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Old February 26th, 2004, 11:01 PM

CharonJr CharonJr is offline
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Default Re: Noob\'s shot at an R\'lyeh AAR

Originally posted by Arryn:
Nicely done against Jotunheim and Marignon.

The 3D mage will be mighty useful.

The Vastness needs to be careful with knights. They're a tough, dangerous foe.
Yeah, I love my brave warriors

But mainly I think that I have been fairly lucky till now since I was able to fight my enemies mostly one at a time (or was mainly just mopping up when a new war began).

The fairly small size of the map is helping in keeping my troops in positions which give me decent strategic flexibility.

When I reread the turn just now I realised how stupid I have been when I send my Vastness there solo. Mainly I had already decided to attack on the next turn with the 2 armies when I remembered that I had no new target for Glisas. When I assigned Glisas to attack I didn't remember that I had an army in striking distance already, but exchanged it with the 2 armies

Well, we will see if this mistake will be a costly one. Due to the 2 defensive casts prior to attacking rear orders I hope to be able to catch the commanders and route the enemy before the knights are able to attack.

The 3Ds out of 4? were VERY lucky, especially considering that I really needed D

Overall I surely can't complain about bad luck in this game

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Old February 26th, 2004, 11:09 PM
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Default Re: Noob\'s shot at an R\'lyeh AAR

Originally posted by CharonJr:
Due to the 2 defensive casts prior to attacking rear orders I hope to be able to catch the commanders and route the enemy before the knights are able to attack.
If one of those 2 casts is Astral Shield, then the knights shouldn't be much of a problem. Otherwise it might be ... unfortunate.
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Old February 26th, 2004, 11:32 PM

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Default Re: Noob\'s shot at an R\'lyeh AAR

Personal Luck and Astral Shield

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Old February 27th, 2004, 02:06 AM

Patrik Patrik is offline
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Default Re: Noob\'s shot at an R\'lyeh AAR

Originally posted by CharonJr:
Thats's one of the reasons why I am not overly worried about Marignon's attack since I think that I have enough mages in reserve (IIRC about 10) who can be brought up to 4S with a Starshine Cap and who should be able to stop Marignon cold in their tracks fairly fast. That's one of the reasons why I am forging 2 additional Starshine Caps this turn.
Banner of the Northern Star (Con 6, 20S) increases astral lvl by one on all astral mages in battle. Should be cheaper than forging Starshine Caps.
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Old February 27th, 2004, 07:47 PM

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Default Re: Noob\'s shot at an R\'lyeh AAR

Turn 36

3 blood slaves were captured in Dunheim and 5 in Gol Phalas.

Another 3 Vine Ogres were summoned in Kolermegor.

The was an ill omen in Runia, a midwinter celebration (increased faith) in Kolermegor and 50 additional taxes were levied in Glade Woods.

The province of Illidar was taken without a fight.

The 10 knights and 15 militias in Spire Woods were defeated without problems by Glisas.

The 2 Marignon Witch hunters In Oune were enslaved while they were still casting their preparation spells

The Marignon forces in Stone Spires of Aran (20 piketeers including 15 PDs) were easily defeated � fighting among themself/mindbLasts and routing before my troops were able to engage them.

Marignon attacked me in Pangaea and since I had no defenders there (mistake here) they are sieging the castle.

The 25 PDs in Marignon were quickly dispatched and the siege is beginning.

My PDs in Birman Highs discovered a sneaking enemy.

Atlanasha�s summon was a failure and became feebleminded. The 2 Greater Otherness which came from the Void attacked, but were killed by the 4 Things from the Void, while being able to kill 1 bodyguard. I have to hope that my Gift of Health will cure the feeblemind soon.

Provinces: 48
Treasury: 1.134
Income: 2.054
Upkeep: 1.121
RP: 362
Fortification: 6
Temple: 10

Conjuration � 7
Alteration � 6
Evocation � 6
Construction � 7 (researching)
Enchantment � 7
Thaumaturgy � 6
Blood Magic � 6 (researching, will reach 7)

Fire gems: 19 (+7)
Air: 12 (+4)
Water gems: 6 (+12/+1)
Earth: 6 (+2)
Astral gems: 0 (+12/+10)
Death: 42 (+10)
Nature: 0 (+11)
Blood: 58

Updated province information:

Jotunheim managed to take the province of Moss Woods from Man, likely preventing the elimination of Jotunheim.

