Hi everybody!
I wondered if anyone have found or ever made a quick refernce guide or matrix with tables concerning ranges, vison, accuracy and speed and every other factor that makes the rules for SPMBT.
Some tables put together where you easily can read out that if a tank has speed 22, it can move a certain amount of hexes, reach a certain top speed and then how this will inflict accuracy when it fires/is being fired upon. Also how different types of terrain encountered offers protecion and hinders movement on the way.
How vision values is worked out against the visibility on the map, and exactly how to translate visibility into real light and weather conditions. How accuracy decreses with the range of the shoot... the list could go on for ever

There are alot of factors that I would like to be able to calculate to get a better grip of the battlefield when I am playing or planning a game.
So my question is, does anyone now if, and where I can find this kind of information? Either in a allready completed guide, or just the raw data to crunch into excel myself. I have heard that the rules system used in the SP games is simillar to ASL, how much do they differ, and can guides be compatible if that where the case?