
February 21st, 2004, 08:03 PM
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Re: Noob\'s shot at an R\'lyeh AAR
Originally posted by CharonJr:
Glisas made the Hall of Fame and gained 1 level and Quickness.
Awesome! You got arguably the best HoF bonus for it! Congrats!
In Tiash a Steel Oven was found, providing +40 production and a construction bonus of 20 (IIRC this makes forged items cost less gems, I think I will build a lab there and move some of my forging mages to Tiash).
A good idea.

February 21st, 2004, 09:33 PM
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Re: Noob\'s shot at an R\'lyeh AAR
BTW, is there any HoF Bonus that adds huge chunks of protection ? I think I would actually have prefered this since the Vastness mainly kills passively.
And I will enable the names for the next screenshot, sadly the banners are partially hiding the names.
I will move my mages on potential forge duty over to Tiash on this turn, too  I have to start getting me some nice death and blood items in addition to astral and nature I partially have.
It looks like I am getting into a large one here by the results from the Last turn. I hope I will be able to post it in 1-2 hours.

February 21st, 2004, 09:38 PM
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Re: Noob\'s shot at an R\'lyeh AAR
Originally posted by CharonJr:
BTW, is there any HoF Bonus that adds huge chunks of protection?
Yes, it's called "Tough Skin", and the Jotun Herse I began my AAR with, Bove, has it. With 2 stars, he's getting +8 to his Protection!

February 21st, 2004, 11:51 PM
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Re: Noob\'s shot at an R\'lyeh AAR
Turn 30
7 earth gems were found in C�tis this turn in addition to 6 blood slaves in Gol Phalas.
The walls of Abysia were breached and due to the long siege and their killed pretender I don�t expect any opposition here.
All the battles in the Jotun provinces were only fought by token forces (likely PD).
Provinces: 24
Treasury: 1112
Income: 1438
Upkeep: 813
RP: 257 (mainly due to moves)
Fortification: 3
Temple: 8
Conjuration � 6 (researching)
Alteration � 6
Evocation � 6
Construction � 6
Enchantment � 6 (researching, will reach 7 this turn)
Thaumaturgy � 6
Blood Magic � 3
Fire gems: 5
Air: 37 (+2)
Water gems: 13 (+6)
Earth: 8 (+1)
Astral gems: 7 (+4/+7)
Death: 38 (+5)
Nature: 29 (+9)
Blood: 24
Updated province information:
Due to the map (and time constraints  ) I will skip this section and just make some general comments here.
It seems like Jotunheim is at war with Man, which would explain the absence of Jotun troops, but this will surely change soon. I have to try and take out the Jotun capital as soon as possible.
My Provinces:
R�lyeh (10) � 29.740 pop, 100% tax, 0 UR, 284 inc, 72 res, 25 def, dom9 � magic site (+3As/+2W) - Temple
Gol Phalas (26) � 12.740 pop, 100% tax, 0 UR, 62 inc, 9 res, 0 def, dom 2 - Temple
Dunheim (28) � 11.460 pop, 100% tax, 0 UR, 65 inc, 5 res, 0 def, dom 3
Talito (36) � 7.410 pop, 100% tax, 0 UR, 36 inc, 11 res, 0 def, dom 2 - magic site (+2W, +1N) - Temple
Dershid (20) � 6.380 pop, 100% tax, 0 UR, 35 inc, 9 res, 0 def, dom 7 � magic site (+1W, +1As)
C�tis (27) � 32.790 pop, 100% tax, 0 UR, 223 inc, 108 res, 0 def, dom 1 � magic site (+2D/+2N/+1W, +20prod, +10gold)
Hoburgdorf (34) � 13.670 pop, 100% tax, 0 UR, 80 inc, 9 res, 0 def, dom 2
