Changes? Did I hear someone mention 'Changes'?...
I got this news from a friend..
>LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- George Lucas made several changes in
>"Star Wars" when the film was re-released in 1997. With the "Star Wars"
>trilogy on DVD, he's tinkered a little more. Here are five changes Lucas
>5. Jedis don't scream
>The 1997 special edition Version of "The Empire Strikes Back" was
>changed so Luke wails as he jumps off the platform in Cloud City. In the
>only instance of Lucas undoing a later alteration (sadly, Greedo still
>shoots first on the DVD of "A New Hope"), he's taken it off the DVD
>edition. Maybe he realized Jedis (even ones in training) don't scream.
>4. Boba Fett has a new voice
>Since Boba Fett is a clone of Jango Fett, and Jango Fett is played by
>Temura Morrison, doesn't it make sense that he should sound like him,
>too? That's exactly what George Lucas thought, so Morrison was brought
>in to revoice the four lines of dialogue (yes, believe it or not there
>are only four!) Boba spoke in the original trilogy.
>3. A new and improved Jabba
>Remember that dodgy-looking computer-generated Jabba they inserted into
>the 1997 re-release of "A New Hope"? Well, he looks a little less dodgy
>this time around thanks to some improved CGI.
>2. The emperor's new clothes
>In the original Version of "The Empire Strikes Back," the emperor Darth
>Vader speaks to via hologram was played by a woman in a mask (!) and
>voiced by Clive Revill. Again, in the interests of consistency, Ian
>McDiarmid -- who portrays the emperor in "Return of the Jedi" and the
>prequel trilogy -- now appears in that scene with an added line or two
>of dialogue.
>1. The big finale
>The 1997 special edition of "Return of the Jedi" added a few "Star Wars"
>worlds joining the celebration of the Empire's demise at the end of the
>film. For the DVD, they've added Naboo, a planet that figures
>prominently in the prequel trilogy. Also, Anakin Skywalker is noticeably
>different this time around. When he removes his Darth Vader helmet, he
>now has no eyebrows! It's probably safe to assume he singes them off in
>his battle with Obi-Wan Kenobi in next summer's "Return of the Sith" and
>a change had to be made.
>But the most noticeable change -- and perhaps one some "Star Wars"
>diehards will have a tough time stomaching -- is Hayden Christensen (who
>plays young Anakin in the prequel trilogy) now appearing in the scene
>where the "force ghosts" of Anakin, Obi Wan, and Yoda smile at Luke. One
>thing's for sure, there's plenty for fans to debate -- that is, until
>the trilogy comes out yet again on another format in the future and Mr.
>Lucas makes his inevitable changes ...