About to buy the game: first some questions
I've only just finished the the instructed part of the demo but I'm already liking what I see. However, before I decide to buy this game, a few questions:
1. How big are the biggest map sizes? I'm sure you know what it looks like in the demo. Can it be much larger than that in the full game? I'm looking for a game where the map size can be huge so as to allow for genuinely epic games. I've recently been playing MOO2 again and noticed that even on the "huge" galaxy setting, it really is every small and three AI plus me is as far as I'll care to take it there--otherwise it's just too cramped.
2. Is the amount of ships you can have in your empire limited to how much support you can provide or is there an imposed limit? If so, what is it?
3. How does this game compare to MOO2? Just go from the top of your head as far as what comes to mind.
4. Is there any place in Canada to order this game or do I have to do it from this site? Does anyone know what the shipping charges are on that from here? (The exchange rate on the base $39.95 price alone is going to make this expensive. Toss in shipping across the border and I'm almost afraid to know what this might cost me if I go ahead.)