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Old September 11th, 2011, 05:52 PM

Deathjester Deathjester is offline
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Description of the Malazan Empire in the Dominions world:

"Another splinter of Ermor which instead of turning to faith like Pythium and Marignon did, the Malazans decided to decimate and cull the priests and cults. The purge was accomplished largely by a cabal of mages and assassins which would later form the covert organization called the Claw. Mages practicing necromancy were slain along with the priests, and the few who still know the dark arts ply them secretly. Having seized power and put an end to the threat of the death cults, the strongest and most wilful creature of the mage cabal took the throne as Emperor. The imperialistic ideal of Ermor stayed close to the heart of the ruthless leaders of the uprising and before long the Malazans looked to foreign lands as their Emperor grew powerful enough to make a claim at godhood. The Malaz have since breaking free from Ermors grasp become pragmatic and adapt well, which means their forces are versatile. Their infantry retains their Ermorian heritage but have refined their tactics to include specialized roles within the infantry, including sappers and skirmishers. They have also managed to aquire the secret of Moranth munitions, magical exploding orbs. Wielded by foolhardy sappers, these are devastating devices that destroy stone as easily as flesh. Allied barbarians round out their forces. Altogether, the Malazan way of warfare may be clever enough to make up for the lack of holy power."

Strengths: Diverse magic and equally diverse troops. Lots of tools at it's disposal. Powerful heroes and summons. Are good on the attack!

Weaknesses: Expensive mages, expensive castles, unpredictable magic, and somewhat Capitol centric. Weak priests and no sacred troops.


Latest changes:

Version 0,82
- The Bridgeburner ghost summon was nerfed to hard. Casting Req. changed to 2D1S, 2 gems, effects upped to 7.
- Completely remade the High Mages. They are now “level city”-powerful and rank amongst the most powerful mages in MA – but also among the most expensive mages to recruit, and the most expensive of all to upkeep in MA:

360: Telas (Fire): 3F1E1S+1FAWES+0,4DN, onebattlespells Phoenix Power
360: Serc (Air): 3A2S+1FAWES+0,4DN, and has Flying, Storm Flying and Storm Power 1
360: D'riss (Earth): 3E1S1N+1FAWES+0,4DN, onebattlespells summon earthpower
380: Thyr (Light): 1F2S1A+1FAWES+0,4DN (also: glamour), onebattlespells power of the spheres
250: Denul (Healing): 1N1S++1FAWES +1DN (also: healing 100), also regenerates

- Cattle dogs made size 1, and str 7->8.
- Korvalah given recuperation and small regen.
- Wickan Chiefs autosummon 1 cattle dog per turn (and can train 2 more).
- “Commission burner” cost 8->6
- “moranth raid” nreff increased 10->12
- Kenryll’ah Tyrant given boosts: hp 64->70, prot 10->11, regen 10%->15%
- Cadre mage given a small extra random: 10% FAWES, price 100->110.

I've added a few thoughts and questions at the end of the post for those interested and willing to help! Either way, I hope you enjoy the mod.

A note to readers of Steven Erikson: I have placed the Malazans in the Dominions universe (as of version 0,6 all descriptions will point to this). The Malazan Empire's character will still be the heart and essence of the mod, but it will also tie into and fit with Dominions lore.

That said, I have tried to base the choices I have made upon the novels as well as I can. Note though that the timeline within the mode is fleeting and the mod reflects a time from before as well as throughout the series. You could perhaps invision the mod to cover (as research and the game progresses) the years of Kellanved as well as the years up to perhaps book 6 or 7. It also does cover eventualities, as some summons will be thematically "speculative". But, that said, do come forth with questions, suggestions and criticism of thematic nature!


The Malazan infantry units are basically well motivated and cooperate very well on the battlefield, reflected in slightly better stats overall. Their main feature for the player is that they are well equipped and good for their price. They also have hardhitting, but dimwitted, heavy infantry.

Essentially morale boosters, making for a hard to break battle line. They are not so much drill sergeants, but motivational leaders and tough fighters.

Extraordinary siege breakers, and if used correctly, an interesting option on the battle field. They are intentionally expensive as they are rare and potentially very powerful.