Abysia (40) � 25.130 pop, 100% tax, 0 UR, 124 inc, 44 res, 0 def, dom 1 � magic site (+)
Nifel (57) � 1.590 pop, 100% tax, 0 UR, 4 inc, 41 res, 0 def, dom 1 � magic site (+1Ai, +1D/D imp, +1D/D imp, +20prod) - Temple
Chilad (52) � 2.630 pop, 80% tax, 5 UR, 7 inc, 22 res, 0 def, dom 0 - Temple
Gol Ryepe (46) � 18.690 pop, 100% tax, 0 UR, 75 inc, 9 res, 0 def, dom 1 - Temple
Glimmering Field (61) � 24.070 pop, 100% tax, 0 UR, 97 inc, 12 res, 0 def, dom -1
Giant�s Rest (67) � 1.560 pop, 100% tax, 0 UR, 4 inc, 28 res, 0 def, dom 0
Scytha (35) - 4.920 pop, 100% tax, 0 UR, 24 inc, 26 res, 0 def, dom 1 - Temple
Kolermegor (5) � 9.650 pop, 100% tax, 0 UR, 52 inc, 30 res, 0 def, dom 2
Vepitre (14) � 5.040 pop, 100% tax, 0 UR, 49 inc, 12 res, 0 def, dom 0 � Marble Temple (UR-5/+20 gold/can recruit High Priest)
Aran Plains (23) � 11.890 pop, 100% tax, 0 UR, 53 inc, 24 res, 0 def, dom -3
Pangaea (12) � 26.330 pop, 90% tax, 3 UR, 95 inc, 89 res, 0 def, dom -5 � magic site (+5N)
Tiash (15) � 2.510 pop, 100% tax, 7 UR, 7 inc, 41 res, 0 def, dom 6
Oune (19) � 1.730 pop, 20% tax, 38 UR, 0 inc, 10 res, 0 def, dom -2
Old Aran (29) � 3.990 pop, 70% tax, 14 UR, 9 inc, 6 res, 0 def, dom 0
Agenor (37) � 11.050 pop, 70% tax, 13 UR, 30 inc, 14 res, 0 def, dom -4 � magic site (40 blood magic bonus, +1E/+1N)
Cacian Forest (45) � 6.550 pop, 30% tax, 34 UR, 4 inc, 15 res, 0 def, dom 0
With this sweet site in Agenor it looks like I will have to get my blood slave program running more seriously (I have not used this site before, but I assume that is saves 40% of the gems used in blood spells). After I brought conjuring up to 7 (sweet summons there) I will switch my research to blood. Atlanasha should be a good keeper of horror marked items due to the bodyguards. For additional protection a Ring of Warning will/should be forged.
I got a lot of options for acashic record right now, but want to cast it on a fairly safe province and hope to get some more nature gems, because of this I will cast it on Kolermegor.
I got a 1F, 1W, 4S mage this turn who will be moved to Scytha.
3 mages will move to Tiash in order to forge there when I get the necessary gems.
Due to the way Jotunheim expanded I suspect their capital to be in the northeast and my forces will mainly move this way with just a small part of my forces (including the Vastness Glisas due to its movement) trying to take out the southern Jotun provinces.
I can still see no Jotun forces, but the army of Man in Silvania (70 longbowmen, militias and slingers) might pose a real problem when we decide to attack the same province. It might attack Ruina (32) or Aenasia (54). I lack the air magic to protect my troops from the arrows.
This is no real problem for my army prepared to invade Aenasia since the summoned/enslaved troops have decent protection, but my 2 armies set up to invade Runia would be in trouble since only the Illithid Soldiers have decent protection. I could send my Vastness to Ruina as addition support with orders to attack archers, but this would �waste� the opportunity to take another province (Birman Highs in this case).
Glisas will move to Ruina to back up my troops moving there since I can�t afford to lose the momentum of my attacks.
The 2 armies from Cacian Forest (45) will continue to the currently undefended (except PD) province of Feldan Forest (51).
