Modern distributions of Linux are rather plug'n'play, actually. You do not have to do any sort of custom installation. You can probably order a Knoppix CD, but unless you are on dial up, it is easier to just download and burn it.
I am on a dial up. Budgetary constraints force this evil upon me!!! Is there site that I can order a Knoppix CD? Yes I can do a search, but I figure you would know where some of the best prices might be out there and with the dial up it would save me time, so I can spend more time here!
OK, I ordered my Knoppix DVD and will be ready to learn the ways of Linux. It did mention that the DVD will boot into German and have to be cheat coded to US? I hope this is documented so I don't have to order a German CD to learn how to use Linux. With any luck, maybe Microsoft is on it's way out or will have to get their act together!!!
Is there a Linux thread on this board other than the one I have seemed to create here? I know I've seen discussions about this somewhere else.
Just Linux, nice site! Thanks for the lead parabolize. I hope that I don't have any questions about Linux once I get the materials and DVD. But that FAQ site is good for protocol in asking questions. Right now I just eagerly await my disk!