
November 12th, 2003, 10:17 AM
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a question about precision
Could Illwinter give us how precision works exactly? That is what is the percentage that I hit my target for a given precision? Does it depends on distance (I suppose).
Thats the kind of thing impossible to test...
Currently playing: Dominions III, Civilization IV, Ageod American Civil War.

November 12th, 2003, 12:40 PM
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Re: a question about precision
Originally posted by Pocus:
Could Illwinter give us how precision works exactly? That is what is the percentage that I hit my target for a given precision? Does it depends on distance (I suppose).
Thats the kind of thing impossible to test...
What's sure is that all "Flying stuff" spells don't seem to hit anything more... I've seen Shards scatter all over the battlefield for no effect .
Arrows/bolts also seem somewhat more erratic than in Dom1, but that's totally subjective (and way less obvious than with spells).

November 12th, 2003, 12:59 PM
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Re: a question about precision
Originally posted by PDF:
quote: Originally posted by Pocus:
Could Illwinter give us how precision works exactly? That is what is the percentage that I hit my target for a given precision? Does it depends on distance (I suppose).
Thats the kind of thing impossible to test...
What's sure is that all "Flying stuff" spells don't seem to hit anything more... I've seen Shards scatter all over the battlefield for no effect .
Arrows/bolts also seem somewhat more erratic than in Dom1, but that's totally subjective (and way less obvious than with spells). Point blank Massed Crossbows have a nice effect but at range any unit with less than a 12 precision can't hit crap, a 15 precision hits a lot.

November 12th, 2003, 01:10 PM
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Re: a question about precision
I would like the formula used. Abysian mages with 8 prec firing a fireball would not hit a cow 2 meters away. Thats would help me decide if I knew that at range 20 I have only 10% chances of hitting my target square.
Currently playing: Dominions III, Civilization IV, Ageod American Civil War.

November 12th, 2003, 01:12 PM
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Re: a question about precision
.. would really be great if we could get some numbers. It's good to know the numbers when playing such a complicated strategy game.
Yeap, I'm a Stars!-player
Some observations from my Last game:
Niefelson (prec16;Air4) casting Cold Bolt (prec 3) does hit almost every time at normal range combat starting range and 25-30% at 1/2 battlefield range
Skratti (prec 10) casting Cold Bolt from the same distance gets 30% and 0% hits
Jotun Javelinist (prec 10) with Javelin (prec -2) gets less than 30% hits at normal "fire" distance.
I've seen those multiple-effect-spells scatter all over the battle field, but I have seen them working correctly (at range ~10) as well. As the spread gets bigger as the range to the target increases, it looks to me that sometimes the spells go off with spread for max range while they're in fact aimed at targets nearby. Or, as I never was able to point out that target, as the distribution seemed fairly random, maybe the target gets "lost" somehow when spell effects are calculated.
All in all I must say, low precision fire (<14 total) isn't worth the cost unless applied at extremly close range ..
edited: spelling
[ November 12, 2003, 14:04: Message edited by: Arralen ]
As for AI the most effective work around to this problem so far is to simply use an American instead, they tend to put up a bit more of a fight than your average Artificial Idiot.
... James McGuigan on rec.games.computer.stars somewhen back in 1998 ...

November 12th, 2003, 01:17 PM
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Re: a question about precision
Originally posted by Pocus:
I would like the formula used. Abysian mages with 8 prec firing a fireball would not hit a cow 2 meters away. Thats would help me decide if I knew that at range 20 I have only 10% chances of hitting my target square.
Anything below a 10 Precision seems to have a better chance to hit your troops than the enemy.
P.S. If you get a commander with the Heroic Bonus of percision give him a magic bow and have him target enemy Archers. He almost never misses once his per gets above 15 (+ the per of the bow).

November 12th, 2003, 01:25 PM
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Re: a question about precision
From Doms I manual it would seem that both attack value and precision are a factor in chance to hit a square with missile weapons. Maybe that's why the Abyssians have such a low precision stat (fire gives them increased attack so it breaks even)? Also, the ratio of weapon's maximum range and the actual distance to the target play a role, so it would not be very simple to deduce from averaging out random situations. Other factors include size of the target, how many targets are in the square that is hit, and whether they have shields or not. What is not clear (apart from not having the actual formula written down) is what is the difference between the chance to hit a square, and the chance to hit a unit occupying the square.
While we're at it, where and how does the air shield value factor in would also be good to know.

November 12th, 2003, 05:24 PM
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Re: a question about precision
I was lucky enough to get heroic percision on my Poisoneer Prophit, so I got him a black bow (and some other goodies) and sent him out on an assassination spree  His precision is now 28! Without the addition from the bow...
Lets just say he hits just about every time (though doens't always damage obviously...). I guess my point is that if you can arrange these 1 on 1 situtations you can probably get a better feel for how precision works.
Now... I just need to empower him in death once so he can summon up a decent screen of longdead or soulless and then go to town with his bow... 

November 12th, 2003, 07:56 PM
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Re: a question about precision
I wouldn't know the formula, but for the curious, the Firbolg (summonable by a nature spell; 'Awaken Sleeper' if memory serves) has a built-in laser-targeting system and ballistics trajectory computer (prec 15).
A Firbolg with, say, Vision's Foe, a lightning bow, or Botulf could be pretty nasty.
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November 12th, 2003, 10:21 PM
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Re: a question about precision
Originally posted by Taqwus:
A Firbolg with, say, Vision's Foe, a lightning bow, or Botulf could be pretty nasty.
I use them alot that way. Also give them that crystal eye that boosts their aim even more. That lightning bow does major damage (based on strength, fired by a giant?) and giving him +str items makes that even more.
Plus he can get up to where he can use a bow at short range. He can carry alot of armor. That crossbow that does 999 damage is a good thing to keep in mind if you come up against something like a monolith
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