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Old December 20th, 2001, 01:06 AM
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Default Off Topic DO NOT BUY CIV 3

THis game is utter complete crap. Just trust me on this. I have been playing it for a month now, and I just unistalled that POS from my computer. The list of things wrong with it is a mile and half long. I am sick and tired of crap from Sid M. and will NEVER buy his trash again.

To hell with Civilization 3. Oh ya, I just trashed the disk, and am going to send it to them in peaces. (Seldom does a game frustrate me to this point, but this one pushed evey button I had.)
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Old December 20th, 2001, 01:18 AM
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Default Re: Off Topic DO NOT BUY CIV 3

Note to self:
do not buy Civ 3
Spend money on Myth 3 instead.

[ 19 December 2001: Message edited by: Dracus ]

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Old December 20th, 2001, 02:18 AM

Shyrka Shyrka is offline
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Default Re: Off Topic DO NOT BUY CIV 3

Here in Spain Civ 3 is just arriving. Now shops will sell the English Version, and will sell the Spanish Version in March. It's the first time i can remember that a game is sold in 2 Versions. The expectation is enormous, all magazines with Civ 3 and Sid Meier at the cover. But, what are the changes? The gameplay is the same that the 1st Civ.
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Old December 20th, 2001, 02:34 AM
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Default Re: Off Topic DO NOT BUY CIV 3

Well, too late
I have to agree, Civ3 has some frustrating parts, but overall I enjoyed it. Ive been trying to edit the game to make it better (in my eyes that is)
The big thing that pissed me off is how cruise missiles were ground units. (*HUH??)
When a cat is dropped, it always lands on its feet, and when toast is dropped, it always lands with the buttered side facing down. I propose to strap buttered toast to the back of a cat. The two will hover, spinning inches above the ground. With a giant buttered cat array, a high-speed monorail could easily link New York with Chicago.
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Old December 20th, 2001, 03:09 AM
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Default Re: Off Topic DO NOT BUY CIV 3

I just looked at civ III web site and there is a patch for it, have you all dpwnloaded this patch?
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Old December 20th, 2001, 03:31 AM
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Default Re: Off Topic DO NOT BUY CIV 3

does the patch fix its 'more-of-the-same'ness? the gameing industry has a stick if you have a dead horse.
...the green, sticky spawn of the stars
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Old December 20th, 2001, 03:42 AM

Baron Munchausen Baron Munchausen is offline
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Default Re: Off Topic DO NOT BUY CIV 3

There's a patch already, huh? How many patches were there for the original Civ? Five or more, I think? How many patches were there for Master of Orion I and II, and Master of Magic? At least three each -- I think it was more. For that matter, how many patches have there been for SE IV now? Seven? This is the 'software business' today. You don't FINISH anything. That's too expensive. You get it to the point where it's good enough not to be embarrassing at first use -- that is, you have 'plausible deniability' that you didn't know it wasn't really finished. Then you release it and hype it with lots of advertizing. Some games don't even have plausible deniability, of course. (cough)Outpost(cough) Then you gather the bug reports from your paying beta testers and start releasing patches. It works this way in business software, too. At least MS has had the grace to call its public beta phase a beta phase, and treat it that way, for new Versions of Windows since the 32-bit Versions started coming out.

I'd say wait another year and then get the 'latest' Civ III at that point. That's what I intend to do. Same for Master of Orion III, frankly. I wouldn't be dumb enough to believe the hype and buy it as soon as it's released. That's the public beta not the final game.

For that matter, SE IV Gold is finally gonna be what SE IV was supposed to be. It's the nature of the industry. Everyone is in a huge rush and thinks that anyone who takes the time to actually finish a major piece of software will end up publishing an obsolete 'white elephant'. And guess what, everyone rushing along with the same belief makes it true. The whole industry is a herd of sheep forcing itself over a cliff. So, to avoid frustration I have resigned myself to always using obsolete software. I'm currently running Windows 98 and will not upgrade to XP until there's a next generation released. By then it won't be too expensive to own hardware that can run it fast, either. Run the previous generation of software on the current generation of hardware and performance is not an issue. And the worst bugs will already be fixed.

[ 20 December 2001: Message edited by: Baron Munchausen ]

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Old December 20th, 2001, 04:50 AM
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Default Re: Off Topic DO NOT BUY CIV 3

Preach it, Brother Munchausen! I am a physician using electronic medical records and electronic medical billing. Don't use the newest fangled software and hardware. Wait on the bugs to be worked out.

Oh, I do use beta medical records software.... but not on real patients. I have been testing and playing with the "beta" for 8 months and soon enough we will be able to go "live" with the "full" Version. It would look pretty embarrassing for a patient to come in to my office and my staff not be able to pull up a chart because "the beta ate it"!

Look at NASA. One of my buddies told me that they use old 386 processors on the shuttle for their reliability. I don't know if that is true but makes sense.

If you wan't the latest, cutting edge stuff; be prepared to put up with some headaches. Remember the turtle and the hare. Steadfast wins the race.
The Good Doc

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Old December 20th, 2001, 05:14 AM
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Default Re: Off Topic DO NOT BUY CIV 3

not only do they use 386s, they only upgraded to them in the Last 5 years or so. i remember some obscure news article when they got the approval for it, but i dont remember exactly when it was.

hell, that was a few years ago. maybe they are on something better by now. i would not bank on it though, its more important for them to have twelve redundant systems for everything and have them run with low power requirements than it is for them to have fast processors. i mean, its not like they are computing rocket science

(gosh, remember when rocket science was mind-boggling? now its genetics this, molecules that. everything in modern science is so darn tiny! in the good old days people thought BIG!)
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Old December 20th, 2001, 08:02 AM

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Default Re: Off Topic DO NOT BUY CIV 3

I do agree that CIV III is a disappointment, but I still think it is a good game. Is it better than Civ II, yes. Does it have MAJOR problems, yes. Is it better out of the box than CTP I and II (both truely unfinished games), yes. Is it better then the modded CTP I, NO.

1. Can not define historical starting positions for empires so can not play a historical Earth map or create scenarios. User mod fixes this bug.

2. Some of the features do not work. (although the patch did fix the precision bombing bug)

3. Game is VERY unstable and crashes constantly. Patch was supposed to address this problem but did not.

4. Patch:
Pros: Gives user more ability to fix problems with game.
Cons: Majority are just cosmetic fixes like spelling errors, does not fix MAJOR problems. Does fix precision bombing bug, but adds new bugs.
Assessment: If you want to try to mod the game to fix problems, install patch. If you want to play the game with no mods, do not install patch as additional bugs are not worth the precision bombing fix.

5. Pros: Firaxis has committed to fix the game with patches. As long as the company is willing to support the game with patches to fix the problems I am willing to buy the game. I refuse to buy games when the company refuses to support the game with patches. I did not buy CTP II and I will not buy IGIII as the companies refused to support CTP I and IGII but released flawed games, one or two minor patches and that was it. I will not be burned twice.

I was more disappointed with CTP I and II then with CIV3. CTP had great potential but was rushed to the market and totally unplayable out of the box. Activision also refused to support the game. Saving grace was ability to mod game. EXTENSIVE user mods over next two years turned CTP I into a very good game. CTP II was a step backwards and again Activision refused to support the game, so I say stick with CTP I modded. Luckily I did not buy CTP II.

Civ3 is playable out of the box (I think). Unfortunately once you get a good game going, it crashes. I have not been able to get past the middle ages yet. Tech suppost has been no help, as all crash problems are the OS's fault. They also state that only limited help will be available because of the holidays.

If you can wait don't buy CIV3 now, but wait for the patches.
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