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Old February 29th, 2020, 03:27 PM
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Exclamation WinSPMBT version 10.0 - 14.0 Consolidation patch ( 2020 )

WinSPMBT version 10.0 - 14.0 Consolidation patch

( the 2020 patch updates any version of WinSPMBT ver 10 and up to version 14.0 )


33 New Scenarios
18 Revised Scenarios
1 New Campaign
7 New or Revised Map files
99 New or Revised OOB Photos
186 New or Revised vehicle/aircraft Icons
93 Updated OOB Files
50 New or Revised Icon files
56 New or Revised Text files

  • "Bug" fixed----Abandoned vehicles sometimes became spotted to the enemy side if you manually exited the crew of a vehicle. This will no longer happen.

  • Crew size "Bug" fix --crews occasionally had the wrong size when exiting a vehicle. All crew will now correctly be size 1 when they bail out.

  • Artillery overload penalties will no longer be charged for scenarios. User Campaigns remain as before with arty overload penalties charged.

  • Ammo containers are now classed as non-vehicle loads, so they can fit into transport planes for example even if it only had a personnel only lift capacity. In addition, the "crew" is not separated from them when they are loaded onto transport planes for a para drop, so they drop as a unit.

  • Scenario limit now extended to 3000.*SEE NOTE BELOW*

  • Pressing the plus (+) or minus (-) key will allow players to zoom the map in and out during the AI's turn. Be aware that this is a command that needs to "wait it's turn" if the AI is in the middle of a move or resolving combat the map will not zoom in and out instantaneously as it would if it was your turn and that's all the game had to do, so, if you press the plus (+) or minus (-) key during the AI's turn it may take a few seconds for that command to reach the front of the queue but now if you had pressed end turn and had the map zoomed all the way in or out you can now get it to where you want it to be while the AI plays out it's turn. Just remember it may take a few seconds to react.

  • Old Bug fixed... If P1 was set to XXX points and P2 to a value, the number of points given to P1 was incorrect as a percentage of the points higher or lower than the value set for P2 depending on the battle type. This, we discovered, had not worked for decades probably right back to SP2. It will work correctly now.

  • The points assigned to older campaigns for purchase, rebuild and support have been reviewed and updated to closer match the current cost calculators points to better reflect what the original designer intended players to have available.

  • There has been some confusion about the "EW" ratings for armoured vehicles in regards to active and passive defensive systems and the game guide has been re-written to clarify these terms.

  • CD owners Only A new feature has been added to the version of the Map Generator that is in the extended map editor that allows existing map contours to be used with some limited functionality of the map generator. Full instructions on its use and limitations are in the Game Guide's (CD) only Features at the end of the Guide


Because we were getting close to full for scenarios in winSPWW2 we decided to increase the number of scenarios allowed to a number we felt sure would never be reached. As a result, the entire numbering system had to be changed and unfortunately it had to be changed for all existing scenarios as well as it was impossible to allow the use of both the old and new systems together so for the 2020 release both games have had their numbering system revised and both game now have 3000 scenario slots. A full set of renamed scenario files for both games has been included with the 2020 patch upgrade but this means everyone will now have both the old and new scenarios in their scenarios folder. The old files can stay in the scenario folder and have no effect on the game but if you want to clean out the old files they can easily be found and removed.

One advantage of the new numbering systems is that it is no longer possible to confuse an MBT scenario for a WW2 one as each is now identified by game whereas in the past both games used the same identifying system for their scenarios----Spscnxxx and each scenario will include a .DAT ( the scenario data file ) a .CMT ( the file that the game reads and displays the scenario name and a .TXT file ( that contains the write up describing the scenario

For MBT the new numbering system looks like this for each of the three file types:


If you sort the files in the folder by name the old and the new files will separate very distinctly and once the patch is installed you can delete all the old ones that use the Spscnxxx format.

Here is what to look for

However, if you have personal scenarios you have built and want to keep or if you have some you are in the process of creating you should make a note of where they are in your files and you can manually change them using the MBT format for MBT or the WW2 format for WW2. It is important to remember that the old system used three digits (Spscnxxx) and the new system uses four ( SpWW2Scnxxxx or SpMBTScnxxxx ). The good news is there are now 3000 slots available so for WIP scenarios and we HIGHLY RECOMMEND you renumber them from whatever slots you have now and add a 1 or a 2 as the first of the four digits and that way your WIP scenarios will be saved well out of the way of any that might be released in the near future. There is a new Scenhack included with the 2020 patch that is fully compatible with the new 3000 slot format so once renamed to the new format they can easily be moved around.

