Hey wanna start a game on my new map. Im a newb so newbs are welcome but since i do want to test my map (more for future reference when i start some new ones) experienced players are also welcome.
Game Type: Small PBEM (LLamaserver)
Speed: 24 hours per host for the first 20 turns moving to 48 hours per host after that if needed.
Quickhost enabled. Staling will get you auto-subbed or AI'd. Find a sub or ask for an extension (as long as its reasonable no prob

Era: First sign up decides
Players: 4-5
Start: As soon as people upload their pretenders.
Nation Selection: Open. If somebody wants to be a water nation thats fine. there is one start location for water nations on the map. With 1 water nation we'll do 5 players and without one we'll do 4. Now i dont know what the balance on this is period but im even more in the dark when it comes to that water nation so just a heads up ^^ just no late age ermor or r'hley (whatever) for testing purposes
Map: My Map
Sha Bay
I do
NOT guarantee balance. I see this as just a fun/challenge game and while playing we can test the map for faults.
Victory Conditions: None
Hall of Fame: 10
Renaming: On
Graphs: Off
Everything Else: Defaults
Mods: CBM 1.3
If people want to change settings we can debate it but i have final say ^^ cbm is not changing
let me know which nation u want (first sign up picks era).
and thanks to llama for letting me (us) use his awesome server ^^
DakaSha - Helheim
Executor - Hinnom
Apsophos - Pangaea
Deadnature - Abysia