Yes it can. And there is a website devoted to playing by email.
SEIV PBW is where you want to go. It handles all the hardwork for you. You just register (it is free) and then browse all the open games and click to join the game. The owner of the game will say what the settings are. You then run SEIV and create your empire using those settings (like number of racial points you can use). After you have created your empire, you save it as a file (it will have a .EMP extension on it). You then go back to PBW and the game listing and click the link to send your empire file in. Once all players have done this, the owner will start the game and the first turn will get emailed to you automatically. You just save the game turn in your SAVEGAME folder and run SE4 to play it. When you are done making your moves, it saves a .PLR file which has all your moves in it. You then either email the .PLR file back to PBW or you can goto PBW directly and click the "send turn" button. Once all players have sent their turns in (or a certain amount of days have passed) a new turn is automatically created and emailed out to you. It is very simple and straightforward.
Unfortunately, if you goto PBW right now you will see that it is down because the computer is being moved halfway across the country. They expect it to be back up by next Monday if all goes well.
I highly recommend you try it. I believe several "newbie" games are in the process of gathering players.