Edit: vfb was able to continue playing as Caelum, and Lavaere has agreed to sub for Sauromatia.
Thread Closed
The large scale game 'Legends of Faerun' is currently in need of two subs for the nations of Sauromatia and Caelum. Although there is a big difference in the positions themselves.
The story of this nation is that they were one of the strong mid-nations in the game until they started staling when their original owner suddenly went AWOL. During the stales they lost a lot of ground to their enemy and fell back into the pack. At which point a sub was found for them (Chris Pedersen) and ironically, it was then their enemy who started staling. Under the guidance of fresh leadership, Sauro were able to drive off the enemy attackers (the enemy nation got set AI by this point) and were able to reclaim most of the ground they lost.
Unfortunately Chris Pedersen doesn't wish to continue playing Sauromatia, mainly due to the large amount of time a game on the scale of Legends of Faerun can take. So this is where a sub comes in. We are looking for someone to take this nation on and lead them onto achieving their maximum potential for the rest of the game. I don't know much about the nation itself, and wouldn't want to give specific details here anyway as the other players in the game could read them.
But the nation is in a good mid-position, currently only at war with a rapidly dying AI. Has a good level of research, and I believe also a few artefacts and Tarts. So if you fancy stepping into a nation free of any real wars, and in the throws of the mid/late game, then please feel free to apply for the Sauro position. And I'm sure Chris Pedersen can give a lot more detailed info to anyone who is interested in taking up this position (and he has agreed to continue playing them for a while until a sub is found).
A very different position this one. Basically Caelum have been at war with Helheim for most of the game. It was looking like a hard fought war as Caelum were helped out by Hinnom against the bigger nation of Helheim. But things went south for Caelum/Hinnom recently when the mighty Fomorians stepped up to Hinnom's backdoor and destroyed the entire Hinnom house just by knocking on that door. Fomoria then set their sights on Caelum, and this is where the game currently stands.
So I won't lie, Caelum have very little chance of surviving against Helheim and Fomoria, although there's always the hope of them attacking each other in the rush to claim the Caelum scalp

. Helheim and Fomoria are also at war with other nations, so they can't put every resource into this war. The current Caelum player vfb would like to continue playing Caelum, as they've battled hard all game, and they deserve to go down bravely fighting with a human controller, rather than pathetically going down under the command of the AI. Problem is though that vfb is going abroad very soon and isn't sure if he can continue to play while he is there, so he would like to get a sub for them just in case he can't.
This is where you, the sub comes in. What we are looking for is someone who is willing to give Caelum an honourable last stance against it's enemies. You're Caelum, so always plenty of nice Evo spells on hand to dish out the damage. Plus you're all fliers, so sieging those forts (3 left) isn't going to be the easiest past time for would-be invaders.
So if you feel you can put up a good fight as the heroic winged ones, then please apply for this position, and do justice to this proud nation who have been fighting for the past 20-30 turns, and therefore deserve a proper sending off.
Here's a bit of info on the game in general.
Game - Legends of Faerun
Age - EA
Schedule - 48 hours, PBEM on the llamaserver
Current turn - 54
Game thread -
llamaserver page -
If you are interested in taking any of these positions, then please post in this thread, or PM me.
'Thank You' for your time in reading this.