Please also be advised that we have marked slots 975-998 as "Reserved for Campaign Creation" as the campaign builder uses 1000 as a critical stop point so any scenarios that are transferred into a campaign have to come from files numbered under 1000. Slot 999 remains the scenario AUTOSAVE slot.
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	OLD_NEW  scenarios MBT.png
Views:	3528
Size:	22.4 KB
ID:	15943   Click image for larger version

Name:	willfail2.png
Views:	8917
Size:	8.0 KB
ID:	15952  

"You are never to old to rock and roll if you are too young to die".--- What do you expect to be doing when you are 80?


Last edited by DRG; April 10th, 2020 at 04:45 AM..
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Old March 17th, 2020, 02:28 PM
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Default Re: winSPMBT V14 ( 2020 ) Upgrade-WIP

This is the list of new or revised Icons added to winSPMBT for V14

(21,43):{30,31}, // 16. M24 REV ***REV WinSPMBTv14
(153,54):{178,-1}, // 125. Su-122-54 ***REVISED winSPMBT v14 NEW winspmbt v4.5
(265,54):{276,277}, // 217. HMMWV-Stinger REVISED winspmbt v14
(277,87):{779,P_ERROR}, // 226. Lisonov Li-2 ***********NEW winspmbtv4 ***REVISED winspmbt v14
(663,58):{6701, -1}, // 490. B-26 Marauder ***REVISED winSPMBT v14
(667,53):{6705, -1}, // 494. C-47 camo ***REVISED winSPMBT v14
(668,56):{6706, -1}, // 495. C-47 OD green ***REVISED winSPMBT v14
(684,53):{6722, -1}, // 511. Piper cub ***REVISED winSPMBT v14
(835,60):{6916,6976}, // 645. Truck W/AAMG *****Revised winSPMBT v14
(874,51):{6955,6976}, // 684. M113A1 Revised winSPMBT v14
(875,61):{6956,6976}, // 685. M113A2&3(no 50cal) Revised winSPMBT v14
(876,53):{6957,6976}, // 686. M113A2&3 Revised winSPMBT v14
(932,76):{7052, 7053}, // 722. Tiran4 0r 5 (Israeli T-54/T55) ***Revised WinSPMBT v14
(933,76):{7054, 7055}, // 723. Tiran4 0r 5 (Israeli T-54/T55) ***Revised WinSPMBT v14
(1277,69):{7676, 7677}, //1036. Centurion Mk 11 (green) ***REVISED winSPMBT v14
(1478,90):{7752, 7753}, //1224. M113 with Recoiless rifle Summer *****Revised winSPMBT v14
(1589,60):{7950, 7951}, //1323. Israeli Tiran Dozer **REV WinSPMBT v14
(1600,56):{7972, 7973}, //1334. T-62M KMT-6 *** REV WinSPMBTv14
(1722,82):{8202, 8203}, //1447. T-72 Early (WP Green / worn camo) ********REV winSPMBT v14
(1748,75):{8254, 8255}, //1473. T-72 basic (WP green 1) ***********Revised WinSPMBTv14
(1749,75):{8256, 8257}, //1474. T-72 basic (WP green 2) ***********Revised WinSPMBTv14
(1789,81):{8316, 8317}, //1506. Challenger 1 Mk3 British Camo ***Revised for WinSPMBT V14
(1790,80):{8318, 8319}, //1507. Challenger 1 Mk3 desert camo ***Revised for WinSPMBT V14
(1791,80):{8320, 8321}, //1508. Challenger 1 Mk3 desert worn ***Revised for WinSPMBT V14
(1792,75):{8322, 8323}, //1509. Challenger 1 Mk3 Green ***Revised for WinSPMBT V14
(1841,59):{8416, 8417}, //1554. M48A1 (green) ****Revised WinSPMBTv14
(1851,59):{8436, 8437}, //1564. M48A3 (green) ****Revised WinSPMBTv14
