Moving Descriptions
From what I understand units that have moved the previous turn are still in the process of moving in the next turn. Of course this isn’t graphically shown, so I believe the troops are simply taking their positions within the destination hex and won’t come to a complete stop until they haven’t moved for one turn. If this is in-fact how movement works, how do you know which troops are still in the process of moving within the destination hex, and which troops have come to a complete stop? I know the speed of moving unit’s is displayed in the turn when it begins it’s move, so discerning which units have moved in the current turn is no problem, but during the next turn the only thing displayed about moving is the unit’s condition (ready, pinned or whatever). I mean if a unit has to be idle for one complete turn, the unit's condition isn't very accurate. I think this is important because units that havn't completely stopped and isn’t described as doing so would be bad at attacking, because this would reduces the unit’s firepower and you wouldn’t know about it.
Last edited by Dion; December 14th, 2010 at 07:39 PM..