Hopefully the Marignon army in Pangaea will continue to siege. I am fairly optimistic that I will be able to break the siege on the next turn. If they decide to move on I will have to chase them or corner them with additional forces which would take quite some time and effort.

My Provinces:

Due to the info about my provinces getting longer and longer I will skip this one, too.

Mainly I reduce taxes by 10% for each 5 points of unrest/raise them again when unrest is going down.

I got a 1A, 1W, 3S, 1D mage who will get the Starshine Caps and move to Kolermegor.

The new Lore Master turned out to have 1A, 1W, 1D and 1B and will research while the 3D Lore Master in R�lyeh will move on to Tiash.

More Vine Ogres will be summoned in Kolermegor, sadly only 2 this turn instead of 3 since my 2(3)N mage in Tiash needs the Treelords Staff (+2N) to cast Gift of Health using the remaining nature gems (48).

The Clam is given to a star child in C�tis, the Horror Helmet to the Sea Troll King in Jotunheim and the Water Bracelet, too (bringing him to 4W).

The mage in Kolermegor takes the 9 Vine Ogres and moves to break the siege in Pangaea. I can�t be sure that this will be enough, but I need the other forces for defending or taking the other provinces.

My 2 mage lead armies in Oune will attack the fairly defenseless province of Sleepy Mountains.

Since I doubt that the Pangaea army will attack the Stone Spires of Aran I will move the army there to take Great Aran Waste which is fairly undefended, too, but in case Pangaea should decide to attack the Stone Spires of Aran I will move the fodder army from Rame there and raise the defenses to 21 (which still would not be enough to stop the Pangaean White Bull pretender, but might discourage him).

I would prefer Pangaea to either stay where it is or move to Rame which leaves less options to move into one of my undefended provinces.

Since I can�t do anything about the Marignon forces in Old Man Mountains at the moment except sending Glisas in which shouldn�t have too many problems with the 20-30 militias there. This way I can�t send it to defend Jotunheim, but this gives me the chance to enslave some more Jotuns instead of killing them if they should decide to attack

The mage lead army in Illidar will attack the 20 Jotuns in Moss Woods in addition to the 2 mage lead armies in Temiglia. In order to dissuafe them from attacking Jotunheim I will recruit 20 barbarians there. I don�t have enough forces or money to defend Stone Heavens and Gipha, too, but since I have enough forces around I feel like being able to afford this risk.

The 2 fodder armies from Aenasia will move to Cacian Forest to pick up some troops and continue towards Glimmering Fields.

The armies in Iron Range, Solam and Old Forest will stay in their defensive positions.

The defensive army in Bolfagon will be supported by 4 more archers.

4 death gems will be transformed into astral gems in order to cast Acashic Record on Runia.

A Clam of Pearl will be forged for 8W.

I will buy 1 more starspawn mage and a Lore Master in addition to 1 commander and 15 archers in Abysia.

To be continued...


Map: http://homes.highspeed3.de/CharonJr/R'lyehAART36.JPG
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Old February 28th, 2004, 12:45 PM

CharonJr CharonJr is offline
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Default Re: Noob\'s shot at an R\'lyeh AAR

Turn 37

Research in Blood magic reached level 7.

5 blood slaves were captured in Dunheim and 5 in Gol Phalas.

2 Vine Ogres were summoned in Kolermegor.

Gift of Health was cast in addition to Acashic Record on Runia which revealed 3 magic sites � Rockside Spring (+1 earth gem/+1 water gem), Canyon of Wild Winds (+2 air gems) and an Iron Cliff (+1 earth gem) raising my much needed earth gem income by 100%.

Some death gems were found in Giant�s Rest in addition to some earth gems in Feldan Forest.

Marignon tried to break the siege with 8 fodder troops who were easily dispatched, enslaving 3 in the process.

The Great Aran Waste was defended by 10 PDs who very quickly killed/routed.

