in clouds mostly nothing special, the mountains are mountain and with the rainbow it's farm, and some multi magic sites
under earth it's all cave or cave/swamp, cave/mountain, cave/bordermountain.
I must admit I never played in a cave so I have no idea if this is not fun or unbalanced for a race (if so that race might be the race I put there instead of Niflheim... but comp on niflheim shouldn't go wrong that fast if I make a pretender for him.. and having a comp send niflgiants at me just seemed fun

. If I can/or someone can implement that for me then another advantage I want to give is a few large cities surrounding their capital.. but that is for later

And they shouldn't be TOO strong cus in 2 steps your on "earth" from up the mountain and you don't want them at your door in 2 steps if they have a huge advantage.
(but for that I want to place someone halfway up the mountain anyway.. and on the rainbow leading DIRECTLY down to earth.)
Ideally there would even be only specific races as independents in the clouds and the upper cloud and lowest underearth thingie might become nostart provs any way.. to give comp room to explore and some room between players and normal AI and those "AI" with advantage.
But that is for later cus I dun even know how to make it so you get a start up with 1 human, 1 fixed vanaheim, 1 fixed r�hel or whatevern and the fixed niflheim and then adding AI's if you want. --> if you know.. tell me.. if you can script it for me.. even better.
anyway .. plz play the map as it is Pasha? and let me know what you think.
Want a blend of
fantasy and
sci-fi? Try the total conversion
Dominions 3000 mod with a new and fully modded solar system map.
Dragons wanted? Try the
Dragons, Magic Incarnate nation.
New and different undead nation? Try
Souls of Shiar. Including new powerfull holy magic.
In for a whole new sort of game? Then try my scenario map
Gang Wars.