Essentially elite soldiers, used to fighting under cover, preparing the way for the armies and disrupting enemy plans. They are very skilled and dangerous, but capital only. They can be used in conjunction with Sappers, for raiding not only provinces, but even castles.
(note: The Malazan Empire has expensive castles, but are very good at taking them!)

Very good cavalry, versatile and hard hitting. They are meant to be an expensive option, however.


Fist and High Fist
The standard commander options, the latter cap only. They both come with retinues (as per their descriptions). The High Fist can also sail, and has an impressive standard ability reflecting their renowned ability to lead armies.

Marine Sergeant
Has an interesting mechanic in not being cap only, while "his" troops the marines are cap only. The quirk here is that he does come with a retinue, being able to train troops in the field.

Cadre Mages
Recruitable everywhere mage. The Malazan empire recruits basically everyone who can do magic into the military, regardless of schooling and path of magic. This results in very diverse, but unpredictable mages (1FAESN+1FAWES+0.2DN). They are also special in that they are literally soldiers, meaning they, for good and bad, carry armor and shields.

Cadre Healer
Recruitable everywhere mage (1N+0.1D) with minor healing.

High Mages
These are exceptionally skilled mages, excelling in at least one path of magic. They are communiable, but are also quite expensive (intentionally so). They come in the following varieties:

360: Telas (Fire): 3F1E1S+1FAWES+0,4DN, onebattlespells Phoenix Power
360: Serc (Air): 3A2S+1FAWES+0,4DN, and has Flying, Storm Flying and Storm Power 1
360: D'riss (Earth): 3E1S1N+1FAWES+0,4DN, onebattlespells summon earthpower
380: Thyr (Light): 1F2S1A+1FAWES+0,4DN (also: glamour), onebattlespells power of the spheres
250: Denul (Healing): 1N1S++1FAWES +1DN (also: healing 100), also regenerates

Weak H1 priests, but they are sometimes (50%) able to use magic.

Claw Assassin
Mage assassin (A1S2). They are infiltrator, mage and assassin in one, but they are bad researchers and can not lead troops.

Wickan Commander
A good leader for the Wickan Troops, being as fast as them. Can also train cattle dogs, which could be useful as cheap flankers/harassers.


Cusser Sappers
Very powerful munitions that can devastate walls. They can also be a terrible weapon on the battlefield - for foes and friends..

Burner Sappers
Sets friends and foes on fire...

Kenryll'ah Demons
Terrible demons that are quite dangerous, especially the Demon prince. They are large, hard hitting and cause fear. They come from a realm of water, hence their sailing ability, swamp survival, cold resistance and minor water magic.

Red Blades
Fiery desert warriors, coerced to fight for the empire. Are experts at hunting down dissidents (patrol bonus) as well as fighting in hot climates.

Wickan Cattle Dogs
Beasts of battle, summonable through the Wickan Commander. Expendable flankers/harassers.

Strange demons that grow in power as they are challenged. They pity their foes, as anyone should..


Quick Ben

Some notes, thoughts and questions
- High Mages are meant to be expensive, but are they too expensive?
- Thematically, one could argue both in favor for and in favor against the High Mages being communionable - what do you think? The alternative would perhaps be removing the astral point for all except Thyr, and making their main path 3.
- National spells - are their power level, research level, gem cost etc reasonable? They are meant to be highly viable, but not too powerful in comparison. Their teleportation is basically an earlier option, while the bombing raids work much like fires from afar (less random, less potential, slightly cheaper).
- Are all commanders "recruitable" as in that they will at least occasionally be used? If not, suggestions?
- Pricing in general. As stated, some units are meant to be good value for money (basic troops) and some are meant to be expensive (wickans, mages). That said, thoughts on pricing are welcome, as I find that tricky!
- The Sapper's munitions - are meant to be quite useful even on the battlefield - are they? (are they too useful even, or not enough?)
- Also, a thanks to Calchet over at Shrapnel, who started making a Malazan mod. With his permission I used some of his material, even though I've changed basically everything from that version. (you can find it here: http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=39280)

Ideas for upcoming additions
To whet your appetites...

