my neighbor seems to dislike me and sends small fleets every few turns which crash and burn against the satelites and fighters.
Oh your going to fit in nicely here.

I love how your phrased that.
Just a thought, to stock up on the wasted resources, would it be possible to build storage facilites and begin stock piling them> I don't know if thats the answer your looking for, but the alternative is to set to repeat build, and after a few turns mothball them to save on expendatures as these, if left unchecked, will begin to drain your reserves, and send you into the negative, and you'll lose more than you gain.
Just a rambling thought. Best of luck, and again, I loved how you phrased your commment.
"We've made too many compromises already, too many retreats! They invade our space and we fall back -- they assimilate entire worlds and we fall back! Not again! The line must be drawn here -- this far, no further! And I will make them pay for what they've done!" -- Patric Stewart as Captain Picard
UCP/TCO Ship Yards