I got a very hard to justify AI decision yesterday. I teleported my Baphomet (fire 9 astral 4) with 4 fire gems and with the following script : lesser fire elts x4
I expected that, being so powerful in fire, he would only consume one gem (the basic cost) for each casting.
No avail... The first cast used 3 gems, with the Baphomet rising to 11 fatigues (10 from the spell, 1 from enc). The second (and Last cast) gave 13 fatigues (12+1).
Now I wonder why there is no basic algorithms which prevent the wasting of 2 additional gems just to get 2 less fatigues... Here is a quick example:
1. pay basic cost.
2. check which fatigue reduction you would get by spending one more gem:
a) if caster fatigue is <90, dont spend if the fatigue reduction is 5 or less.
b) if caster fatigue is <190, dont spend if the fatigue reduction is 3 or less.
c)if caster fatigue is >=190, dont spend if the fatigue reduction is 1 or less.
if increased gem cost in decided, repeat 2. Limit extra gem usage with the caster level, as usual.
Not that difficult...
Second problem:
I scripted blink as my 5th spell, in 3 differents combat. The spell never triggered. I though that spells without gem usage were never overriden, if the conditions were met for the cast (and blink have no conditions like range... that can prevent its casting).
So, a bug, or a normal behavior? Dont tell me that the infamous 'AI override zeal' is back in full force.