(1860,66):{8454, 8455}, //1573. M67A1 Zippo (green) ****Revised WinSPMBTv14
(1905,52):{8524, 8525}, //1610. PT-76 *** REV WinSPMBT v14
(2098,58):{8882, 8883}, //1787. Cougar (CDN) REVISED winSPMBT v14
(2163,78):{8992, 8993}, //1844. M113 Lynx (Canada, Netherlands) *****Revised winSPMBT v14
(2174,62):{9010, 9011}, //1851. SPAA Truck *****Revised winSPMBT v14
(2176,72):{9014, 9015}, //1853. BTR-152 w/AAMG (Green) *****Revised winSPMBT v14
(2177,73):{9016, 9017}, //1854. BTR-152 w/AAMG (Desert) *****Revised winSPMBT v14
(2260,54):{9122, -1}, //1922. B-25 ---------REVISED winSPMBT v14
(2261,54):{9123, -1}, //1923. B-25 ---------REVISED winSPMBT v14
(2262,54):{9124, -1}, //1924. B-25 ---------REVISED winSPMBT v14
(2263,54):{9125, -1}, //1925. B-25 ---------REVISED winSPMBT v14
(2383,67):{9237,6976}, //2037. M113A2&3-(Worn Green) *Revised WinSPMBT v14
(2412,52):{9266,6976}, //2066. BTR-50P ***REVISED winSPMBT v14
(2583,58):{4154, 4155}, //2225. M150 TOW green ***REV WinSPMBT v14
(2587,55):{4162, 4163}, //2229. IS-3 Green ***REV WinSPMBT v14
(2679,60):{4324, 4325}, //2310. IS-3 (desert) ****REV WinSPMBT V14
(2894,76):{4718, 4719}, //2507. M1126 Green MG **NewWinSPMBTv3 **REV winSPMBT v14
(3123,76):{5129, -1}, //2729. C-47 Dakota (3tone Vietnam style) **Revised WinSPMBT v14
(3124,75):{5130, -1}, //2730. C-47 Dakota (tropical green/tan) **Revised WinSPMBT v14
(3125,67):{5131, -1}, //2731. DC-3 Dakota (Civilian) **Revised WinSPMBT v14
(3144,72):{5150, -1}, //2750. V-22 Osprey Sand HELO ****** REVISED winSPMBT v14
(3348,58):{5337, -1}, //2937. Su-100 (green) ***REVISED winSPMBT v14
(3350,59):{5339, -1}, //2939. ISU-152 (green) ***REVISED winSPMBT v14
(3391,49):{5380, -1}, //2980. Star 266 *Revised WinSPMBTv14
(3392,57):{5381, -1}, //2981. Star 266 (Desert) *Revised WinSPMBTv14
(3424,51):{5406, -1}, //3006. SU-100 ***REVISED winSPMBT v14-DRG
(3676,80):{5845,6976}, //3245. Merkava MICV "Nemer" *New WinSPMBT****Revised winSPMBT v14
(4210,76):{10608, 10609}, //3752. ARJUN MK 2--CAMO ***********REV winSPMBT v14
(4211,78):{10610, 10611}, //3753. ARJUN MK 2--DESERT ***********REV winSPMBT v14
(4212,78):{10612, 10613}, //3754. ARJUN MK 2--WINTER ***********REV winSPMBT v14
(4388,92):{10952, 10953}, //3924. Merkava Mk 4 mine roller **NEW winSPMBT v8**REV winSPMBT v14
(4449,95):{11068, 11069}, //3982. Leopard 2A7 Camo ********NEW winSPMBT v9 ...REVISED winSPMBT v14
(4498,94):{11162, 11163}, //4029. IS-3 winter ********NEW winSPMBT v10********REVISED winSPMBT v14
(4532,99):{11226, 11227}, //4061. CHALLENGER1+ WINTER ********NEW winSPMBT v10********REVISED winSPMBT v14
(5056,88): {12165, -1}, //4565 Star-266 hard Top / DURO IIIP ****Revised DRG winSPMBT v14
(5061,71): {12170, -1}, //4570 Star 1466 ****Revised DRG winSPMBT v14
(5062,76): {12171, -1}, //4571 Star 1466 desert ****Revised DRG winSPMBT v14
(5077,99): {12185, -1}, //4585 Li-2 Black and Tan camo NEW winSPMBT v7 ****Revised winSPMBT v14