2 of my armies (Illithid Soldiers and some summons) will move from Abysia to Nifel (57).
2 other armies from Abysia (about 25 fodder) will move to Scytha.
The remaining army in Abysia (with about 10 fodder) will storm the castle in Abysia.
The Sea King and the mage with their Sea Trolls and 2 Greater Otherness will move to Cacian Forest.
The priest from Vepitre will move to Kolermegor and the priest from C�tis will move to Bright Woods in order to build temples there.
I will buy 1 more starspawn mage and another star child this turn again, 3 Crossbowmen and 1 Heavy Infantry will be bought in Pangaea.
To be continued...
map: http://homes.highspeed3.de/CharonJr/R'lyehAART30.JPG
[ February 23, 2004, 09:20: Message edited by: CharonJr ]

February 23rd, 2004, 10:31 PM
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Re: Noob\'s shot at an R\'lyeh AAR
Turn 31
Enchantment is up to level 7, now research will be switched to conjuration (till level 7) with the remaining points going into blood magic.
Acashic record was cast on Kolermegor and 2 magic sites were revealed � a Mercury Pond (2W) and a Citadel of the Lore Masters (2S, can recruit Lore Masters (150g, 4?, 12 RP) and Sages (80g, 1?, 7 RP) in addition to a lab. This looks like a potential source for new mages who can forge. 180g for 12 RP is a decent ratio, too I think.
My scout in Dunheim captured 8 blood slaves in addition to my blood hunting mage capturing 6 slaves in Gol Phalas.
There was an uprising of some knights and militias in my province of Chilad and since there were no defenders there I lost it without a fight. On the bright side it seems like Ulm had something similar happen to him in Bolfagon (Barbarians in his case).
Atlanasha was attacked by 2 Greater Otherness and lost 2 of the Thing from Beyond bodyguards.
The fortress in Abysia was taken without any resistance.
My troops in Nifel are beginning to starve.
Feldan Forest was taken without any real resistance.
The battle in Aenasia was intereting since it managed to catch the Jotunheim pretender � a Great Mother � out in the open, guarded by just 6 Jotun militias. My mage managed to enslave 2 militias and the rest were dispatched by my centaur forces fairly quickly. The Great Mother was a TAD harder  27 regen each turn and close to 300 HP are bad news. It managed to kill about 4 of my troops before my mage got a successful paralyse in � it was down to 100 HP at this time. Shortly after this the battle was won and the Jotun pretender was dead
Right after this battle my forces were attacked by the forces of Man from Silvania (about 35 longbowman and 5 infantry). After the Centaurs and Summons charged the infantry and killed them (the ones who were not already enslaved  ) and one of my berserking Centaurs reached the lowbowmen they routed. In the end about 10 longbowmen were killed, the rest was able to escape to Silvania. They lost 1 commander and 15 men while I gained 1 longspear, 1 longbowman and 1 slinger.
More importantly I found the Jotunheim capital right to the north of Aenasia.
The battle in Runia was over before it really began, my troops only faced 5 militias who were enslaved before even getting close.
Man has spilt its troops in Silvania and while one part attacked Aenasia the other part attacked Runia and met my troops there, too. Man�s forces consisted of about 30 troops, mainly spearman, some slingers and knights. The knights were stunned/enslaved on the first turn, the Vastness attacked the slingers and soon Man�s forces were retreating. In the end they lost all except 1 man while I gained 3 spearman, 1 Cu Shide and 1 knight (sadly all with battle afflictions).
Provinces: 26
Treasury: 1118
Income: 1474
Upkeep: 851
RP: 257 (mainly due to moves)
Fortification: 4
Temple: 8
Conjuration � 6 (researching, will reach 7 this turn)
Alteration � 6
Evocation � 6
Construction � 6
Enchantment � 7
Thaumaturgy � 6
Blood Magic � 3 (researching)
Fire gems: 6 (+5)
Air: 39 (+2)
Water gems: 5 (+8)
Earth: 9 (+1)
Astral gems: 0 (+4/+7)
Death: 35 (+5)
Nature: 34 (+9)
Blood: 24
Updated province information:
Due to the map (and time constraints  ) I will skip this section and just make some general comments here.
