Hi together,
after public incitement from Llama to make a new thread and start a newbie game by myself ... here we go
So who want to play with me in my first mp game ? I would prefer bloody newbies

like me but everybody is welcome
Settings will be :
Early Age
version 3.17
Parganos_llama Map ( found here :
paragones_llama )
Mods: CBM 1.3
9 players
game settings: default
It's going to be called MoltenUniverse
Players so far:
mighty_scoop : Kailasa
DakaSha : Ulm
rtyffg : Pangaea
RadioGibbon : Ermor
Executor : Hinnom
Apsophos : Abysia
don_Pablo : Caelum
Eldanesh : R'lyeh
GrudgeBringer : Arcoscephale