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Old December 9th, 2000, 03:18 AM
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Default Up to date beta patch info..

Okay you guys wanted to see what we were doign in test so here is the newest revision as of tonights load:

Version History for Space Empires IV

Version 1.15:
1. Fixed - Fixed a problem in the VehicleSize.txt file where the
"Combat To Hit Add" ability was used to make bases easier
to hit. This ability has now been changed to "Combat To Hit
Offense Plus" and "Combat To Hit Offense Minus". The ability
"Combat To Hit Dec" has been changed to "Combat To Hit
Defense Plus" and "Combat To Hit Defense Minus".
2. Fixed - Simultaneous Games: The Host would ask for missing player
files from players that were dead.
3. Fixed - Simultaneous Games: The Host would ask for missing player
files even when being run from the command line.
4. Fixed - Improved the AI Retrofit minister.
5. Fixed - Improved the AI Minesweeping minister.
6. Fixed - Access Violation in Combat Replay where the combat only Lasted
one turn.
7. Fixed - Combat Replay was skipping the first turn.
8. Changed - Simultaneous combat resolution to now be triggered off of
movement (It used to occur every 5 phases regardless of movement).
9. Fixed - Victory Condition "X% of Tech Levels" was displaying incorrectly
in the Victory Conditions window.
10. Fixed - Modified Victory Condition min\max\default values.
11. Fixed - Occasional index error bug when starting a new game.
12. Fixed - Improved AI Max Range movement strategy.
13. Fixed - Improved AI dodging of seekers.
14. Fixed - Improved AI Optimal Range movement strategy.
15. Fixed - Range Check Error would happen sometimes when you looked at
the designs in the Designs window after using an existing
empire from a previous game.
16. Fixed - Hotseat Simultaneous: Missing player file message should not
be displayed.
17. Fixed - Hotseat Simultaneous: if the player didn't do anything on their
turn, the computer should not take over.
18. Added - A Weapon to Hit modifier to the weapon mounts.
19. Fixed - Changed "Set Colony Type" (in Colonies Window) and "Send
Colonizer" (in Planets Window) lists to show all planets in
the list, not just those in the visible portion. (Too
many players were confused by this feature).
20. Fixed - If asteroids or a planet was hidden by a storm, you could get
a range check error when you clicked on that system.
21. Fixed - A race that was created from a rebellion would retain all of
its source empire's communication connections. They could
send a message to an empire that had never seen them.
22. Fixed - Miscellaneous manual link fixes.
23. Fixed - Speed-ups for combat with fighters.
24. Fixed - AI Fleets who had a transport and set their strategy to
"Capture Planet" were not changing it back to "Optimal"
when the transport was lost.
25. Fixed - Error in ability name in Abilities.txt.
26. Changed - Fighter Bays to launch 1, 2, and 3 fighters. Same for satellite
27. Fixed - Added descriptions for Boarding Party and Security Station
abilities in Components.txt.
28. Fixed - Captured ships should lose any experience bonus they had.
29. Added - Captured ships will have their reload times increased by 10
combat turns (this is modifiable in the Settings.txt file).

Version 1.14:
1. Fixed - After only one turn of emergency build, you would
not get slow build for one turn.
2. Fixed - If the item currently being constructed was deleted,
the accomplished resources stuck around.
3. Fixed - Weapon damage was maxed out at 999. It now has a
maximum of 50000.
4. Fixed - A satellite group cannot remote mine with all of the
satellites present.
5. Fixed - Minefield report would reference an individual sector
6. Fixed - The list of damage types in Components.txt was wrong.
7. Fixed - AI Colonize minister would send another ship to colonize a
planet even if it already had one in orbit with just the
colonize order remaining.
8. Fixed - When copying or upgrading a design, the old name is now
present in the Edit Design Window.
9. Fixed - Planets that are hidden by storms or nebulae were still
being drawn on the system map.
10. Fixed - Stars cannot be hidden by a storm or nebulae.
11. Fixed - AI Player turn text was not centered.
12. Fixed - Problems with AI control over their planets and fleets
introduced in the Last Version.
13. Fixed - An empire loaded from a previous game might allow you to
colonize planets other than your home planets that you had
gained the technology for in a previous game.
14. Changed - Show production values with parenthesis in the Colonies Window
if the colony does not have a spaceport or is blockaded.
15. Fixed - A ship with a construction queue that was run on emergency build
could be run at normal without the slow period if the ship
was mothballed then unmothballed.
16. Changed - The Colonies Window now displays the complete facility and cargo
17. Changed - The Ships Window now displays the complete cargo and orders list.
18. Fixed - Added a "Number Scrapped" design statistic to better display the
results of a ship that was retrofitted or scrapped (instead of
showing the design as being "Lost").
19. Fixed - In the Designs Window, you could right click an item in the list
and have the selection change, but the report would not change.
20. Fixed - If you were not the current player during a tactical combat, the
launch units window would not show your ships \ planets to launch
21. Fixed - Ships with "Endless" supplies were shown in the Ships window with
"60000 / 60000" supplies.
22. Fixed - Clarified the description for the Neural Net component.
23. Fixed - The "Send Colony Ship" button in the Planets Window would not always
pick the closest colony ship to the target planet.
24. Fixed - Improved the Population Transport minister so that it will not
deplete planets completely with multiple transports.
NOTE: The Population Transport moves population from planets with
over 1000M to planets with less than 500M (if the target planet
is not at its maximum).
25. Fixed - Typo in the description for the Robo components.
26. Fixed - Increased the cost of the Chemistry tech area to 50000.
27. Fixed - Increased the cost of the Resource Manipulation tech are to 200000.
28. Fixed - Improved the AI's use of the Open Warp Point component.
29. Fixed - Improved the AI's detection of when it is cut-off from the rest
of the galaxy.

Version 1.13:
1. Fixed - Differentiated AI players a bit more. Also made them more
aggressive and more intolerant of players in their territory.
2. Fixed - Fixed problem in combat replay where you would get an IO Error
if in a Turn-Based game the combat log was completely empty.
3. Fixed - AI should not build research facilities if they have all techs.
4. Fixed - If an empire was created with a password, that password is required
to edit it.
5. Fixed - Beam lines drawn during tactical combat were sometimes slowing down.
6. Fixed - The feature that would warn the Host if not all of the player
files was present was not working.
7. Changed - When a construction queue is in slow mode, the rate is now 25% of
8. Added - Added an option to a game setup to disable intelligence entirely.
9. Fixed - The map would be displayed if you started a new game from within
a game. Now, the map will only show if you generate it.
10. Changed - Both ground based and component based space yards are all within
the space yard tech area.
11. Fixed - The Fleet minister would disband fleets even if the individual
minister toggle was not on.
12. Fixed - Retrofitting a ship would sometimes heal damaged components.
13. Fixed - Time Distortion Burst would not work against weapon platforms.
14. Fixed - The AI would not always fire its weapons before moving away
from a target.
15. Fixed - Removed the ability "Resupply Pod" from the Abilities.txt file
because it was not being used.
16. Fixed - Added a new damage type "Disrupt Reload Times" so that the Energy
Dampner weapon would not be stopped by a Master Computer.
17. Fixed - Fixed the minimum speed requirement on ai Attack Bases.
18. Fixed - The AI would change construction queues for planets even if the
individual minister was not toggled on.
19. Fixed - Retrofitting a ship should not add a "destroyed" statistic to the
old design.
20. Fixed - AI was not corretly recognizing the extended range capability of
weapon mounts.
21. Fixed - Small Combat Sensors would upgrade to Ground Cannon.
22. Fixed - A minefield that is hit by your ships should only show the explosion
once (not per ship hit).
23. Fixed - Planets that were on the edge of the combat map in Tactical
Combat, when fired on would have weapons fire that would go off
the map.
24. Fixed - You cannot change the Colony Type of you homeworld.
25. Fixed - The Hide obsolete button should not be disabled in the Designs
Window when all of the designs listed are obsolete.