The 8 PDs in Sleepgy Mountains were easily overcome, too.

My mage and 9 Vine Ogres tried to break the siege in Pangaea which was attacked by roughly 20 swordsmen, 5 men at arms, 2 royal guards, 1 knight of the chalice and a friar. The knight and royal guards were enslaved and charged the swordsmen together wih my vine ogres. In the end my forces lost 7 vine ogres but killed all but 1 of the sieging forces. For some reason 20 indies (10 knights/10 militias) attacked my forces right after this, but routed right after the first 2 knights were enslaved. In the end 4 knights were enslaved.

Glisas faced the knight od the chalice prophet, 1 friar, 1 inquisitor, 1 initiate and a witch hunter in Old Man Mountains besides 10 militias and about 8 piketeers. After about 10 militias/piketeers were killed the Marignon armies routed. Glisas received a affliction this turn � a limp, I think I will send it to rest soon unless I will be forced right into the next war.

As I have been afraid the Jotuns from Moss Woods attacked Jotunheim, but due to this the province of Moss Woods was taken without a fight.

For some reason right next I got the message that the Jotun pretender was vanquished since he did not rule a single province ! I have no idea how this could have happened since the Jotuns should either still have ruled Moss Woods (check for provinces before the battles) or Jotunheim (check after all battles). The faith in the Jotun pretender should still have been high enough... Strange, anybody has a clue what might have happened ?

But now the former Jotun armies turned indie and are still sieging Jotunheim. Oh well, this way at least they will not run from the attack next turn

Provinces: 51
Treasury: 1.053
Income: 2.081
Upkeep: 1.201
RP: 362
Fortification: 6
Temple: 10

Conjuration � 7
Alteration � 6
Evocation � 6
Construction � 7 (researching, will reach 8)
Enchantment � 7
Thaumaturgy � 6
Blood Magic � 7 (researching)

Fire gems: 19 (+7)
Air: 12 (+4)
Water gems: 6 (+12/+1)
Earth: 6 (+2)
Astral gems: 0 (+12/+10)
Death: 42 (+10)
Nature: 0 (+11)
Blood: 58

Updated province information:

Man has gathered a fairly large army of 130 troops in Namor which is leaving me worried, the 80 Ulmish troops in The Two Woods are not really healping to put me at ease, too. But on the other hand, if the AIs don�t combine their forces in the next 10 turns I dare to say that the game is effectively over.

Atlantis running out of indie provinces to expand into (only Baptizer left) will make the next turns even more interesting.

My Provinces:

Due to the info about my provinces getting longer and longer I will skip this one, too.

Mainly I reduce taxes by 10% for each 5 points of unrest/raise them again when unrest is going down.

The was a Tower of the Golden Order found in Old Man Mountains in addition to a lab, adding 3 fire and 2 astral gems each turn and enable the recruitment of Adepts of the Golden Order (2F, 2S, 1, 11 basic RPs for 180 gold). This should give me a 3F mage which I still need anyway.

I got a 1W, 3S, 2N mage who will research for now. The Lore Master turned out to be 1A, 2N, 1B will be empowered in blood to hunt for slaves after having forged a Sanguine Rod.

More Vine Ogres will be summoned for 1 nature gem in Kolermegor, this time 3 again due to having the Treelords Staff back.

Acashic Records will be cast for 25 astral gems on Sleepy Mountains and I hope to find more earth gem sites.

The Clam is given to a star child in C�tis.

The 2 fodder armies from Stone Spires of Aran in addition to the mage lead army of summons and Illithids from Great Aran Waste will attack the 20 satyrs and centaurs in Stone Wood Waste which are lead by the Pangaean pretender (a white bull).

1 mage lead army consisting of 5 knights will move from Sleepy Mountains to Aran Plains, trying to build up some defenses in my northern border.

The other mage lead army in Sleepy Mountains with some summons will attack the lightly defended Marignon province of Rim Mountains.

The mage lead army with its 2 vine ogres and enslaved knights/royal guards will move from Pangaea to the north, too.

The 2 fodder armies from Cacian Forest will move to Scytha and continue towards Glimmering Fields.

