For many years I've talked about the problems plaguing the
ARMATA and the one I touched on the most was the engine.
Not until more recently did I become aware of the one of the main reasons for the issues the Russian were having problems with the engines and the article goes into, they decided to
build the tank around the engine. To sure there are still other factors involved even now. One of those is I felt was the engine was rushed into production and not fully tested.
Long gone are the days of tank engines just providing propulsion and basic electrical needs.
You build a tank based all the main and subsystems to include your mechanical requirements auto loaders and such to include propulsion and power generation. The engine will also power all your electronics and cooling systems etc. in short everything that makes up the modern tank.
Once every aspect from the above and more have been finalized this is when the designers should be looking at engines they already have, are independently being developed and finally do we have to build an engine from scratch for the tank.
Engines and Transmissions have
killed or severely delayed many tanks over the years such as
ARJUN at over 30yrs in development though in fairness during part of its development some of the engine technology just wasn't available at the time
ALTAY is another for almost 10 years now which will put its game availability in jeopardy much like the