Turn 37
Research in Blood magic reached level 7.
5 blood slaves were captured in Dunheim and 5 in Gol Phalas.
2 Vine Ogres were summoned in Kolermegor.
Gift of Health was cast in addition to Acashic Record on Runia which revealed 3 magic sites � Rockside Spring (+1 earth gem/+1 water gem), Canyon of Wild Winds (+2 air gems) and an Iron Cliff (+1 earth gem) raising my much needed earth gem income by 100%.
Some death gems were found in Giant�s Rest in addition to some earth gems in Feldan Forest.
Marignon tried to break the siege with 8 fodder troops who were easily dispatched, enslaving 3 in the process.
The Great Aran Waste was defended by 10 PDs who very quickly killed/routed.
The 8 PDs in Sleepgy Mountains were easily overcome, too.
My mage and 9 Vine Ogres tried to break the siege in Pangaea which was attacked by roughly 20 swordsmen, 5 men at arms, 2 royal guards, 1 knight of the chalice and a friar. The knight and royal guards were enslaved and charged the swordsmen together wih my vine ogres. In the end my forces lost 7 vine ogres but killed all but 1 of the sieging forces. For some reason 20 indies (10 knights/10 militias) attacked my forces right after this, but routed right after the first 2 knights were enslaved. In the end 4 knights were enslaved.
Glisas faced the knight od the chalice prophet, 1 friar, 1 inquisitor, 1 initiate and a witch hunter in Old Man Mountains besides 10 militias and about 8 piketeers. After about 10 militias/piketeers were killed the Marignon armies routed. Glisas received a affliction this turn � a limp, I think I will send it to rest soon unless I will be forced right into the next war.
As I have been afraid the Jotuns from Moss Woods attacked Jotunheim, but due to this the province of Moss Woods was taken without a fight.
For some reason right next I got the message that the Jotun pretender was vanquished since he did not rule a single province ! I have no idea how this could have happened since the Jotuns should either still have ruled Moss Woods (check for provinces before the battles) or Jotunheim (check after all battles). The faith in the Jotun pretender should still have been high enough... Strange, anybody has a clue what might have happened ?
But now the former Jotun armies turned indie and are still sieging Jotunheim. Oh well, this way at least they will not run from the attack next turn
Provinces: 51
Treasury: 1.053
Income: 2.081
Upkeep: 1.201
RP: 362
Fortification: 6
Temple: 10
Conjuration � 7
Alteration � 6
Evocation � 6
Construction � 7 (researching, will reach 8)
Enchantment � 7
Thaumaturgy � 6
Blood Magic � 7 (researching)
Fire gems: 19 (+7)
Air: 12 (+4)
Water gems: 6 (+12/+1)
Earth: 6 (+2)
Astral gems: 0 (+12/+10)
Death: 42 (+10)
Nature: 0 (+11)
Blood: 58
Updated province information:
Man has gathered a fairly large army of 130 troops in Namor which is leaving me worried, the 80 Ulmish troops in The Two Woods are not really healping to put me at ease, too. But on the other hand, if the AIs don�t combine their forces in the next 10 turns I dare to say that the game is effectively over.
Atlantis running out of indie provinces to expand into (only Baptizer left) will make the next turns even more interesting.
My Provinces:
Due to the info about my provinces getting longer and longer I will skip this one, too.
Mainly I reduce taxes by 10% for each 5 points of unrest/raise them again when unrest is going down.
The was a Tower of the Golden Order found in Old Man Mountains in addition to a lab, adding 3 fire and 2 astral gems each turn and enable the recruitment of Adepts of the Golden Order (2F, 2S, 1, 11 basic RPs for 180 gold). This should give me a 3F mage which I still need anyway.
I got a 1W, 3S, 2N mage who will research for now. The Lore Master turned out to be 1A, 2N, 1B will be empowered in blood to hunt for slaves after having forged a Sanguine Rod.
More Vine Ogres will be summoned for 1 nature gem in Kolermegor, this time 3 again due to having the Treelords Staff back.
Acashic Records will be cast for 25 astral gems on Sleepy Mountains and I hope to find more earth gem sites.
The Clam is given to a star child in C�tis.
The 2 fodder armies from Stone Spires of Aran in addition to the mage lead army of summons and Illithids from Great Aran Waste will attack the 20 satyrs and centaurs in Stone Wood Waste which are lead by the Pangaean pretender (a white bull).
1 mage lead army consisting of 5 knights will move from Sleepy Mountains to Aran Plains, trying to build up some defenses in my northern border.
The other mage lead army in Sleepy Mountains with some summons will attack the lightly defended Marignon province of Rim Mountains.
The mage lead army with its 2 vine ogres and enslaved knights/royal guards will move from Pangaea to the north, too.
The 2 fodder armies from Cacian Forest will move to Scytha and continue towards Glimmering Fields.
The 3 mage lead armies in Moss Woods will take out the indie attackers of Jotunheim.
The armies in Iron Range, Solam, Bolfagon and Old Forest will stay in their defensive positions.
Glisas will move to Gol Phalas (8 dom) hopefully being able to get rid of the afflication. BTW, is the chance to heal dependent on the dominion strength, or is having positive dominion enough ?
The 3A Lore Master receives the Ring of Water Breathing on will move to Tiash via R�lyeh.
My 3D mage will forge a Skullface (+1D) for 16 death gems, another mage will forge a pair of Earth Boots (+1E) for 8 earth gems and a Clam of Pearls will be forged for 8 water gems.
I will buy 1 more starspawn mage, a Lore Master and a Golden Adept in addition to 1 commander and 24 archers in Abysia.
To be continued...