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Old November 10th, 2002, 10:25 AM

dumbluck dumbluck is offline
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Default Re: OT: My fun evening...

Don't feel bad. I did the same thing tuesday, with a few minor changes. The object that hit me was a little old lady driving one of those old cars that could have a head on collision with a tank and come out on top. She basically broadsided me on the passenger side (you know, the side my 18 month old son is on), so you can imagine what went thru MY mind... It wasn't raining; I was making a left hand turn, and my vision was obstructed by an oncoming car which was stopped and waiting to make a left hand turn. My car was totalled (about $4500 worth of damage). Oh, and I got a $112 ticket out of the deal, too. Yea.

But thankfully, no one was hurt.
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