Version 1.12:
1. Fixed - Game_Racestyle.html was missing from the manual.
2. Fixed - On rare occasions, the AI Patrol minister would generate
a Range Check Error.
3. Fixed - In Finite Resource games, the deduction of resources from
planets was incorrect.
4. Changed - Reduced the cost of Solar Generators.
NOTE: Solar Generators do not reduce the value of a planet
even in a finite resource game. Also, they generate
points independent of the planet's value.
5. Fixed - Simultaneous Game - If a trade was offered, and then another
message was sent the next turn, the acceptance of the trade
by the other player would be lost (the message would come
through, but not the items).
6. Fixed - Intelligence Projects - Fuel Leak, Anarchy Groups, Ground
Contamination, Food Contamination, and Weather Disruptions
were having a few problems.
7. Added - Combat Replay capability to the log window. By pressing this
button when looking at a combat report, you will be able to
replay the entire combat in a view only mode. This replay
does NOT contain all of the details of the combat such as
exact damages of ships on each turn. It contains the movement
of the ships and their firings against other ships. You can
also point the mouse at a ship and view its design. Combat
Replay is available in both Simultaneous and Turn Based games.
In Simultaneous games, the host must send the .cmb file to
the players for them to be able to replay the combats. Whether
is it is used is determined by the "Create Combat Replay"
field in the Settings.txt file.

Version 1.11:
1. Fixed - Improved routine for checking if filename is valid.
2. Fixed - Fixed religious Talisman for Weapon Platforms (again).
3. Fixed - Ships could initiate first contact but a planet path
was needed to keep it. Now, first contact will
only occur if you see another player's ship, and there
is a planet path.
4. Fixed - Change Recover Units Remotely order to not show Mines
as a selection.

Version 1.10:
1. Fixed - Two objects cannot have the same name in a game (Caused
problems in the combat report).
2. Added - Added Manual button to the Help Window.
3. Fixed - Fixed problem with incrementing old tech cost level by one.
4. Fixed - Increased tech cost of racial tech weapons.
5. Fixed - Fixed problem with tech costs lower than the starting value.
6. Fixed - When a construction item was completed, it and the item below
it were removed from the list.
7. Fixed - Fleets would not always attack during combat.
8. Fixed - AI ships would fire weapons at a target they had taken with an
Allegiance Subverter.
9. Fixed - AI controlled fleets would sometimes clear the combat group for
no reason.
10. Fixed - A nebulae that's destroyed through stellar manipulation could
sometimes still hide items within it.
11. Fixed - A constructed sphere or ring world would use all of the resources
present in the system, not the sector.
12. Added - Added savegame directory path on the Mechanics tab of game setup.
This will allow you to specify a remote path for savegames.
13. Added - A Change Directory button to the Load \ Save game window.

Version 1.09:
1. Fixed - Religious Talismans were not working on Weapon Platforms.
2. Added - Ability to set the fleet leader for a fleet. (Just
left click on the ship in the fleet report).
3. Fixed - A ship with orders to move to a waypoint that was deleted
would cause an error when it tried to show its movement
4. Fixed - Changed the reproduction and maintenance characteristic
costs a little more (they were too expensive). Also
fixed the AI's use of them.
5. Fixed - A Construction Queue on repeat build would build items
which were not allowed.

