First off, thank you very much everyone for their 2 cents in the other modding threads and on my previous questions. Now on to the questions
Where in the component enhancement file should tech pre-reqs be placed? (or is this not enabled, saw differing opinions in previous threads)
Do seeker weapon missile mounts work? I have tried and it seems to DISPLAY the change (and the size and dmg cap are changed), but damage and range seem to be unaffected in practice...
How can you give a single weapon a combat to-hit bonus without affecting all the weapons on the ship?
Is there any way to EXCLUDE a single weapon/component from a weapon mount? (without simply adding ALL the others to the comp family specifications)
Is there a simple way to tell when and in which direction the program will round a number?
How can one edit the AIs to comply with a new mod?
How can one set a limit on the number of a component that can be used in a design?
What is a good way to test a mod?
How much do troops affect a populace's happiness, can this be modified, if so then how/where, and how can you tell that it does (other than watching the 400+ troops you just dropped on the rioting planet make it jubliant the next month)?
[edit(s) - more questions]
[ December 29, 2002, 06:30: Message edited by: LostCommander ]