(5086,64): {12194, -1}, //4594 Star 1466 Winter ****New winSPMBT v14
(5087,63): {12195, -1}, //4595 Star 266 Winter ****New winSPMBT v14
(5088,65): {12196, -1}, //4596 GAZ-69 ATGM Winter ****New winSPMBT v14
(5089,65): {12197, -1}, //4597 GAZ-69 ATGM Desert ****New winSPMBT v14
(5189,62): {12293, -1}, //4693 ISU-152 (green) Revised winSPMBT v14
(5235,117):{12376, 12377}, //4736. Centurion AVRE+(Reactive Armour- Gulf War) Green ********REVISED winSPMBT v14
(5236,118):{12378, 12379}, //4737. Centurion AVRE+(Reactive Armour- Gulf War) Winter *********REVISED winSPMBT v14
(5237,118):{12380, 12381}, //4738.Centurion AVRE+(Reactive Armour- Gulf War) Desert ********REVISED winSPMBT v14
(5267,93):{12436, 12437}, //4766. Leopard C1 / 1A3T1 Summer ********NEW winSPMBT v12****REV winSPMBT v14
(5342,65):{12580, 12581}, //4838. DURO III Green *********NEW winSPMBT v14
(5343,64):{12582, 12583}, //4839. DURO III Camo *********NEW winSPMBT v14
(5344,66):{12584, 12585}, //4840. DURO III Winter *********NEW winSPMBT v14
(5345,66):{12586, 12587}, //4841. DURO III Desert *********NEW winSPMBT v14
(5346,67):{12588, 12589}, //4842. T-62 KMT4 Winter *********NEW winSPMBT v14
(5347,67):{12590, 12591}, //4843. T-62 KMT4 Desert *********NEW winSPMBT v14
(5348,67):{12592, 12593}, //4844. T-62 KMT5 Desert *********NEW winSPMBT v14
(5349,67):{12594, 12595}, //4845. T-62 KMT5 Winter *********NEW winSPMBT v14
(5350,72):{12596, 12597}, //4846. Merkava Mk 4M IDF Green *********NEW winSPMBT v14
(5354,68):{12600, 12601}, //4848. T-90 KMT-7 Desert *********NEW winSPMBT v14
(5355,68):{12602, 12603}, //4849. T-90 KMT-7 Winter *********NEW winSPMBT v14
(5356,67):{12604, 12605}, //4850. T-72 Worn Green *********NEW winSPMBT v14
(5357,68):{12606, 12607}, //4851. T-72 Worn Desert *********NEW winSPMBT v14
(5358,63):{12608, 12609}, //4852. Tiran Ti-67 *********NEW winSPMBT v14
(5359,66):{12610, 12611}, //4853. BTR-152A Winter *********NEW winSPMBT v14
(5360,86):{12612, 12613}, //4854. M113 with Recoiless rifle Winter *********NEW winSPMBT v14
(5361,86):{12614, 12615}, //4855. M113 with Recoiless rifle Desert *********NEW winSPMBT v14
(5362,63):{12616, 12617}, //4856. Lynx Winter *********NEW winSPMBT v14
(5363,63):{12618, 12619}, //4857. Lynx Desert *********NEW winSPMBT v14
(5364,71):{12620, 12621}, //4858. OT-64 SKOT-2 WP Green *********NEW winSPMBT v14
(5365,60):{12622, 12623}, //4859. BVP-1 CZ *********NEW winSPMBT v14
(5366,65):{12624, 12625}, //4860. Danish Leo 2A5 *********NEW winSPMBT v14
(5367,69):{12626, 12627}, //4861. Centurion Mk 11 CDN *********NEW winSPMBT v14
(5368,65):{12628, 12629}, //4862. T-64 Bulat M17 *********NEW winSPMBT v14
(5369,69):{12630, 12631}, //4863. Olifant Mk1A Summer *********NEW winSPMBT v14
(5370,69):{12632, 12633}, //4864. Olifant Mk1A Desert *********NEW winSPMBT v14
(5371,69):{12634, 12635}, //4865. Olifant Mk1B Summer *********NEW winSPMBT v14
(5372,71):{12636, 12637}, //4866. Olifant Mk1B Desert *********NEW winSPMBT v14