Version 1.08:
1. Fixed - You will lost contact with another race if they do not
have any planets left, or there is no path between one
of your planets and one of theirs.
2. Fixed - Typo in the AI Speech "The [Emperor Name] shall remain
our enemies".
3. Fixed - Fixed text problems in Research chapter of manual.
4. Changed - Due to the confusion, made the satellite weapon mount
increase the size of the component by 120%.
5. Added - Population bonuses up to the 10B mark.
6. Changed - Tech Areas Allowed to display almost all of the tech
areas in the tree. The items which cannot be removed are
specified in the TechAreas.txt file.
7. Fixed - Research projects would sometimes show negative completion
8. Fixed - Old games were being loaded at 1 level lower in tech cost.
9. Fixed - Small Incinerator Beam moved to the correct tech area.
10. Fixed - Seeking Parasite component fixed up. Correct speed and damage.
11. Added - Scroll buttons to the Quick Start window to display the first
16 races to choose from.
12. Fixed - AI was getting angry way too fast.
13. Fixed - Added text descriptions to the new facilities indicating if they
are non-cumulative or not.
14. Added - Quickstart gives the player pre-made designs.
15. Fixed - Put additional fixes in to detect the CD player and play the
16. Added - Option to have all players start with planets of the same size.
17. Fixed - Specifying stellar size in the SystemTypes.txt file for a planet
would not work.
18. Fixed - Remote Mining Decreases Asteroid Value option in the Settings.txt
file was not working.
19. Fixed - Changed the Reproduction and Maintenance racial characteristics to
be true percents which are added to your current values. Due to that
the cost was increased, and the max \ min were changed.
20. Fixed - Ship names with a dash at the end of the name next to the number
(ex. "Super-003") would cause a Range Check Error.
21. Fixed - You cannot create stars in a system with a nebulae or a black hole
(Sphere worlds created in a nebulae system would dissappear).
22. Fixed - Increased the fighter shield strength.
23. Fixed - Improved the "Empires allowed to start in the same system" setting
(Empires should NOT be starting in the same systems).
24. Added - Added a note window which is displayed in the Set Construction Queue
Window when you try to add a facility which has system wide abilities
and those abilities are already present in the system.

Version 1.07:
1. Fixed - Access Violation on the AI's turn.
2. Fixed - Incorrect spelling in Tachyon Cannon description.
3. Fixed - When starting a New Game, if you select Finite Resources,
and then did a Generate Map Now, all of the planets in the
game would show 1kT in value.
4. Fixed - Bonuses which effect a planet or a system should not be
5. Fixed - Simultaneous Game: Stellar Manipulations report that the
ship does not have movement remaining when it moves to a
location and tries to execute the order.
6. Fixed - The View and Clear orders buttons should be enabled for
mothballed ships.
7. Fixed - High technology was not calculating its cost correctly.
8. Fixed - Range check error when attempting to drop population on
to a Sphere World using the Drop Population order.
9. Fixed - Experience points for loaded empires which had zero
experience would show as a large negative number.
10. Fixed - Fixed text description for "Score of X% of second player"
in the Victory Conditions window. Also set minimum to 100%.
11. Fixed - Happiness Type would not display correctly when editing an
empire in the Game Setup window.

Version 1.06:
1. Fixed - Ships which are constructing items cannot move. This includes Warp.
2. Added - Base weapon mounts with increased range modifier.
3. Fixed - Simultaneous Game: If the victory conditions were met, then sometimes
the Victory window would not be displayed and the game would just
continue on.
4. Fixed - Fixed confusing text related to Victory Conditions not applying until
after X turns.
5. Fixed - Improved the AI's determination if there are support ships for a
transport trying to land troops to capture a planet.
6. Fixed - Simultaneous Game: AI players would accept a gift message but the items
would not change hands.
7. Fixed - Added "non-cumulative" descriptions to components and facilities.
8. Fixed - Fixed problems with system-wide damage bonus.
9. Fixed - Fixed problems with system-wide combat bonus.
10. Added - Added 3 facilities and 2 weapons to Crystalline Technology.
11. Added - Added 3 facilities and 2 weapons to Temporal Technology.
12. Added - Added 3 facilities and 1 weapon to Psychic Technology.
13. Fixed - Application of planet resource modifiers was not quite right.
14. Fixed - Added spaces to all component and facility names with a dash in them.

