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Old September 21st, 2004, 10:38 AM
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Default OT - Star Wars trilogy out today

Yahoo!! The original Star Wars trilogy is being released today. I'm counting the hours before I can get my hands on my reserved copy (2 1/2 hours to go before my lunch period). I don't care what my son says, but I'm definitely watch A New Hope tonight. Hopefully, he'll like it and will want to watch it again (and again, and again, etc.).
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Old September 21st, 2004, 02:40 PM
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Default Re: OT - Star Wars trilogy out today

Have fun, I'm going to get it this weekend (I will be able to wait for a few days )
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Old September 21st, 2004, 04:39 PM
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Default Re: OT - Star Wars trilogy out today

I already have it in my possession. Now to wait a few hours to watch it tonight. Anyway, I was reading an article in the newspaper yesterday, which quoted Lucas as being very adamant that the original Star Wars movie will never see teh light of day. He said something to the effect that he was sorry everybody fell in love with his half-completed vision, but that isn't the movie he wanted. So we're stuck with this one. Not that I mind, but it would have been neat to have had both Versions. Who knows, maybe he'll change his mind in a couple of years when he needs another few million dollars.
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Old September 21st, 2004, 05:03 PM

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Default Re: OT - Star Wars trilogy out today

I'll be sure to buy a set eventually. I have 2 copies of the Trilogy on VHS (1 unopened still in shrinkwrap that I'm hoping to retire on... ) and will be sure to get the DVD Versions.
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Old September 21st, 2004, 05:08 PM

bearclaw bearclaw is offline
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Default Re: OT - Star Wars trilogy out today

My wife has picked up a copy for me. But she says its my birthday present so I can't have it until then.

It's in my house somewhere... Oct 6th is just too far away!!
Nick (bearclaw)
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Old September 21st, 2004, 06:04 PM

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Default Re: OT - Star Wars trilogy out today

For once the UK gets a release before the US!

I got it yesterday. Shiny, isn't it?
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Old September 21st, 2004, 10:00 PM
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Default Re: OT - Star Wars trilogy out today

I've heard rumors that Lucas has made some little changes in this new release. Is that true? For example, at the end of Return of the Jedi, what does Darth Vader's ghost look like?
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Old September 21st, 2004, 10:11 PM
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Default Re: OT - Star Wars trilogy out today

gregebowman said:
I already have it in my possession. Now to wait a few hours to watch it tonight. Anyway, I was reading an article in the newspaper yesterday, which quoted Lucas as being very adamant that the original Star Wars movie will never see teh light of day. He said something to the effect that he was sorry everybody fell in love with his half-completed vision, but that isn't the movie he wanted. So we're stuck with this one. Not that I mind, but it would have been neat to have had both Versions. Who knows, maybe he'll change his mind in a couple of years when he needs another few million dollars.
Half-completed? Does Lucas have a brain tumor? The only differences I saw were a couple of missing scenes (nice to see the extra Jabba scene in Ep IV - weren't missing much though) and then stupid hyperbolic CGI special effects that mainly just look added in. "Let's add some levitating droids than none of the actors can see...".

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Old September 22nd, 2004, 08:43 AM
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Default Re: OT - Star Wars trilogy out today

Changes? Did I hear someone mention 'Changes'?...

I got this news from a friend..

>LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- George Lucas made several changes in
>"Star Wars" when the film was re-released in 1997. With the "Star Wars"
>trilogy on DVD, he's tinkered a little more. Here are five changes Lucas
>5. Jedis don't scream
>The 1997 special edition Version of "The Empire Strikes Back" was
>changed so Luke wails as he jumps off the platform in Cloud City. In the
>only instance of Lucas undoing a later alteration (sadly, Greedo still
>shoots first on the DVD of "A New Hope"), he's taken it off the DVD
>edition. Maybe he realized Jedis (even ones in training) don't scream.
>4. Boba Fett has a new voice
>Since Boba Fett is a clone of Jango Fett, and Jango Fett is played by
>Temura Morrison, doesn't it make sense that he should sound like him,
>too? That's exactly what George Lucas thought, so Morrison was brought
>in to revoice the four lines of dialogue (yes, believe it or not there
>are only four!) Boba spoke in the original trilogy.
>3. A new and improved Jabba
>Remember that dodgy-looking computer-generated Jabba they inserted into
>the 1997 re-release of "A New Hope"? Well, he looks a little less dodgy
>this time around thanks to some improved CGI.
>2. The emperor's new clothes
>In the original Version of "The Empire Strikes Back," the emperor Darth
>Vader speaks to via hologram was played by a woman in a mask (!) and
>voiced by Clive Revill. Again, in the interests of consistency, Ian
>McDiarmid -- who portrays the emperor in "Return of the Jedi" and the
>prequel trilogy -- now appears in that scene with an added line or two
>of dialogue.
>1. The big finale
>The 1997 special edition of "Return of the Jedi" added a few "Star Wars"
>worlds joining the celebration of the Empire's demise at the end of the
>film. For the DVD, they've added Naboo, a planet that figures
>prominently in the prequel trilogy. Also, Anakin Skywalker is noticeably
>different this time around. When he removes his Darth Vader helmet, he
>now has no eyebrows! It's probably safe to assume he singes them off in
>his battle with Obi-Wan Kenobi in next summer's "Return of the Sith" and
>a change had to be made.
>But the most noticeable change -- and perhaps one some "Star Wars"
>diehards will have a tough time stomaching -- is Hayden Christensen (who
>plays young Anakin in the prequel trilogy) now appearing in the scene
>where the "force ghosts" of Anakin, Obi Wan, and Yoda smile at Luke. One
>thing's for sure, there's plenty for fans to debate -- that is, until
>the trilogy comes out yet again on another format in the future and Mr.
>Lucas makes his inevitable changes ...

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Old September 22nd, 2004, 10:01 AM
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Default Re: OT - Star Wars trilogy out today

Didn't get a chance to watch it Last night, but I had heard about the ending of ROTJ. I think that's a slap to the original actor, but since he died a few years ago, I guess ole George figured he couldn't complain. Hopefully, when Lucas either dies or someone else gets the rights to Star Wars, maybe someone will come to their senses and release the original trilogy in their original format. I wouldn't mind them being spruced up to look fresh and new, but no altered scenes. They'd make millions, because a lot of those people who saw the films from 1977-1983 are still around, and all those who were kids back then are now adults with a lot more money to spend.
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