota. Local peasants in the area have informed us that Interventionist forces have advanced farther north than we anticipated since they landed the other week at Okhotsk and are currently setting up defenses in this area. You should reach the river just after dawn however be advised that visibility will be limited due to early morning fog. Once you arrive at the bridge you need to cross the river and secure the bridge as well as the railway leading south as that will be the main route of our northern forces advance. Without the rail in our hands, supplies will be severely restricted as we advance.**
This zip file includes the base campaign frame as well as the 1st full scenario. Install files into your campaign folder. It will occupy campaign slot 041.

IMPORTANT: Make sure that you save the game before the battle ends, ideally the very last turn BEFORE the end result screen is shown. I would recommend saving to alternate slots each turn, just in case.

This is necessary in order to add more battles to the campaign.

Please post your end game screen file here or email it to me at [email protected]
Attached Files
File Type: zip C041_RED_ACTIONS_Brian61_001.zip (84.7 KB, 437 views)
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Old April 8th, 2011, 03:15 PM
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Default Re: RUSSIAN CIVIL WAR II - Multiplayer "User vs AI" Campaign

Next up . .

Attached is the campaign path for Skirmisher.

Comrade, now that you and you men are rested, you are ordered to march along the coastal road to Zapadnyy and occupy the village. The village needs to be cleaned out of all opposition as we intend to use it as a staging area to launch further attacks from here in the west. As you attack, Comrade Roman will be clearing the woods north of your position in an attempt to sweep behind the village and cut off the fleeing enemy.**

Local peasants, loyal to the state have reported that the enemy appears to be digging in and preparing to fortify the area. They have also reported seeing enemy aircraft overhead earlier in the day but it is highly unlikely they will be operating at night. Speed is of the essence here.**
This zip file includes the base campaign frame as well as the 1st full scenario. Install files into your campaign folder. It will occupy campaign slot 042.

IMPORTANT: Make sure that you save the game before the battle ends, ideally the very last turn BEFORE the end result screen is shown. I would recommend saving to alternate slots each turn, just in case.

This is necessary in order to add more battles to the campaign.

Please post your end game screen file here or email it to me at [email protected]
Attached Files
File Type: zip C042_RED_ACTIONS_Skirmisher_001.zip (85.1 KB, 425 views)
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Old April 8th, 2011, 03:17 PM
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Default Re: RUSSIAN CIVIL WAR II - Multiplayer "User vs AI" Campaign

And the 3rd commander . .

Attached is the campaign path for Roman.

We have just been informed by runner that Comrade Skirmisher will begin his assault on Zapadnyy just after midnight. It is time to rouse your men and begin the advance. You are to sweep east, clearing a path through the woods north of Zapadnyy so that our forces can then sweep around and seal off any retreating White forces as they try to escape from the village.**

Local peasants, loyal to the state have reported hearing engines coming from the woods along your route so be on the lookout for vehicles. The path through the woods must be cleared of any enemy forces.**
This zip file includes the base campaign frame as well as the 1st full scenario. Install files into your campaign folder. It will occupy campaign slot 044.

IMPORTANT: Make sure that you save the game before the battle ends, ideally the very last turn BEFORE the end result screen is shown. I would recommend saving to alternate slots each turn, just in case.

This is necessary in order to add more battles to the campaign.

Please post your end game screen file here or email it to me at [email protected]
Attached Files
File Type: zip C044_RED_ACTIONS_Roman_001.zip (84.7 KB, 408 views)
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Old April 8th, 2011, 03:20 PM
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Default Re: RUSSIAN CIVIL WAR II - Multiplayer "User vs AI" Campaign

Anyone is free to download and play these on their own HOWEVER, please do not post or share any information you find out about the enemy with the players unit AFTER they have finished the battle themselves and I have uploaded the next scenario in their campaign path.
Wargaming Blog: Combat Campaigns
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Old April 8th, 2011, 03:28 PM
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Default Re: RUSSIAN CIVIL WAR II - Multiplayer "User vs AI" Campaign

For those wanting to follow along at the operational level I recommend Google Maps. If you do a search for Okhotsk > Region of Khabarovsk, Russia it should place you right in the area. Obviously this link is for the current modern area and we are playing circa 1930. It is only used a general backdrop for the campaign and is for reference only.
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Old April 8th, 2011, 05:10 PM
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Default Re: RUSSIAN CIVIL WAR II - Multiplayer "User vs AI" Campaign

OK, looks like I forgot to overwrite the files with Pack Mule to Wagon change for the 82mm Mortars.