Version 1.05:
1. Fixed - Simultaneous Game - Retrofits would sometime result in weird designs
or a log message saying the retrofit was in error.
2. Fixed - AI players were not growing angry at players who were not on their team.
3. Fixed - The AI will still try to build units on planets with maxed out
storage space.
4. Changed - All bases now get a 50% modifier to maintenance cost.
5. Fixed - Defensive intelligence projects would sometimes show negative points.
6. Fixed - Large numbers of fighters were taking too long in combat.
7. Changed - Increased the cost of defensive intelligence projects.
8. Note - Defensive projects are effective while they are in progress. In addition,
more defensive projects are better than just one.
9. Fixed - Sometimes fleets would uncloak from turn to turn.
10. Fixed - Sometimes a ship with a spaceyard would not allow you to set its
construction queue (this was usually for ships that could cloak).
11. Note - A ship that is cloaked cannot construct anything. If you cloak a ship
that is currently constructing something, its queue will be cleared.
12. Fixed - Clicking from one satellite group to another would not display the unit
13. Fixed - Sometimes a happiness event would say that they were from winning battles
when in fact the battles had been lost.
14. Changed - Planetary rebellion has now become more difficult. In addition, there is a
chance that the rebellion will forms its own government instead of joining
your empire.
15. Fixed - The combat notification window will have the third empire be overlapped by
the begin button.
16. Fixed - AI should not design colony ships with Multiplex Tracking or Combat Sensors.
17. Fixed - The default fleet name would sometimes be the same as an existing fleet. This
has been changed so that the name will represent the total number of fleets
that you have ever built.
18. Fixed - There were spelling errors in some of the data files.

Version 1.04:
1. Added - "Scrap Facil Types" button to colony window.
2. Fixed - Shard Cannon V and VI damage should be different.
3. Fixed - Starting a new game from within a tutorial game would leave the
tutorial icon.
4. Fixed - If you scrap a spaceyard on a planet, any ships in the construction
queue will be removed.
5. Changed - Increased speeds of seekers and fighters. Made fighters harder to hit.
Decrease damage of Point Defense Cannons. Thanks to AJCaton!
6. Fixed - Made Intel Defense more effective.
7. Fixed - Seekers should self-destruct if they are targeted on anything that
the seeker's owner now owns (like captured planets).
8. Changed - Increased size of repair bays to 150kT.
9. Fixed - Transfer window would displays ships that you did not own.
10. Fixed - Tractor\Repulser beams would still move ships on top of each other.
11. Fixed - Mines would show up in combat.
12. Fixed - Combat Log will now say "Taken" for a ship if it is captured in combat
(instead of "Dead").
13. Fixed - Save\Load dialog was not wrapping the filenames.
14. Fixed - Trade and Research Alliance text was not showing completely in the Politics
15. Fixed - Nebulae and Asteroids were not showing in combat simulations as map filling.
16. Changed - Satellite Groups can fire on as many targets as there are satellites, or up
to the multiplex level. Fighter Groups can only ever fire on one target.
17. Fixed - The AI would sometime stop firing when it had weapons available.
18. Fixed - AI should not fire the Allegiance Subverter against a ship with a Master

