Face <- This is the direction you are currently facing.
HP <- This is how much damage you can take before dying.
Eng <- This is how much longer your engine will be thrusting.
Gun <- This is how much time before your gun is reloaded.
@ <- This is your ship! It is always in the middle; when you move, the screen follows you.
> <- An Enemy ship facing right! Shoot them before they shoot you.
Yep! Ascii art, multiplayer asteroids-esque combat game run over IRC.
Visit #EHarena on irc.freenode.net if you want to try it out.
Read the topic for command details, but it is pretty simple.
To get in line to play:
/msg Drushocka start
Bail out of the queue with:
/msg Drushocka stop
Set up your display with:
/msg Drushocka buffer=15 (Number of spaces to prepend to the messages; this helps you align your map)
/msg Drushocka rightwards=90 (Sets the angle which "right" is. Default is angle 0 = right. Example makes upwards be 0 degrees)
Game commands go to the ClientBot that Drushocka will assign to you:
Turn=180 Your ship will turn towards this angle in degrees
Thrust=5 Your ship will fire its engine for this many game seconds
Fire Shoots forwards, hopefully hitting an enemy
Hit an enemy :
+1 Point
Destroy a ship :
+1 Point, and +1HP