Man tried to attack 2 Jotun provinces but since my forces had already taken them they attacked me instead.
Most importantly I found the Jotunheim capital and will move there.
My Provinces:
R�lyeh (10) � 29.740 pop, 100% tax, 0 UR, 284 inc, 72 res, 25 def, dom9 � magic site (+3As/+2W) - Temple
Gol Phalas (26) � 12.700 pop, 0% tax, 24 UR, 0 inc, 6 res, 0 def, dom 4 - Temple
Dunheim (28) � 11.440 pop, 80% tax, 10 UR, 42 inc, 4 res, 0 def, dom 4
Talito (36) � 7.350 pop, 100% tax, 0 UR, 31 inc, 11 res, 0 def, dom 2 - magic site (+2W, +1N) - Temple
Dershid (20) � 6.380 pop, 100% tax, 0 UR, 35 inc, 9 res, 0 def, dom 7 � magic site (+1W, +1As)
C�tis (27) � 32.790 pop, 100% tax, 0 UR, 223 inc, 108 res, 0 def, dom 1 � magic site (+2D/+2N/+1W, +20prod, +10gold) - Temple
Hoburgdorf (34) � 13.670 pop, 100% tax, 0 UR, 80 inc, 9 res, 0 def, dom 3
Abysia (40) � 24.830 pop, 100% tax, 0 UR, 155 inc, 104 res, 0 def, dom 1 � magic site (+5 fire, +30 gold)
Nifel (57) � 1.570 pop, 100% tax, 0 UR, 3 inc, 28 res, 0 def, dom 2 � magic site (+1Ai, +1D/D imp, +1D/D imp, +20prod) - Temple
Gol Ryepe (46) � 18.510 pop, 80% tax, 8 UR, 63 inc, 8 res, 0 def, dom 1 - Temple
Glimmering Field (61) � 23.870 pop, 100% tax, 0 UR, 113 inc, 12 res, 0 def, dom -1
Giant�s Rest (67) � 1.530 pop, 100% tax, 0 UR, 3 inc, 28 res, 0 def, dom 1 � magic site (+1A, 1+D/increases death)
Scytha (35) - 4.890 pop, 100% tax, 0 UR, 24 inc, 26 res, 0 def, dom 1 - Temple
Kolermegor (5) � 9.650 pop, 100% tax, 0 UR, 52 inc, 30 res, 0 def, dom 2 � magic site (+2W, +2S/recruit loremaster/sage)
Vepitre (14) � 5.040 pop, 100% tax, 0 UR, 44 inc, 12 res, 0 def, dom 3 � Marble Temple (UR-5/+20 gold/can recruit High Priest)
Aran Plains (23) � 11.890 pop, 100% tax, 0 UR, 55 inc, 24 res, 0 def, dom 1
Pangaea (12) � 26.650 pop, 90% tax, 3 UR, 110 inc, 89 res, 0 def, dom -5 � magic site (+5N)
Tiash (15) � 2.510 pop, 100% tax, 0 UR, 13 inc, 42 res, 0 def, dom 6
Oune (19) � 1.730 pop, 60% tax, 17 UR, 2 inc, 11 res, 0 def, dom -1
Old Aran (29) � 3.990 pop, 90% tax, 4 UR, 14 inc, 6 res, 0 def, dom 0
Agenor (37) � 11.120 pop, 90% tax, 4 UR, 46 inc, 15 res, 0 def, dom -4 � magic site (40 blood magic bonus, +1E/+1N)
Cacian Forest (45) � 6.580 pop, 70% tax, 10 UR, 17 inc, 24 res, 0 def, dom 1
Aenasia (54) � magic site (+1S)
I got a 1A, 1W, 3S, 1B mage this turn who will cast Acashic Record on Cacian Forest.
