hey man, i wanted to write you a private message, but i noticed your box is full, so i had to open this thread. I hope nobody is offended by this, it isnt that privat anyway.
Hi Imperator,
i was playing your Adamant mod recently and decided to make some basic AI modings for it. ANYWAY, i have two things to ask from you:
1. Please check the mod thread and reply to my latest post

i was waiting for two days
2. I read two AI tutors as well as the modding 101 and started to do some minor changed in the AI BUT i really need an compressed techtree or something.
I cant remember the names of all the techs by head, and the techs are not sorted within the tech.txt, imho. For now i would like to play vs physical AIs, so can you please send me a small SS or something with a techtree for the physical races. The ingame techtree export is not that good, too, in addition i always get an error when trying to export it. I really need your aid here
Extra pick techs are not that important until i get the basics done.
Thanks in advance, and i hope it aint a problem for you. Please reply fast as i want to get things going, esspecially the research stuff. thanks a bunch.
Please tell if you dont like my getting involved in your mod. I wont spread it without your permission anyway.
One more, when will the mod development start again ? I was reading you have freezed the mod until some (?) PBW games are done ? I hope not....I really like this modification ^^
Any future plans ? Please tell me
sry for the grammar and spelling and the like.