Corrected campaign path for Skirmisher is attached . . .

Comrade, now that you and you men are rested, you are ordered to march along the coastal road to Zapadnyy and occupy the village. The village needs to be cleaned out of all opposition as we intend to use it as a staging area to launch further attacks from here in the west. As you attack, Comrade Roman will be clearing the woods north of your position in an attempt to sweep behind the village and cut off the fleeing enemy.**

Local peasants, loyal to the state have reported that the enemy appears to be digging in and preparing to fortify the area. They have also reported seeing enemy aircraft overhead earlier in the day but it is highly unlikely they will be operating at night. Speed is of the essence here.**
This zip file includes the base campaign frame as well as the 1st full scenario. Install files into your campaign folder. It will occupy campaign slot 042.

IMPORTANT: Make sure that you save the game before the battle ends, ideally the very last turn BEFORE the end result screen is shown. I would recommend saving to alternate slots each turn, just in case.

This is necessary in order to add more battles to the campaign.

Please post your end game screen file here or email it to me at [email protected]
Attached Files
File Type: zip C042_RED_ACTIONS_Skirmisher_001.zip (85.2 KB, 375 views)
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Old April 8th, 2011, 05:31 PM

Brian61 Brian61 is offline
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Default Re: RUSSIAN CIVIL WAR II - Multiplayer "User vs AI" Campaign

Comrades, the bridge and the railroad have been secured and the Interventionists in the area destroyed. The price was paid in the blood of a few comrades including one of our snipers. Our Commissar, Lt Fierens, was quite brave at the end, assisting in the destruction of the enemy HQ and a weapons crew, unfortunately his weapon was not equal to his bravery and other units nearby were credited with the kills.
Quite a fun first battle, I was worried everyone would rout at the first shot but fortunately those that did rout were able to be rallied despite my poor rally skills (60!!).

Last turn before end result attached as zip.
Attached Files
File Type: zip C041_RED_ACTIONS_Brian61_001_T12.zip (46.1 KB, 379 views)
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Old April 8th, 2011, 11:45 PM
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Disk Re: RUSSIAN CIVIL WAR II - Multiplayer "User vs AI" Campaign

Originally Posted by Double_Deuce View Post
OK, looks like I forgot to overwrite the files with Pack Mule to Wagon change for the 82mm Mortars.

Corrected campaign path for Skirmisher is attached . . .

Comrade, now that you and you men are rested, you are ordered to march along the coastal road to Zapadnyy and occupy the village. The village needs to be cleaned out of all opposition as we intend to use it as a staging area to launch further attacks from here in the west. As you attack, Comrade Roman will be clearing the woods north of your position in an attempt to sweep behind the village and cut off the fleeing enemy.**

Local peasants, loyal to the state have reported that the enemy appears to be digging in and preparing to fortify the area. They have also reported seeing enemy aircraft overhead earlier in the day but it is highly unlikely they will be operating at night. Speed is of the essence here.**
This zip file includes the base campaign frame as well as the 1st full scenario. Install files into your campaign folder. It will occupy campaign slot 042.

IMPORTANT: Make sure that you save the game before the battle ends, ideally the very last turn BEFORE the end result screen is shown. I would recommend saving to alternate slots each turn, just in case.

This is necessary in order to add more battles to the campaign.

Please post your end game screen file here or email it to me at [email protected]

OK firstly, I enjoyed the battle.

Secondly, once the battle started and I saw 1930 combat power in all it's glory,I decided to play the wildcard.
I was going to get a kill credited to the Commissar.
I needed the extra help in the long run.

The battle begins and right away one of my Cossak platoons is caught in a crossfire between two snipers.
The rest of the Cossaks and HMG's took them out.
Mortars didn't seem all that effective.

The battle moves into the town proper and there's an HMG,scouts
and several squads of conscripts IDed.

Victory hexes are taken and the scout section of the enemy is down to one man.
The Commissar's driver hits the gas and heads for the secure hex right next to the last scout(who has used all shots for the turn)
An unseen scout section opens up from in town after a couple hexes and the staff car is destroyed.
Marines cover the pinned Commissar with smoke and on the next turn he attacks the scout.
I had turned OFF everybody elses weapons nearby, so they couldn't fire on the scouts.
After two turns of this, the Scout killed the Commissar and the aide.

Despite this, the attack continued and much of the town taken.

I emailed the final turn.
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