I will forge 2 Clam of Pearl (8W each), 1 Sceptre of Authority (4F) and 1 Ivy Crown (4N) in Tiash.
My summoned/enslaved armies will attack the roughly 6 Huskarls in Jotunheim. Man�s forces in Gipha consist of about 80 knights and lowbowmen which might pose a real problem if they attack on this turn, too. Due to this I change my troop setup. The 3 units that were enslaved during the Last battle are placed as point guards (fodder) and set to attack closest. The Centaurs are send to the right flank, a bit behind the fodder with orders to attack archers. The summons are set up a little bit to the left of the center and behind the fodder with orders to attack closest.
20 Jotun Flagelants and Hurlers are in Iron Range and might attack Aenasia. I will send my Sea Troll army to secure Aenasia in addition to a lone 4S mage from Scytha and another mage with 2 Greater Otherness from Cacian Forest.
The 2 other armies in Scytha (fodder + 3 Illithids) will secure Runia and provide backup in the south in addition to a mage from Old Aran with some fodder.
The 2 armies in Runia will attack the roughly 9 Jotun archers in Birman Highs.
Glisas will fly to Black Forest which seems to be only defended by a Great Hag which might be the Jotun prophet.
I don�t want to attack Yldmyre due to Man possibly attacking there from Silvania.
The 2 armies in Nifel will attack the roughly 30 Barbarians in Bolfagon. This might gain me an former Ulm province while I keep Chilad for a later conquest. Ulm might attack, too, and it seems like the Ulm army in Monherboa is lead the the Ulm pretender (a Moloch) � it consists of about 20 Militias and Light Infantries.
The 2 armies in Feldan Forest will invade the undefended Jotun province of Faran (likely 1-10 PD).
The priest from Abysia will move to Nifel with some fodder as backup in order to provide flexibility in the future.
Temples will be build in Kolermegor and Bright Woods.
I will buy 1 more starspawn mage and a Lore Master, in addition to 3 Crossbowmen and 1 Heavy Infantry will be bought in Pangaea.
To be continued...
Map: http://homes.highspeed3.de/CharonJr/R'lyehAART31.JPG

February 24th, 2004, 12:19 PM
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Re: Noob\'s shot at an R\'lyeh AAR
Some thoughts about the overall strategic situation:
I am starting to overextend here I am afraid, while the war vs. Jotunheim is progressing very nicely I am leaving my northern and southern flanks very open to attacks from Ulm/Atlantis and Marignon respectivly.
Due to Man fighting Jotunheim, too, and there already have been 3 clashes between my forces and those of Man this might escalate into a real war, too.
Sadly it looks like Ulm and Atlantis did not go to war about the province of Witches Copse and Ulm even has withdrawn its troops from Witches Copse to the east (Monherboa) most likely to retake the province of Bolfagon.
Ulm has sufficient forces to hit my open flanks and force me to divert a lot of my forces to deal with them.
Since I am fairly certain that my empire is currently number one in number of provinces (likely income, gems, fortresses and research, too) it is most likely just a question of time before the AIs gang up on me.
Due to the lack of forces I am able to see from Marignon I am wondering what they are doing, but I dare to say that the apparent lack of visible forces is a sign that they are at war, too.
With Pangaea, C�tis and Abysia down and Atlantis, Jotunheim, Marignon, Man and Ulm accounted for I am still missing Pythium and Arcoscephale. Maybe Marignon is at war with one of them.
Pythium and Arcoscephale are most likely located in the eastern part of the map (due to Atlantis most likely having started in one of the northern sea provinces).
One of the possible ways to secure my southeastern flank would be to invade Marignon once the war with Jotunheim is over. Currently I am only able to build up a token force in Pangaea and hope that Marignon will keep on being preoccupied for some more turns.
