Proportions Mod Version 3.0.2 is now available from the
Proportions Mod web page. Note that I decided against adding 50kT ships after analyzing various issues they introduced, which I think would want some fiddling with scale mounts and so on to balance well. Changes in this Version are as follows:
Version 3.0.2:
New Additions:
* Added High Explosive Missiles, a new AFV weapon using Missile and
Explosive Warhead tech.
* Added small mounts for satellites.
* Added External Fighter Pads. Thanks to Atrocities (William Christopher)
for the component graphic!
* Added Anti-Matter Reactors (new tech area with 15 component Versions).
Thanks to Ed Kolis for the component graphics!
Gameplay Changes:
* Changed High-Performance Quantum Engines into two models, one more
efficient, and the other, faster than before.
* Replaced AFV Anti - Matter Torpedoes with High Explosive Missiles.
(AFV AMT's might return in a later patch, with some changes.)
* Added increasing supply use to higher-powered Graviton Hellbores.
* Restricted various mount types to specific weapon types, for various
reasons of balance and variety. In general, most weapons that can't
target fighters, can't be PD mounted. Physical torpedoes can't be
given larger mounts. Some special weapons that are very effective in
their standard size cannot be given larger or smaller mounts.
* Changed carrier component requirements so only part of their old
tonnage quota needs to be actual fighter launch components - now
part of the old requirement can be met with other cargo-class
* Revised the abilities, costs, and requirements of starliners, and
increased the maintenance reduction of small transports.
* Changed starliner modules to require mounts available only to
starliner ships. Their size now decreases at higher levels. The
result of this and the above change is that starliners with level
IV modules are now generally the most efficient choice for moving
population, while transports (especially small transports) are
generally the most efficient choice for transporting cargo.
* Added organic and radioactives costs to Medical Bays. Note that this
adds an important time requirement to build these at remote bases!
* Fixed error-causing typo in Terran AI research file. (1)
* Added an Elite Traditions tech area, to get around a bug in SE4 which
was causing Elite techs to show up as expected results for non-elite
* Added org and rad costs to Resupply Base, to match Resupply Depot. (3)
* Added "WP" label to Standard Weapon Platform Mount. (3)
* Stopped stacking of high-performance engine defence modifiers with
standard engines. (3)
* Corrected effect display of Energy Transmission Lenses IV through VI. (2)
* Corrected a typo in description of Small Mount II accuracy modifier.
* Corrected the Raise Level of some high technologies from 1 to 0.
* Corrected "optain" typos.
* Adjusted tech group of warp manipulation techs. (2)
* Added damage amount to descriptions of anti-planet warheads since SE4
doesn't display damages over 1000 accurately. (2)
* Adjusted Fate Shrine II and III ability descriptions. (2)
* Removed long-range damage stats from AFV weapons. (They were
misleading since the program never uses them.)
* Adjusted images for supply and cargo compartments and niches.
((1) Thanks to TheDeadlyShoe for reporting these!)
((2) Thanks to Alneyan for reporting these!)
((3) Thanks to Ed Kolis for reporting these!)