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Old September 1st, 2002, 05:04 AM

Magnum357 Magnum357 is offline
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Default Re: OT: Star Trek Nemesis

Well, that is good to hear that the Romulans will be introduced in Enterprise. And I'm glad to hear that they are "Being careful" with the Romulans in the show. But I still think they should include some sort of war between Starfleet and the Romulans. From stuff I have read by both Star Trek stuff and SFB stuff, the war Lasted a few years and was very devestating to both sides. And like I said before, in the SFB universe, the Romulan War was basically why the Federation was formed. It would be neat if they setup the series like this in comming seasons...

-First Contact with Romulans by attack of a Terran vessel (can't remember in my readings if it was a Cargo ship or an Exploration ship).
-Over the next few months, more and more incidents of Romulan incursions (etheir by attacks or espionage) on other races and even Terran ships and colonies (I assume their might be a few Terran OutPosts by the 22nd century).
-Many nearby races get in a panicked situation and start waring against Romulans, or attack other races due to Romulan involvment (I could see some very interesting episodes if it was built this way).
-After a couple of seasons, Starfleet and maybe even Vulcans find true intentions by Romulans and try too form an Alliance against the Threat.
-War starts between the Romulans and the Alliance. Last for a few years with devestating loses and results in a stalemate.
-Neutral Zone is established by way of Sub-space Radio and rules are established between governments.
-Just After War, with such devestating loses to Alliances forces, a centralized government is formed (with opposition of course) between races which form the core of what we see today of the Federation. An new force within the Alpha Quadrant to supress the Evil Romulan Empire. Takes decades for the new Alliance to root itself into the publics trust, but time heals all wounds.
-Just after the Federation is formed, Section 31 is secretly established by parinoid individuals in order to keep the Federation intact at any cost.

By the Way, what ever they do, they should make the Romulans Warp Capable. Even if their War Engines are subpar to Starfleets, it wouldn't be logical to have the romulans such a threat without Warp Technology. They may have inferior Warp engines, but their weapons (Plasma Torpedos, Cloaks) make up for that big time. The Klingons should probably not be involved with this becuase they might have had a war with the Romulans in the past and figure it was best to be kept out of it.

I know, just my theory and pretty war like. Although Major Tom may disagree with me about involving War to the Stat Trek Series, I liked DS(I agree about Voyager, it was getting cheesy on how easy to destroy borg) but I really liked the Dominion War. What ever people think how bad war is, it does play a major role on how societies are formed and how much it impacts history.

I started my first game. The Selay Consortium just hosed a colony ship, @#%Q@#R, Then accepted a Trade Treaty.
What is it about Neutrals that shoot first and ask quesitons later?


Its called Gun Ship Diplomacy. <img border=0 title= alt=[Big Grin] src=biggrin.gif /]
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