on-line tournament idea
The Se4 gold multiplayer option opens up the possibility for an on-line competition that could be quite interesting. The main idea is to create a one-on-one simultaneous combat sudden death tournament for any number of players that could be played fairly quickly. The tournament leader would specify the conditions, which could be very different from time to time (maybe once a month like the Game Of The Month at Civ3 Fanatics). For example, an all tech 5000-point race having a fleet with maximum 100,000 resources. Each player meets up with his own race and ship designs, which is checked by a neutral referee after a small number of turns (Only ships and units can be built). A random draw (or maybe with a seed as the record grows) defines the pairings. Players meet in pairs at the center of a �spoke� galaxy, each entering the combat zone from his unique wormhole linking to his ten-planet system with unlimited resources. Alternating as attacker and defender (defender goes first), they move and meet at the sun (which could be a warp point) in the center. They each can watch the replay, and repeat an even number of trials until one has a lead of two wins after a minimum number of trials, maybe 6 or so. A tiebreak procedure would need to be adopted. I suspect this would take no more than ten or fifteen minutes. Then the next pair would be up. Then the winners would meet, etc, etc. like in a tennis tournament. The whole thing might take a couple of hours depending on how many were involved. Or, the early round matches could be scheduled individually (as AOK does) with only the semifinalists, or maybe quarterfinalists meeting together on-line for the final battles.
I think this could be a lot of fun and a real challenge to those who would like to match designing wits with others under different circumstances. It needs somebody to do a little work organizing it, but it would be far simpler than PBW technically. All it really needs is some scheduling and a simple new �spoke� galaxy; maybe a game room. And the variations are infinite. Only the imagination limits the possibilities. One-on-one non-tournament pick up games could also be arranged. Or even a free-for-all with several participants.
These are just some ideas for discussion. I am sure they can be improved upon. Of course, on-line tactical combat would be even better than simultaneous combat, but maybe this start would inspire Malfador to offer that possibility.
Comments? Anybody keen to follow up on this?