The 3 mage lead armies in Moss Woods will take out the indie attackers of Jotunheim.

The armies in Iron Range, Solam, Bolfagon and Old Forest will stay in their defensive positions.

Glisas will move to Gol Phalas (8 dom) hopefully being able to get rid of the afflication. BTW, is the chance to heal dependent on the dominion strength, or is having positive dominion enough ?

The 3A Lore Master receives the Ring of Water Breathing on will move to Tiash via R�lyeh.

My 3D mage will forge a Skullface (+1D) for 16 death gems, another mage will forge a pair of Earth Boots (+1E) for 8 earth gems and a Clam of Pearls will be forged for 8 water gems.

I will buy 1 more starspawn mage, a Lore Master and a Golden Adept in addition to 1 commander and 24 archers in Abysia.

To be continued...


Map: http://homes.highspeed3.de/CharonJr/R'lyehAART37.JPG
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Old February 28th, 2004, 12:59 PM
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Default Re: Noob\'s shot at an R\'lyeh AAR

Originally posted by CharonJr:
For some reason right next I got the message that the Jotun pretender was vanquished since he did not rule a single province ! I have no idea how this could have happened since the Jotuns should either still have ruled Moss Woods (check for provinces before the battles) or Jotunheim (check after all battles). The faith in the Jotun pretender should still have been high enough... Strange, anybody has a clue what might have happened?
The moment you conquered the Last province they had, that wiped out all their dominion, immediately. The battle at Jotunheim was not yet won, so Jotuns had no provinces under control. Apparently the check is done after each battle, not after all battles ...
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Old February 28th, 2004, 01:24 PM

CharonJr CharonJr is offline
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Default Re: Noob\'s shot at an R\'lyeh AAR

Hmm, but the Jotuns took the province of Jotunheim before my forces took Moss Woods.

Maybe the check for the Last owned province is based on the situation before all battles (thus Jotun lost the Last known province when I took Moss Woods) and the new ownership is only written after all battles and the check if there are still provinces left.

This way there would be no known provinces left at the time of the check since Jotun's ownership of Jotunheim was not known at the time of the check.

I can't really complain about the result , but I think this should be changed.

Oh well, Pangaea and Marignon will go down next and then it will be interesting who will attack me next.

If there are no attacks (which I doubt) I would prefer to go after Pythium in order to get shorter borders.

Actually I am a little surprised by the speed of this game, I think I haven't been in such a fairly strong position after 37 turn before.

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Old February 28th, 2004, 01:41 PM
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Default Re: Noob\'s shot at an R\'lyeh AAR

Originally posted by CharonJr:
Maybe the check for the Last owned province is based on the situation before all battles (thus Jotun lost the Last known province when I took Moss Woods) and the new ownership is only written after all battles and the check if there are still provinces left.
It's, IMO, not the behavior that would be ideal. It checks for province losses before it checks for province gains. It should be the other way around.

That's akin to a bank doing debits before it does credits, which is bad. Say you have $50 in your account. A charge comes in for $200 on the same day you deposit $500 in cash. That night, when accounting processes the transactions, by doing the debits first you get slapped with a $25 overdraft fee for having a -$150 balance when you should actually have $550 in the account ($350 after the debit). I have had this actually happen, which is why I switched banks to one that has non-idiot programmers.
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Old February 28th, 2004, 06:56 PM

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Default Re: Noob\'s shot at an R\'lyeh AAR

Turn 38

Research in construction reached level 8.

1 blood slave was captured in Gol Ryepe and 11 in Gol Phalas.

3 Vine Ogres were summoned in Kolermegor.

Acashic Record cast on Sleepy Mountains revealed 2 magic sites � Farm of Plenty (+25 supply) and Bronze Pillar (+1 fire gem).

Some death gems were found in Giant�s Rest in addition to some earth gems in Feldan Forest.

500 additional taxes were raised in Hoburgdorf.

Jotunheim was taken without any resistance.

Rim Mountain was easily taken from the 5 raptors and 8 piketeers defending it for Marignon.

The Marignons tried to break the siege of Marignon with 7 troops, but only succeeded in adding 3 militias and a knight of the chalice (prophet) to my forces.

My forces attacked the Last Pangaean province of Stone Wood Waste defended by 15 satyrs, 7 centaurs, 5 harpys, 1 minotaur lord, 1 tribal chief and the White Bull pretender. The Cief was enslaved and engaged the Mino Lord while the Bull charged my lines while the satyrs were already routing. The Bull resisted 1 paralyse, but the second one stuck. The Chief lost the fight, but the Bull was killed fairly fast by the 4 Greater Otherness and the remaining Pangaean forces retreated. An Arena was found in the province.

Glisas was cured of the limp, but Atlanasha is still feebleminded.

Provinces: 54
Treasury: 1.846
Income: 2.342
Upkeep: 1.253
RP: 362
Fortification: 6
Temple: 10

Conjuration � 7
Alteration � 6
Evocation � 6
Construction � 8
Enchantment � 7
Thaumaturgy � 6
Blood Magic � 7 (researching)

Fire gems: 40 (+11)
Air: 24 (+6)
Water gems: 18 (+12)
Earth: 10 (+4)
Astral gems: 3 (+14/+12)
Death: 22 (+10)
Nature: 20 (+11)
Blood: 37

Updated province information:

The large threatening armies of Man and Ulm have disappeared for now, but I am fairly sure that I will see them again.

My Provinces:

Due to the info about my provinces getting longer and longer I will skip this one, too.

Mainly I reduce taxes by 10% for each 5 points of unrest/raise them again when unrest is going down.

I forgot the to recruit the Golden Adept in Old Man Mountains, oh well, this time...

I got a 1W, 3S, 1N, 1B mage who will be empowered to bloodhunt. The Lore Master turned out to be 1F, 1A, 1S, 1D who will research, too.

3 More Vine Ogres will be summoned for 1 nature gem in Kolermegor.

Acashic Records will be cast for 25 astral gems on Rim Mountains and I hope to find more earth gem sites.

The Clam is given to a star child in C�tis, the Skullface is given to my 3D mage who will forge a Scepter of Dark Regency (+3D, unique) for 32 death gems and will raise him to 7D! Tartarian Gate, here I come, I just need 2 more conjuring now and will put all research into it.

Argh, I keep forgetting that my star spawn mages have no feet, the Earth Boots are wasted for now, but I can still hope for a 2E Lore Master, otherwise the 3A, 1W, 1E one will be empowered in earth, too.

The mage in Kolermegor will grab the 5 Vine Ogres and start to move to the north.

The 3A Lore Master will finish his move to Tiash and the Scout in Gol Phalas will move back to Dunheim to continue his bloodhunt.

The 2 mages in Aran Plains continue their journey to the north and will move to Talito this turn while the 2 armies in Scytha will continue to Abysia.

The mage lead army in Stone Wood Waste will move to Oune and will support my forces close to Pythium with the priest in tow to build a temple there. The commander from this provinces with his slower troops will only be able to move to Rim Mountians.
In Rim Mountains the mage lead army will head to Wicker Woods.

The fortress in Marignon will the stormed by the mage lead armies.

1 of my mages in Jotunheim will pick up the 4 Sea Trolls in Stone Heavens, they other will pick up 3 Trolls in Aenasia while the remaining one will head towards Iron Range. The Sea Troll King will stay in Jotunheim for now and will lead the troops I plan to recruit there (19 barbarians this turn).

The armies in Iron Range, Solam, Bolfagon and Old Forest will stay in their defensive positions.

Glisas will move to Yldmyre to show some presence there.

The mage lead army from Gol Phalas will continue to Gol Ryepe.

A Sanguin Rod will be forged for 4B, in addition to a Clam of Pearls for 8 water gems.

A temple will be build in Hoburgdorf and another temple in Bolfagon, hopefully not provocing an attack from Ulm or Man.

In Abysia 1 commander, 6 heavy infantry and 2 archers will be recruited.

I will buy 1 more starspawn mage, a Lore Master and a Golden Adept.

To be continued...


Map: http://homes.highspeed3.de/CharonJr/R'lyehAART38.JPG

[ February 29, 2004, 08:05: Message edited by: CharonJr ]
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