SE4 by Committee
I was thinking that it might be neat to play a game of SE4 by committee here on shrapnel.
Note: This is a REAL SE4 game, Shrapnel VS AIs, with tactical combat, not just RolePlaying.
Anyone who joins would get one vote in the run of things.
A player who is denoted a Minister would be given significant control over some portion of the empire, and would get a block of 25% votes if the motion falls under thier job description. Only the most applicable minister would get the block.
Because of the 25% block, it will take a 2/3rds majority of the rest of the players to veto.
Preferably, new players would take minister slots, which will make for much debate, and a good learning opportunity.
A player who is denoted a General will be given the option to command fleets in tactical combat for the empire. This requires an Instant Messaging Client (MSN/ICQ/IRC preferred, Yahoo, AOL possible too) and to be available often.
Players will be given a special unit to mark their place in the galaxy. Generals must be present in the fleet they are to control. All players' marker unit must remain alive and uncaptured in order to vote.
If your marker is captured, and then recovered, you may resume your duties.
This game will likely take as long or longer than a standard PBW game, but the main point is the interaction between forum goers.
Empire setup can be done similarily, with each player making a vote for one positive trait modifier, and one negative trait modifier.
What do you think of the SE4 by committee game idea?
[ December 17, 2002, 15:46: Message edited by: Suicide Junkie ]
Things you want: