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Old February 14th, 2007, 03:23 AM
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Beer SemiRandom version 095

I have attached the latest version of SemiRandom (095) to this post. The zip includes the source files and a stand alone executable that should run on Windows & Unix systems.

There are several new provinces (138 total now), and a total of 41 list files for items and name generation. There is still plenty of room to grow, but they have already provided me with two entertaining test games.

If I can keep my eyes open long enough, I will upload the windows frontend version in another topic.
(Edit: The windows gui version has it's own topic HERE.)

Edit: I could not have explained it any better than Endoperez did:
Endoperez said:For those who don't have any idea about what it is, it generates random provinces into existing map graphics. These random provinces can be similar to the unique defenders sometimes appearing in vanilla Dom3, or just little something extra. The point is, new provinces can be added to the pool just by editing the source text files. Want to add a province with King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table, or Robin Hood, or some nasty undead, or a demon-infested wasteland? If you are willing to read through the mapedit.pdf of Dom3 and the readme of this program, you can. These provinces can appear for you and for anyone else who downloaded them any time you create a new SemiRandom map.
Thank you to everyone for your contributions to this project.
Attached Files
File Type: zip 496171-SemiRandom_v095.zip (230.8 KB, 249 views)
RanDom v2 - Map gen & Semirandomizer.
Province Editor - Custom province creation made easier.
God Editor - Custom pretender creation made easier.
Map Forge - Map editor

Last edited by Ballbarian; August 18th, 2008 at 09:22 PM..
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Old February 16th, 2007, 03:26 AM
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Default Re: SemiRandom version 095

I think that I may have figured out a viable algorithm for placing reasonable start positions (as an option) and flagging those provinces and their immediate neighbors as off limits for modification. This is only theory right now, and I am in hopes that it won't unravel when I try to code it into the existing framework. (It is also possible that I won't be able to understand my own notes after a good nights sleep!)
RanDom v2 - Map gen & Semirandomizer.
Province Editor - Custom province creation made easier.
God Editor - Custom pretender creation made easier.
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Old February 17th, 2007, 01:01 PM
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Default Re: SemiRandom version 095

Wonderful work. It's still a bit too complicated for anyone with an interesting idea to just add a province, but at least those who are willing to read the readme can do so. I once planned to do a similar program, but it's been dead for about two years now.

For those who don't have any idea about what it is, it generates random provinces into existing map graphics. These random provinces can be similar to the unique defenders sometimes appearing in vanilla Dom3, or just little something extra. The point is, new provinces can be added to the pool just by editing the source text files. Want to add a province with King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table, or Robin Hood, or some nasty undead, or a demon-infested wasteland? If you are willing to read through the mapedit.pdf of Dom3 and the readme of this program, you can. These provinces can appear for you and for anyone else who downloaded them any time you create a new SemiRandom map.

If you manage to figure out an algorithm for starting positions, could it also be used for kingdoms with e.g. knights/longbowmen etc in the middle, and few heavy cavalry and archers added to all neighbouring provinces?

Can the namelists be used to e.g. create a list of all non-cursed magic items, or all non-cursed trinkets, or all non-cursed, not very powerful, melee-only magic weapons?
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Old February 17th, 2007, 03:38 PM
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Default Re: SemiRandom version 095

Thank you for the feedback Endoperez.

It's still a bit too complicated for anyone with an interesting idea to just add a province, but at least those who are willing to read the readme can do so.
It feels easy to me, but just because I am so familiar with it. The ideal would be if someone like Jack with skill in programming online tools could provide a web interface which allowed building individual provinces in a SemiRandomizer script format and auto email the submissions for addition to the library. I would be able to do a windows version, but it would not be cross platform friendly. I could look at doing a yabasic province creator, but without a proper gui interface it would be a awkward to use.

If you manage to figure out an algorithm for starting positions, could it also be used for kingdoms with e.g. knights/longbowmen etc in the middle, and few heavy cavalry and archers added to all neighbouring provinces?
Certainly possible. I will keep that in mind as the next version progresses. I also like the idea of being able to have North Dakota, South Dakota and Greater Dakota (for example) as neighboring provinces with similar inhabitants.

Can the namelists be used to e.g. create a list of all non-cursed magic items, or all non-cursed trinkets, or all non-cursed, not very powerful, melee-only magic weapons?
Yes! A simple example would be if I wanted to create a list of one-handed, fire only melee weapons for a set of abysian commanders to select randomly from. I would create a text file named 1HFIREMELEE_DATA1.txt and add any items that I wanted to the list:
Fire Sword
Fire Brand
Evening Star
Demon Whip
Unquenched Sword

Then save the file to the NAME_VAULT directory and add the name of the file to NameList.txt so that the program can find it. Now when I am creating my abysian province commanders I would tell the program to assign him a random item from that list with:

In the above example, I could have also done the same thing with:
@6 additem
"Fire Sword"
"Fire Brand"
"Evening Star"
"Demon Whip"
"Unquenched Sword"

But with a long list of items that you wanted to use with multiple commanders, or across multiple provinces, the list file is a nice solution.