- Warlock summons and Cattle Dog summons, perhaps even a Raven spell.
- Summon Moranth raiders
- The First Throne spell: T'lan Imass allies
- More Imperial Demons: Galayn Lord, perhaps Sirinth.
- Foolish Dog Armor, summons Wickans with Rune Armor
- Mott Irregulars?
- Barghast?
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Last edited by Deathjester; December 16th, 2011 at 11:57 AM..
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Old September 11th, 2011, 10:53 PM

vali vali is offline
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Default Re: Malazan Empire v 0,5

Nice! I know you probably have plenty of ideas, but here are some more:

Mott Irregulars: Troops with high magic resistance and swamp survival.
Shapechanger summons (Soletaken and D'ivers). For D'ivers, you could use a string of #secondshape to represent the many individual creatures that compose the D'ivers.

If you're limiting the priests for balance reasons, that makes sense. That said, there's lots of options for adding fun and interesting priests. Driss priests that suffer old age and spread unrest, berserk priests of the Boar of Summer/Trake, disease spreading priests of Poleil, ect..

And of course, there are no lack of options for pretender gods.

I'll give this mod a shot and give you my thoughts on balance and such later. I'm just so excited to see a Malazan mod I couldn't help but add some ideas.
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Old September 12th, 2011, 01:42 AM

Deathjester Deathjester is offline
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Default Re: Malazan Empire v 0,5

There are a few small bugs, as some of the number ID's in CBM 1,9 did not match what it's documentation said. I will update and add the mod later today.

Vali - thanks for your reply, I will reply properly later today!
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Old September 12th, 2011, 04:41 AM

Deathjester Deathjester is offline
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Default Re: Malazan Empire v 0,5

New version up.


- Kenryll'ah bug fixed. (note: the lower tier version is supposed to summon troops)
- Fixed conflict with CBM 1,91.
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Old September 12th, 2011, 07:38 AM

Deathjester Deathjester is offline
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Default Re: Malazan Empire v 0,5

Adding the Mott Irregulars would indeed be fun. I will consider it. I have considered a few allies as summons, for example Red Blades (oriental cavalry w/ patrol bonus).

Yes, the priests are limited for balance reasons, but also some what for thematic reasons as the priests and cults were culled by Kellanved. I think they need weak priests, but I really like your suggestions. Also, the random magic on the priests is there to represent various cults!

Yes, please give me more feedback once you've tested it. Do use the updated 0,51 though!
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Old September 12th, 2011, 08:34 AM
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Default Re: Malazan Empire v 0,5

Interesting mechanic of the Marine Sargeant.... more in line with your fluff that they are capable of training troops in the fiels, instead of a retinue why you do not change them so they can "recruit" (summon) troops instead? A single marine/turn would not make it too overbalancing and would look to be more thematic to their "training" ability....
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Old September 12th, 2011, 03:34 PM

Deathjester Deathjester is offline
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Default Re: Malazan Empire

Quick note: Graphical glitches for Kenryll'ah fixed!
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Old September 12th, 2011, 04:16 PM

Deathjester Deathjester is offline
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Default Re: Malazan Empire v 0,5

Originally Posted by Makinus View Post
Interesting mechanic of the Marine Sargeant.... more in line with your fluff that they are capable of training troops in the fiels, instead of a retinue why you do not change them so they can "recruit" (summon) troops instead? A single marine/turn would not make it too overbalancing and would look to be more thematic to their "training" ability....
You have a point, but I think it will stay as it is. I envisage their training troops more as a recruitment and (one month) training of the hardiest and smartest soldiers in the area/army. Marine Sergeants are not really instructors of trainers, so it would not feel right to have them standing around summoning troops. Also, it's tricky balance wise to have recruitable units that can summon troops, I think.

I might change the fluff text somewhat though.
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Old September 14th, 2011, 06:44 PM

Deathjester Deathjester is offline
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Default Re: Malazan Empire

Small update:

Version 0,53
- Added Claw sprite
- Made revisions to some of the fluff texts.
- Randoms removed from High Mage of Denul, is now a N1S1 mage with 100 healing.
- added nametypes - all Fists, Marine Sergeants, Cadre Healers and Cadre Mage have Malazan names! (and Troops, should you give them the gift of reason..)
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Old September 24th, 2011, 07:11 AM
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Default Re: Malazan Empire

Deathjester, thanks for picking this project up. I look forward to spending some time with it.
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