(5373,69):{12638, 12639}, //4867. Olifant Mk2A Summer *********NEW winSPMBT v14
(5374,70):{12640, 12641}, //4868. Olifant Mk2A Desert *********NEW winSPMBT v14
(5375,69):{12642, 12643}, //4869. Olifant Mk2B Summer *********NEW winSPMBT v14
(5376,70):{12644, 12645}, //4870. Olifant Mk2B Desert *********NEW winSPMBT v14
(5377,74):{12646, 12647}, //4871. Olifant Mk1A Mine Roller *********NEW winSPMBT v14
(5378,72):{12648, 12649}, //4872. M1A2C/M1A1HC Trophy-Camo *********NEW winSPMBT v14
(5379,74):{12650, 12651}, //4873. M1A2C/M1A1HC Trophy-Winter *********NEW winSPMBT v14
(5380,74):{12652, 12653}, //4874. M1A2C/M1A1HC Trophy-Desert *********NEW winSPMBT v14
(5381,75):{12654, 12655}, //4875. ABRAMS /MCBS / Trophy-Camo *********NEW winSPMBT v14
(5382,82):{12656, 12657}, //4876. ABRAMS /MCBS / Trophy-Winter *********NEW winSPMBT v14
(5383,77):{12658, 12659}, //4877. ABRAMS /MCBS / Trophy-Desert *********NEW winSPMBT v14
(5384,78):{12660, 12661}, //4878. AAVP7A1/RAM Desert Tan/ Sand *********NEW winSPMBT v14
(5385,80):{12662, 12663}, //4879. AAVE7A1/R MCLC Desert Tan/ Sand *********NEW winSPMBT v14
(5386,68):{12664, 12665}, //4880. M48A3 Patton Camo *********NEW winSPMBT v14
(5387,90):{12666, 12667}, //4881. M1A1HC FEP/M1A2 SEPV3 -Camo ( no Trophy ) *********NEW winSPMBT v14
(5388,92):{12668, 12669}, //4882. M1A1HC FEP/M1A2 SEPV3 -Winter ( no Trophy ) *********NEW winSPMBT v14
(5389,92):{12670, 12671}, //4883. M1A1HC FEP/M1A2 SEPV3 -Desert ( no Trophy ) *********NEW winSPMBT v14
(5390,83):{12672, 12673}, //4884. M1A1/M1A2 MCBS-Camo ( no Trophy ) *********NEW winSPMBT v14
(5391,85):{12674, 12675}, //4885. M1A1/M1A2 MCBS-Winter ( no Trophy ) *********NEW winSPMBT v14
(5392,85):{12676, 12677}, //4886. M1A1/M1A2 MCBS-Desert ( no Trophy ) *********NEW winSPMBT v14
(5393,74):{12678, 12679}, //4887. Jaguar EBRC 6X6 Summer *********NEW winSPMBT v14
(5394,75):{12680, 12681}, //4888. Jaguar EBRC 6X6 Desert *********NEW winSPMBT v14
(5395,75):{12682, 12683}, //4889. Jaguar EBRC 6X6 Winter *********NEW winSPMBT v14
(8059,101):{17802, 17803}, //7449. Centurion Mk 11/13 Desert Camo ********NEW winSPMBT v5.5**REV winSPMBT v14
(8060,101):{17804, 17805}, //7450. Centurion Mk 11/13 Winter Camo ********NEW winSPMBT v5.5**REV winSPMBT v14
(8114,104):{17908, 17909}, //7502. AAV-7A1- desert camo 3 ********NEW winSPMBT v10 ********REV winSPMBT v14
(8399,65): {18376, 6976}, // 7776 SPB Mk.III USMC *****NEW winSPMBT v14
(8400,72): {18377, 6976}, // 7777 M113 Summer open hatches *****NEW winSPMBT v14
(8401,77): {18378, 6976}, // 7778 M113 Summer open hatches ver 2 *****NEW winSPMBT v14
(8402,63): {18379, 6976}, // 7779 OT-64 SKOT-2 *****NEW winSPMBT v14
(8403,64): {18380, 6976}, // 7780 BAV-485 Summer *****NEW winSPMBT v14
(8404,66): {18381, 6976}, // 7781 BAV-485 Winter *****NEW winSPMBT v14
(8405,65): {18382, 6976}, // 7782 BAV-485 Desert *****NEW winSPMBT v14