I could build up a decent defensive ring by sending troops and building PDs in the provinces of Gol Ryepe, Abysia, Scytha, Aran Plain and Pangaea which is anchored by the 2 fortifications and would protect most of high income provinces and temples. The ring is still open in the south, but I am not overly worried about this hole.
The defense of Agenor and the 40 blood site there have a very high priority for me, too, because I am currently lacking troops to effectively defend my realm while still being able to field decent offensive forces.
But for the moment I prefer to let my offense be my best defense. In contrast to PDs troops can be moved where they are needed and are able to be used offensively and defensively.
My defensive ring of indies in the sea can be shattered soon by Atlantis especially since they seemed to have not gone to war vs. Ulm. I have to hope that they are at least at war with either Pythium or Arcoscephale.
The key point at the moment as I see them are:
1. Very volatile situation due to me being most likely the leader in most graphs
2. Lack of troops to effectively defend my flanks
3. Reliance on the AIs to be preoccupied by their own wars
4. Lack of ressources to discourage the AIs by building PDs
5. Gem income only slowly starting to pick up to summon forces/empower summoners
The best remedy I can currently think of is a closer focus on getting new gems and getting my mages the skills needed to get good summons.
In order to do this I will keep on using Acashic Record and to get my astral gem production up to a level where I can cast 1 Acashic Record each turn.
In addition I still need a lot of mages to forge the items (I have astral, water, fire, nature, (blood � due to needing him to bloodhunt) but still lack any 2+ mage in death, earth and air). I hope that some of the Lore Masters which I will recruit each turn now will provide me with some of the lacking skills due to their 4?.
The lab in Tiash with the 20% gem reduction is helping in getting the items needed to support the summons (summon enhancers + spell-skill items). I would love to get the costs for forging the items further down, but due to my low earth gem income this would mean using alchemy in order to get the earth gems and currently I prefer to use those gems for other items or summons.
Due to using Enslave Mind and my mage�s poor leadership I have to keep producing some Scepters of Authority to enable them to command the additional troops.
A Staff of Storms would be a nice addition to my defensive arsenal, but I am still lacking a 3A mage.
My summons will be mostly in astral, death, nature and water and I mostly lack in death.
Some items I will forge sooner or later, there are other ones:
All skills:
Robe of the Magi � Slot: Body � magic needed: 4A, 4B � effect: +1 (cursed)
Ring of Wizardry � Slot: Misc � magic needed: 5S � effect: +1
Death increasing items:
Skull Staff � Slot: 2H � magic needed: 2D � effect: +1
Scepter of Dark Regency (unique) � Slot: 1H � magic needed: 4D � effect: +3
Skullface � Slot: Head � magic needed: 3D � effect: +1
Ring of Sorcery � Slot: Misc � magic needed: 4S � effect: +1
The Black Book of Secrets (unique) � magic needed: 2D, 2B � effect: +1
Nature increasing items:
Thistle Mace � Slot: 1H � magic needed: 2N � effect: +1
Treelords Staff � Slot: 2H � magic needed: 4N (will be forged next due to the summon bonus) � effect: +2
Ring of Sorcery � Slot: Misc � magic needed: 4S � effect: +1
Moonvine Bracelet � Slot: Misc � magic needed: 3N, 1S � effect: +1
The Tome of Gaia (unique) � Slot: Misc � magic needed: 2N, 2E � effect: +1
Water increasing items:
Staff of Elemental Mastery � Slot: 2H � magic needed: 3F, 3W / 3A, 3E � effect: +1
