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Old July 29th, 2024, 09:19 PM
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Default Re: Maximum AI Competitiveness

Originally Posted by Roman View Post
...but I like to face challenges.
Schleswig-Holstein, WEST GERMANY

November 1985

NVA/Warsaw Pact delay (XXX Battle Points) vs Spain/NATO advance (30 000 Battle Points)

Air Sorties:
Warsaw Pact XXX
Spain/NATO 10

Grossenbrode, Germany 200x160




It is November 1985.

WWIII began in early August the same year with a Warsaw Pact attack on western Europe. NBC weapons have not yet been deployed by either side.

While initially enjoying some success on the ground Pact forces have failed to knock NATO out of the fight and in the high intensity warfare of this sort munitions, fuel and troops are consumed at alarming rates.

Warsaw Pact competence have also been found wanting. Especially the logistics and air warfare domains suffer from the extreme strains of large scale prolonged combat. By October the weight of NATO air strikes have had a crushing effect on Pact ability to bring munitions and troops forward leading to a culmination of the Pact offensive. NATO counterattacks have begun to roll back earlier Pact gains.

Pact morale has not yet fallen apart. But things are looking very grim. Ground is being lost and there seems to be no reprieve for the depleted Communist formations at the front.

Things are different on the NATO side. Some of the forces reinforcing the NATO forces in Germany come from Portugal and Spain. They are received with some suspicion, but are nonetheless a welcome sight.

The Spaniards, having recently joined NATO are initially given tasks believed to be less risky. One Spanish contingent ends up on the German Baltic coast and is tasked with reducing a Warsaw Pact force believed to be of very limited combat value…

The Pact troops have been bypassed by the main NATO offensive and have their backs against the Baltic Sea on a small piece of land just in front of FEHMARN Island. The bulk is believed to be made up of battered remnants of the East German Nationale Volksarmee’s 19th Motorised Rifle Division, a reserve unit that by circumstance ended up on the Baltic coast.

There is a slight chance that the Pact forces will be supplied over, or possibly withdrawn by sea and could thus pose a problem. The mission of the Spanish forces is to defeat the Pact forces and reach the bridges to FEHMARN Island.

Last edited by wulfir; July 30th, 2024 at 02:38 AM..
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