Version 1.03:
1. Fixed - Ground combat would continue from turn to turn even after a
peace treaty or a surrender.
2. Fixed - Experience bug would sometimes cause experience points for an
empire to jump up to 2000000.
3. Changed - Increased maximum experience from 2M to 500M.
4. Fixed - Planet creation would error if the system did not have a name.
5. Fixed - Simultaneous Game: AI was not always responding to political Messages.
6. Fixed - Simultaneous Game: AI could respond on the very next turn to a message
that was sent. This should be 2 turns later.
7. Fixed - If the leader of a combat group is blocked in their movement, then the
combat group will be disbanded.
8. Fixed - Replicant center would only produce your population. They will now
proportionately produce the populations that are present on the planet.
9. Fixed - When you viewed your Empire Status, and you have ships performing remote
mining, you would lose value in your asteroids. (Dough!)
10. Changed - Tweaked the happiness modifiers on reproduction. They now range from
-5% to +5% to reproduction based on happiness.
11. Added - A confirmation message if you want to remove the first item in the
construction queue.
12. Fixed - Internal damage to fighters was not correct in combat.
13. Fixed - Simultaneous Game: Problems where changes made in a game turn would not
be reflected in the next turn. This may be fixed. We think it was caused
by running the Movement Replay.

Sarge is coming...

Richard Arnesen
Director of Covert Ops
Shrapnel Games
Change is inevitable, how you handle change is controllable - J. Strong
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Old December 9th, 2000, 03:50 AM

Aloid Aloid is offline
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Default Re: Up to date beta patch info..

Wow... I just pooped my shorts...
This is great stuff!

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Old December 9th, 2000, 05:45 AM

Bakunine Bakunine is offline
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Default Re: Up to date beta patch info..

I�ve never seen any product getting so many upgrades and so fast. It seems that MM works 48 hours a day! It�s my first time posting here and it�s very unusual to see a good quality forum like this. Can anyone tell me when the new patch will be available.
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Old December 9th, 2000, 06:50 AM

Talenn Talenn is offline
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Default Re: Up to date beta patch info..

Looks good so far. I like the 'AI wont tolerate' stuff.

Any luck on getting a master list of exactly which files contain changes? I would LOVE this feature and I think it will be necessary if people intend to have custom data sets. It will take far too long to File Compare EVERY data file in the game to scan for changes.

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Old December 9th, 2000, 07:05 AM

Danny Danny is offline
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Default Re: Up to date beta patch info..

Looks like the bugs I've been seeing have been fixed, but can't you pull an NVIDIA and post new Versions daily as beta's with a "Use at your own risk warning?"

I AM Canadian.
I AM Canadian.
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Old December 9th, 2000, 08:23 AM

Voidhawk Voidhawk is offline
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Default Re: Up to date beta patch info..

Superb. I think in all my 29 years of living on this earth I MAY have used that word twice. Superb. There, that makes four.

Thanks for the update, Richard, just what I've been looking for. I will go to bed happy now and dream of getting systematically slaughtered by merciless aliens. Ahh...
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Old December 9th, 2000, 12:16 PM

Bakunine Bakunine is offline
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Default Re: Up to date beta patch info..

New Versions daily as beta's with a "Use at your own risk warning?"
Danny, great idea!
I would love that and to MM that could be productive. So it looks like it would make everione happy.

I�m Portuguese
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Old December 9th, 2000, 04:11 PM
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Default Re: Up to date beta patch info..

Thanks Richard for this great news. As I am trying to mod some of the ship designs it is always usefull to know what MM is planing. I don't want to spent a lot of time tweaking and fixing something when MM already has done this.
For, in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's futures. And we are all mortal. - JFK
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Old December 9th, 2000, 06:16 PM

lnielsen lnielsen is offline
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Default Re: Up to date beta patch info..

I was expecting to see retrofiting of weapon platforms on the list. I have all my cargo space consumed on planets with obsolete weapons.

Long term I would like to see diferent strategies for diferent types of targets (seaking, direct, unarmed). This may be fixed by the optimal/max firing range mods.
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Old December 9th, 2000, 07:26 PM

jowe01 jowe01 is offline
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Default Re: Up to date beta patch info..

Great, this seems to address the most urgent AI stuff.
I do not want to appear an eternal pain, but hopefully things like AI memory (of attacks and their outcome, of minefields,...), AI identification of "dangerous areas", AI target evaluation, AI "strategy", etc. will also be addressed soon.
I am looking forward to this patch for the time being.
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