A helpful tip is that Edi's databases make it easy to use the autofilter feature to quickly compile very specific lists of items, monsters, magic sites, etc.
RanDom v2 - Map gen & Semirandomizer.
Province Editor - Custom province creation made easier.
God Editor - Custom pretender creation made easier.
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Old February 19th, 2007, 11:53 AM
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Default Re: SemiRandom version 095

Realm of the Ape King is done. A rich province in both gold and gems. It has a castle. Outside the castle, the defenders aren't that hard to take down, but just breaching the gates to the inner castle should take you a long, long time... And the defenders inside the castle won't starve anytime soon, either.

I'll attach ENDO1_HOT_M_FST_U_R_.gan here, zipped, but there's still one problem with it. It should be able to appear in any hot or temperate forest that's medium to large. BallBarian, you seem to have done multiple versions of a single province type (even uniques), like this:


However, wouldn't that let it create four versions of the same unique province? That doesn't sound right... If you've already added in some kind of province recognition, I'd like to have the Realm appear under those four names. However, it might take a week before I have a chance to use a computer again... I won't mind anyone else adding it to the .gan lists, of course.
Attached Files
File Type: zip 497555-ENDO1_HOT_M_FST_U_R_.zip (1.1 KB, 183 views)
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Old February 19th, 2007, 01:53 PM
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Default Re: SemiRandom version 095

This utility is very cool. Breathes new life into the all the tired old maps around. Thanks for sharing Ballbarian.
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Old February 19th, 2007, 04:50 PM
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Default Re: SemiRandom version 095

Thank you very much for contributing Endoperez!
It looks like you have found a way to allow external defenders of "independent" forts. Very cool!


It should be able to appear in any hot or temperate forest that's medium to large. BallBarian, you seem to have done multiple versions of a single province type (even uniques), like this:


However, wouldn't that let it create four versions of the same unique province?
First let me point out that you are using _M_ to denote a medium sized or otherwise "Normal" size, which should be _N_. It will still work since _M_=Multi (opposite of unique) which is just a placeholder that can be omitted, but that I include in my gan titles for clarity. The same goes for _N_=Normal which is again just a placeholder and can be omitted.

That said, currently _U_nique provinces must have a specific terrain for them to be truly unique. Creating a single unique province that can appear on a variety of terrains is not an option right now, though I feel your pain and I am looking for an alternative approach. You are right. Using your example could create four instances of the same unique province on different terrains. There should not be any existing GAN's in the current set that use the same unique province with multiple terrain types. If you see one, please point it out because it would have been unintentional. (I did a quick scan and couldn't find any.) There are however "multi" type provinces with multiple files for different terrain types.

This utility is very cool. Breathes new life into the all the tired old maps around. Thanks for sharing Ballbarian.
Your very welcome Wauthan, and thank you for the encouragement.
RanDom v2 - Map gen & Semirandomizer.
Province Editor - Custom province creation made easier.
God Editor - Custom pretender creation made easier.
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Old February 23rd, 2007, 03:01 PM
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Default Re: SemiRandom version 095

Ballbarian said:
Thank you very much for contributing Endoperez!
It looks like you have found a way to allow external defenders of "independent" forts. Very cool!

First let me point out that you are using _M_ to denote a medium sized or otherwise "Normal" size, which should be _N_.

That said, currently _U_nique provinces must have a specific terrain for them to be truly unique. Creating a single unique province that can appear on a variety of terrains is not an option right now, though I feel your pain and I am looking for an alternative approach.
Yeah, I'm proud of coming up with that ownership change trick. It seems to work without any problems, too.

Thanks for pointing out the "Medium"/"Normal" thing. I'll remember it for the next one.

Good luck on coming up with an alternative.
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Old February 23rd, 2007, 07:54 PM
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Default Re: SemiRandom version 095

WOW THANKS for figuring out that castle defence thing! Do you mind if I make extensive use of that immeadiately on all my map routines?
(slap head, cant believe I didnt try that long ago).

Using special monsters will be ok for awhile altho Im pretty sure that something is planned for that. Did you test 23 (independents) to see if that worked. It might not since part of what it was doing originally had to be removed. And does 25 work the same? Im not sure of the difference in how the code plays #24 Special Monsters and #25 Special Monsters but Im sure there is something.
I hope Johan doesnt fix this now that we found it.
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Old February 23rd, 2007, 08:37 PM
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Default Re: SemiRandom version 095

On the algorythm for finding a start position, here are some ideas for programs to use it.

(A) Based on a comment by someone in another thread.. a 3 age scenario. The same graphic map (RGB) but zipped up with 3 .map files. For example a scenario for abit of extended roleplaying with Ermor.
Map 1: Early Era Ermor, a set starting position with one province.
Map 2: Middle Era Ermor, same as above but start with 3 provinces.
Map 3: Late Era Ermor, same as above but 9 provinces.

If the 9 provinces were the same on each map (same poptypes and sites even though you wont see the sites on earlier maps) then it might give a real feel for a 3 game campaign And it would give a real feel for Kristoffers work in giving storyline progression on some nations.

(B) The Pipeline or Tower maps. I like the concept of the Tower map (very tall but only wide enough to have one nation stacked above the other) but the concept of starting at one end and fighting your way thru successive nations gradually getting stronger and stronger seems to require preset starting positions.

Of course both of those can be done manually (If anyone wants to, please feel free to do it for us all). But personally its going to sit on my ToDo list for ever. But if it can be programmed you could make it available for nightly generated new versions in your web directory.
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