(8406,72): {18383, 6976}, // 7783 Ford GPA - GAZ 46 Summer *****NEW winSPMBT v14
(8407,73): {18384, 6976}, // 7784 Ford GPA - GAZ 46 Winter *****NEW winSPMBT v14
(8408,73): {18385, 6976}, // 7785 Ford GPA - GAZ 46 Desert *****NEW winSPMBT v14
(8409,61): {18386, 6976}, // 7786 PTS Summer *****NEW winSPMBT v14
(8410,62): {18387, 6976}, // 7787 PTS Winter *****NEW winSPMBT v14
(8411,62): {18388, 6976}, // 7788 PTS Desert *****NEW winSPMBT v14
(8412,65): {18389, 6976}, // 7789 K-61 GPT Summer *****NEW winSPMBT v14
(8413,66): {18390, 6976}, // 7790 K-61 GPT Winter *****NEW winSPMBT v14
(8414,66): {18391, 6976}, // 7791 K-61 GPT Desert *****NEW winSPMBT v14
(8415,64): {18392, 6976}, // 7792 Landing Barge *****NEW winSPMBT v14
(8416,60): {18393, 6976}, // 7793 Namer CEV *****NEW winSPMBT v14
(8872,62): {18929, -1}, //8229 C-47 Winter ********NEW winSPMBT v14
(8873,65): {18930, -1}, //8230 C-47 Green Camo ********NEW winSPMBT v14
(8874,66): {18931, -1}, //8231 C-47 Jungle Camo ********NEW winSPMBT v14
(8875,69): {18932, -1}, //8232 C-47 Grey-Green Camo ********NEW winSPMBT v14
(8876,66): {18933, -1}, //8233 C-47 Mult Camo 1 ********NEW winSPMBT v14
(8877,66): {18934, -1}, //8234 C-47 Mult Camo 2 ********NEW winSPMBT v14
(8878,71): {18935, -1}, //8235 C-47 Green and OD Camo ********NEW winSPMBT v14
(8879,68): {18936, -1}, //8236 C-47 3 tone Camo 1 ********NEW winSPMBT v14
(8880,68): {18937, -1}, //8237 C-47 3 tone Camo 2 ********NEW winSPMBT v14
(8881,68): {18938, -1}, //8238 C-47 3 tone Camo 3 ********NEW winSPMBT v14
(8882,68): {18939, -1}, //8239 C-47 Desert Camo 1 ********NEW winSPMBT v14
(8883,68): {18940, -1}, //8240 C-47 Desert Camo 2 ********NEW winSPMBT v14
(8884,73): {18941, -1}, //8241 C-47 Desert Brown Camo 1 ********NEW winSPMBT v14
(8885,73): {18942, -1}, //8242 C-47 Desert Brown Camo 2 ********NEW winSPMBT v14
(8886,77): {18943, -1}, //8243 C-47 Desert Mult Brown Camo 1 ********NEW winSPMBT v14
(8887,77): {18944, -1}, //8244 C-47 Desert Mult Brown Camo 2 ********NEW winSPMBT v14
(8888,73): {18945, -1}, //8245 C-47 Desert Brown Camo 1 ********NEW winSPMBT v14
(8889,73): {18946, -1}, //8246 C-47 Desert Brown Camo 2 ********NEW winSPMBT v14
(8890,57): {18947, -1}, //8247 TA-50 ********NEW winSPMBT v14
(8891,69): {18948, -1}, //8248 Tp 79 (C-47A) Sweden ********NEW winSPMBT v14
(8892,67): {18949, -1}, //8249 IL-112V Grey Camo ********NEW winSPMBT v14
(8893,62): {18950, -1}, //8250 IL-112V Camo ********NEW winSPMBT v14
(8894,68): {18951, -1}, //8251 IL-112V Desert Camo ********NEW winSPMBT v14
(8895,73): {18952, -1}, //8252 MV-22B Osprey USMC Summer ********NEW winSPMBT v14
(8896,65): {18953, -1}, //8253 Fairey Firefly ********NEW winSPMBT v14
(8897,71): {18954, -1}, //8254 Brazillian A-20 Bomber ********NEW winSPMBT v14
(9654,89): {19619, 6976}, //8991 BTR-152K --WP Green ********NEW winSPMBT v12 REV winSPMBT v14
(9655,95): {19620, 6976}, //8992 BTR-152K --Black-Green Camo ********NEW winSPMBT v12 REV winSPMBT v14

