
June 3rd, 2006, 02:33 AM
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Abandon SE4?Opinions:Space Empires 5 screen shots?
So, I'm assuming that everyone, for the most part, will abandon playing SE4 when SE5 is released.
What are you're opinions of the SE5 screenshots?
In particular, what do you think of the space and ground battles being in real time?
I appreciate the concept; stategic being turn based and combat being real time. Like an ancient leader on the battlefield; in this case he may be on site personally, or via a clone or android, or via other technological or psycic sensory.
That screenshot of the fighter and capital ship battle with all the little explosions is wonderful.
The ground battle art looks a little rough. I'm assuming that these are prototype screenshots.
What are the little orange puffs around the star in the other shot? Aftermath of a supernova?
What do you think of the user interface? I think that the mini map should be the same height as the rest of the panel so that the game screen will resemble a movie screen.
I particularly like the ship designer appearence. It has upper, middle, and lower decks. I wonder if Malfador still has time to make it to where we can grab, rotate, and flip the model. Also possibly zoom in.
If customized ship sets are so popular for SE4 then maybe have a ship set creator as part of the in game for SE5.
Or, even better,we pick a basic shape: pyrimid, cube, sphere \ we stretch and shape it : triangular, rectangular, tubular, etc. \ we add a "hull material texture" and colors : smooth, moderate, rough: metal, ceramic, biological, crystal, energy etc.: glossy, glowing, moderate, dark, etc. \ we add hull "items" and customization: engine nacelles, wings, command bridge structure, etc. \ we add the components \ Complete .
Would these humble opinion concepts be do-able in the current progress of Space Empires 5?...Probably not.

June 3rd, 2006, 03:47 AM
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Re: Abandon SE4?Opinions:Space Empires 5 screen shots?
I for one have already stopped taking on new SE4 games so that my current ones will die out once I start se5. I know SE5 will have elements from SE3, which I have not played, so I don't know for absolute if I will like it better or worse than SE4, though I believe I should make a complete change to SE5.
I don't know much about having different decks, unless you are refering to the Starfury model with inner and outer hull.
I don't think there is much chance of an adition allowing ship modelling. To my knowledge there is a lot of debate on SpaceEmpires about what packages to use to make the new models, and although those subject to the NDA can't say one way or the other I doubt they would be going along with the debate if they already knew it had a modeller.

June 3rd, 2006, 04:09 AM
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Re: Abandon SE4?Opinions:Space Empires 5 screen shots?
I don't know much about having different decks, unless you are refering to the Starfury model with inner and outer hull.[\quote]
I'm reffering to this shot Post#http://www.malfador.com/SE5scr012.htm at Post#http://www.malfador.com/
[Edit] It seems that I did not quote properly and my links are not...linking.

June 3rd, 2006, 04:37 AM
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Re: Abandon SE4?Opinions:Space Empires 5 screen shots?
I never noticed that before. Interesting. I suppose the combat system has some way of determining which deck takes damage.
What I noticed only recently was the ability to determine the atmosphere of planets. You could have nitrogen, or argon or other breathers.

June 3rd, 2006, 09:14 AM
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Re: Abandon SE4?Opinions:Space Empires 5 screen shots?
I'm not really sure I like the new GUI. Think I prefer the SE4 one, for various reasons. Other than that, the pictures doesn't tell me so much, as I really just care about gameplay improvements, not graphical ones.
Oh, actually I like parts of the GUI, just not the buttons in the main system view and the 'unit-buttons'.

June 3rd, 2006, 11:26 AM
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Re: Abandon SE4?Opinions:Space Empires 5 screen shots?
Its kind of funny bc this was the discusion right before se4 came and was ultimately one of many things that killed the se ladder. For a long time alot of people prefered se3 but most people gave in and some didnt.

June 3rd, 2006, 11:59 AM
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Re: Abandon SE4?Opinions:Space Empires 5 screen sh
This case is different though. Three big points:
- SE3 had a weakness in the multiplayer. SE4 does not; PBW and simultaneous turns.
- SE3 was not seriously moddable. SE4 is. SE4 has a huge base of quality mods, imagepacks, the TDM AIs, and more. SE5 is currently barren, and will be barren for a significant time after release while people figure things out and work on their mods.
- SE3 and SE4 will both run great on any system which runs win95 or higher. Nobody needs to spend a dime on hardware to run those two smooth as silk.
On a completely unrelated topic:
- Carrier Free Battles mod #2 is open on PBW; 4 players already in, join the fun!
- Lord of the Rings is also very recently opened; 2 players so far.
Things you want:

June 3rd, 2006, 02:26 PM
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Re: Abandon SE4?Opinions:Space Empires 5 screen sh
I for one will continue playing SEIV once SEV is out. After all, just because SE5 is out it doesn't in any way diminish what SEIV is. I'll switch mostly to 5, but I'll continue playing 4 as well; just like I play some games of 3 even today.
Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is that little voice at the end of the day that says "I'll try again tomorrow".
Maturity is knowing you were an idiot in the past. Wisdom is knowing that you'll be an idiot in the future.
Download the Nosral Confederacy (a shipset based upon the Phong) and the Tyrellian Imperium, an organic looking shipset I created! (The Nosral are the better of the two [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Grin.gif[/img] )

June 3rd, 2006, 04:41 PM
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Re: Abandon SE4?Opinions:Space Empires 5 screen sh
SE3 and SE4 will both run great on any system which runs win95 or higher. Nobody needs to spend a dime on hardware to run those two smooth as silk.
SE5 is one of the games that will help set the minimum specs for my next system. I have no projected date for when I might be able to afford a new machine, so I will be sticking with SE4 for the foreseeable future.
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June 3rd, 2006, 10:40 PM
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Re: Abandon SE4?Opinions:Space Empires 5 screen sh
Well, I might play SEIV from time to time, but I would probably play it way less than now, after getting SEV. I have only played a few games of SEIII after getting SEIV because it's just not the same anymore after getting used to something that has many improvements and new features.
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