1. As to the ATR accuracy revisions previously in 2-16 range, while you caught the OOB 16 duplication of Wpn 90 & 142, the wpn correction (just cut and paste values from OOB 16 - wpn #90) was missed in the
following OOBs:
OOB 1 - wpn #96. Acc = 2 / HEAT Pen = 2.
Plus wpns #173 / 178 seem to be duplicated?
OOB 33 - Wpn 133. Incorrect Accuracy (32 vs corr 16) & Missing HE kill = 1.
OOB 35 - wpn 134 - Correct.
OOB 37 - wpn 96. Acc 2 vs corr 16.
And, in OOB 16, with the PzB 39 (unit 114) accurately coming out in 9/39 (just 703 Panzerbüchse 38 produced in 1939), this leaves - in the words of George C Scott as the mad General in Dr Strangelove - an 'ATR Gap'

in unit class 2- Inf-AT from 6/38 thru 8/39 inclusive.
Therefore, unit #417, the 13.2mm Mauser, needs a correction of end-date to 10/39 (overlap of 2 months to allow for PzB 38/39 replacement), as previously noted in 2011.
This avoids the German 'ATR Gap' har.
2. Plus, in OOB 21 - it is highly doubtful the-then scarce PzB 38/39 ATRs (wpn 88) would have been available to an overseas export client in 9/39 (units 33 & 500). Therefore, revise their start date to 8/40 or 9/40 (after fall of France) and check if any formations require adjustment.
3. And in OOB 33 - cut and paste wpn 88 from OOB 16 to correct inaccuracies. Range 10 vs incorrect 13, and Missing Sabot Pen / Range.
4. Also, the values for the Polish 7.92 kb.Ur wz35 ATR or Marosheck in foreign service are incorrect for following OOBs:
OOB 1 - wpn 142. Most values incorrect.
OOB 34 - wpn 135. Incorrect Acc 18 vs corr 38.
I think that was it for ATRs.