"You are never to old to rock and roll if you are too young to die".--- What do you expect to be doing when you are 80?


Last edited by DRG; April 2nd, 2020 at 07:32 AM..
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Exclamation Re: WinSPMBT version 10.0 - 14.0 Consolidation patch ( 2020 )

I may update this with further information over the next couple of weeks. We hope to have this ready for April 2, 2020

"You are never to old to rock and roll if you are too young to die".--- What do you expect to be doing when you are 80?


Last edited by DRG; March 24th, 2020 at 10:28 AM..
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Old March 17th, 2020, 03:52 PM
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Default Re: WinSPMBT version 10.0 - 14.0 Consolidation patch ( 2020 )

I have a suggestion, although I'm not sure if it is easy to implement, or if it can make it to the patch.

With 3000 slots, anyone that creates a scenario in the last slots will have to click the "next" button an awful long time.

So how about making a page indicator in the scenarios screen? In this case, the game could immediately jump into the appropriate page, instead of clicking all the way there. For example, if I want to check slot 2200, I can go to the page indicator and type 88, thus going to the page where this slot exists.
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Old March 17th, 2020, 04:00 PM
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Default Re: WinSPMBT version 10.0 - 14.0 Consolidation patch ( 2020 )

Originally Posted by Aeraaa View Post
With 3000 slots, anyone that creates a scenario in the last slots will have to click the "next" button an awful long time.

So how about making a page indicator in the scenarios screen? In this case, the game could immediately jump into the appropriate page, instead of clicking all the way there. For example, if I want to check slot 2200, I can go to the page indicator and type 88, thus going to the page where this slot exists.
There already is a GOTO that is very easy to use. You just hit that button and type in the slot you want to go to and whala off you go and there you are. Easy peasy.
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Old March 17th, 2020, 04:37 PM
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Default Re: WinSPMBT version 10.0 - 14.0 Consolidation patch ( 2020 )

Originally Posted by zovs66 View Post
Originally Posted by Aeraaa View Post
With 3000 slots, anyone that creates a scenario in the last slots will have to click the "next" button an awful long time.

So how about making a page indicator in the scenarios screen? In this case, the game could immediately jump into the appropriate page, instead of clicking all the way there. For example, if I want to check slot 2200, I can go to the page indicator and type 88, thus going to the page where this slot exists.
There already is a GOTO that is very easy to use. You just hit that button and type in the slot you want to go to and whala off you go and there you are. Easy peasy.
Can you help me as to where this button is? I don't remember anything like that so apologies of it sounds like a noob question. I just made a quick search into the game menus and I didn't find it.
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Old March 17th, 2020, 05:45 PM
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Default Re: WinSPMBT version 10.0 - 14.0 Consolidation patch ( 2020 )

2018 it was added


27/ For CD owners only .The following menus now include a GOTO feature added .
Save games List
PBEM games List
Tournament games List
Scenarios List
Campaign List
Load and Save Custom Map List in the Main Game and the Custom Editor

Simply press GOTO , enter the slot number you want and then press enter and the screen will update to that position. This addition to the code saves a lot of mouse clicking.
and what's there now is all all there is going to be. If you want GOTO buy the full game. You will be surprised by all the things you are missing

"You are never to old to rock and roll if you are too young to die".--- What do you expect to be doing when you are 80?

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Old March 17th, 2020, 06:35 PM
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Default Re: WinSPMBT version 10.0 - 14.0 Consolidation patch ( 2020 )

Originally Posted by DRG View Post
2018 it was added


27/ For CD owners only .The following menus now include a GOTO feature added .
Save games List
PBEM games List
Tournament games List
Scenarios List
Campaign List
Load and Save Custom Map List in the Main Game and the Custom Editor

Simply press GOTO , enter the slot number you want and then press enter and the screen will update to that position. This addition to the code saves a lot of mouse clicking.
and what's there now is all all there is going to be. If you want GOTO buy the full game. You will be surprised by all the things you are missing
OK, makes sense. Many thanks to both of you!
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Old March 18th, 2020, 10:02 PM
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Default Re: WinSPMBT version 10.0 - 14.0 Consolidation patch ( 2020 )

Don and Andy ...
You guys are FAR to dedicated. I thought you were taking this year off!

THANKS for the update.
Suhiir - Wargame Junkie

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Old March 18th, 2020, 10:18 PM

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Default Re: WinSPMBT version 10.0 - 14.0 Consolidation patch ( 2020 )

Buying the game was most definitely worth it. I think I even did a review.
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