New game using Adamant Mod!

Who wants in?
This will be an alpha test game for Adamant Mod. You can get the mod from its website. The game will likely be processed manually, so as to prevent having to constantly bug Geo to upgrade the mod on PBW.
The official game forum was located at:
Please do not use the PBW forum, as I will only look at it very, very infrequently.
Make sure to read the Empire Setup file in the Help folder, and follow the guidelines in it. Specifically, you are required to list all advanced racial traits you chose in the Biological Description portion of your empire file. And, don't take more than one basic race trait (Physical, Organic, Magic) and do not take more than one of the Natives trait types.
No duplicate ship sets allowed. Make sure to select the set you are using when you upload your empire file from the drop down list (even if it is a Stock set).
Population trading is disallowed. You may not trade population with other empires, period.
Surrender is disallowed. Therefore, gifting all of your planets, ships, etc. to another empire, which is an attempt to subvert this rule, is also disallowed. If you happen to see other players do this in the game, tell me, and I will investigate the situation. If this rule has been broken, I will upload an old turn to prevent it from happening, and I will consider kicking the offending players from the game.
If any player misses more than 4 turns in a row without any explanation, then I will kick him/her from the game. I have had problems with players in other games not sending any turns in for weeks, and I don't want it to happen here.
Please do not join this game if you plan on having a massive, pre-planned alliance (including, but not limited to, an alliance of 2 players). This game is not designed for that, and I would appreciate it if you do not ruin it for the rest of the players involved. If alliances happen to be started during the game, then that is not a problem.
Bug exploits are not allowed. They will be listed as they are discovered. If you are unsure of something, please do not hesitate to ask me about it.
Starting resources: 20000
Starting planets: 5
Home planet value: Good
Score display: Own
Technology level: Medium
Racial points: 3000
Quadrant type: Something
Quadrant size: Somewhere between 1 and 255
Event frequency: Medium
Event severity: High
Technology cost: Medium
Victory conditions: When it seems right to end the game.
Maximum units: 20k
Maximum ships: 20k
Computer players: NONE
Computer difficulty: High
Computer player bonus: None
Neutral empires: No