When you set up the battle click on the View map button and at the top right of the screen that appears click on the "Change map ID" button
31 =East Africa
148 =Gallabat,East Africa It-India
153 =Sudan, East Africa Ind-It
155 =Cameron Ridge, East Africa
171 = Brit-Ital Kulkaber, East Africa
Note you get East Africa Batlocs more when you use India vs Italy after June 1940
If you think those maps are too green ( that will depend on what you had just fought previously without exiting the game ) then use the map generator ( middle button the bottom above "Edit Map" to change the "season" to desert and press the blue > button to redraw.......... when you are happy with what you see save with the Red up arrow button and you will be back to your battle set up
If you get one in the season you like on the first go press the top middle button and that will redraw the map for that battle location
Experiment. If you spend an hour or two experimenting with the map generator, you will learn how to always be able to generate a map you like for your battle quick and easy
One version of Batloc 148
ALWAYS KEEP IN MIND..... that the maps generated for any particular BATLOC can change depending on the Month, Year and both opponents used
This is Batloc 148 with China vs Japan in December
This is Batloc 148 Japan vs China with Savanna on in December
as well if you find a map and think " this is perfect but I'd like a village in the middle use EDIT MAPs to edit that map and use it in your battle.....
there are many tools in this game that I suspect are underused and this is one of them and it can be very powerful with practice
Batloc numbers can be found in a TXT file in Game Data / Design but also when you are in the map editor press HELP ( ? ) EDITOR HELP submenu they are all listed....but AGAIN...... the maps you get depend on who the opponents are and when
Try 183 for fun and play with tree level, grass level and field level
183 can be "interesting" for both the defender and attacker
183 as "Arid"