Robe of the Sea � Slot: Body � magic needed: 3W � effect: +1
Water Bracelet � Slot: Misc � magic needed: 1W � effect: +1
Orb of Atlantis (unique) � Slot: Misc � magic needed: 4W, 1E � effect: +1
Blood increasing items:
Blood Thorn � Slot: 1H � magic needed: 3B � effect: +1
Armor of Souls � Slot: Body � magic needed: 4B � effect: +1
Brazen Vessel � Slot: Misc � magic needed: 3B � effect: +1
Ring of Sorcery � Slot: Misc � magic needed: 4S � effect: +1
The Black Book of Secrets (unique) � magic needed: 2D, 2B � effect: +1
Fire increasing items:
Staff of Elemental Mastery � Slot: 2H � magic needed: 3F, 3W / 3A, 3E � effect: +1
Flame Helmet � Slot: Head � magic needed: 3F � effect: +1
Skull of Fire � Slot: Misc � magic needed: 1F, 1D � effect: +1
The Ruby Eye (unique) � Slot: Misc � magic needed: 3F � effect: +1 (cursed, +2 water gems/turn)
The Forbidden Light (unique) � Slot: Misc � magic needed: 3S, 3F � effect: +2 (cursed/horror marked)
Air increasing items:
Staff of Elemental Mastery � Slot: 2H � magic needed: 3F, 3W / 3A, 3E � effect: +1
Winged Helmet � Slot: Head � magic needed: 3A � effect: +1
Bag of Winds � Slot: Misc � magic needed: 3A � effect: +1
Tome of High Power (unique) � Slot: Misc � magic needed: 2A, 2S � effect: +1
Astral increasing items:
Starshine Skullcap � Slot: Head � magic needed: 2S � effect: +1 + raises skeletons
Crystal Coin � Slot: Misc � magic needed: 2S, 2E � effect: +1
Ring of Sorcery � Slot: Misc � magic needed: 4S � effect: +1
Tome of High Power (unique) � Slot: Misc � magic needed: 2A, 2S � effect: +1
The Forbidden Light (unique) � Slot: Misc � magic needed: 3S, 3F � effect: +2 (cursed/horror marked)
Earth increasing items:
Staff of Elemental Mastery � Slot: 2H � magic needed: 3F, 3W / 3A, 3E � effect: +1
Earth Boots - Slot: Feet � magic needed: 2E � effect: +1
Blood Stone � Slot: Misc � magic needed: 3B, 1E � effect: +1 (+1 earth gem / turn)
The Tome of Gaia (unique) � Slot: Misc � magic needed: 2N, 2E � effect: +1
Soul Contract � Slot: Misc � magic needed: 5B � summons 1 Devil/turn
Magic Lamp ? Does is enable the summon of a Jinn each turn, or just once ? (sounds like just once to me)
Well, there is still lot to do, I just have to hope I have the time, otherwise I might have to trade provinces, troops and money (PDs) for time.
Any comments or other ideas ?

February 24th, 2004, 07:14 PM
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Re: Noob\'s shot at an R\'lyeh AAR
The Djinni lamp is an expendable artifact; you forge it, use it, and lose it. In exchange, you get a Djinni mage. If anybody else forges the lamp again, you'll lose the mage.
Are we insane yet? Are we insane yet? Aiiieeeeee...

February 24th, 2004, 08:47 PM
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Re: Noob\'s shot at an R\'lyeh AAR
Thank you  I don't think I will forge that one, enough other things to do

February 24th, 2004, 08:56 PM
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Re: Noob\'s shot at an R\'lyeh AAR
Have you tried blood hunting with scouts? If you find that it's effective, that may free up mages for you to use elsewhere.
EDIT: in your self-described precarious situation, I'd advise that you knock Jotunheim out as soon as you can and make no aggressive moves towards Atlantis or Ulm. Especially Atlantis. Atlantis may seem a natural next victim for you, but you'll probably be better off with going after Ulm once the Jotuns have been dealt with. Tritons are a nuisance, and land provinces have better/more gem sites.
[ February 24, 2004, 19:01: Message edited by: Arryn ]

February 24th, 2004, 09:34 PM
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Re: Noob\'s shot at an R\'lyeh AAR
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