Firstly sorry this is sketchy but I am off
There seem discrepencies for units with same name if buy in diffrent formations.
Realise ground speed changes dependant on version but some have amphib capabilty while others dont depending on formation. Also cant remember if 2 or 3 think 3A3 the + version loses speed assume to extra armour but that was the only diffrence I could see. Sorry its so vague.
Also while think about Russian BMP Support Co there are 3 versions ABC I think.
A is fine but B+C somebody has pinched the Company Commanders ride

Further thought on USA Linebacker has an EW of 3 one less than the Vulcan which seems strange. This may be due to its SAM but the likes of Polish ZSU-4MP carries a infantry portable EW3 SAM by the looks of it & gets an EW of 5. May be other issues obviously no time to look.