June 25th, 2022, 01:49 AM
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Re: RetLT Scenario issues
Originally Posted by SaS TrooP
Scenario #832 Yang Dang Khoum
My own actually 
Recently replayed it and there seem to be bug I can hardly explain. Foreign Legion battalion is tasked with holding the staging position and prevent Thai counterattack (as it was in reality). However, for unknown reason when I played it Legion also launches attack just like other battalions. Fuirthermore, I checked it in scenario editor and I am DAMN sure ENTIRE Legion is set to reaction turn 98 - and yet it moves to attack.
It is a bit of a problem as it ruins the scenario - Thai counterattack develops unopposed :V
Any idea what could cause that? I do not remember this happening during test plays. Wrong updating during one of the updates maybe?
PS: just for the record. This scenario is wrongly behind scenarios #828 and #829 - as Yang Dang Khoum is historically the first, and set of three scenarios was released as improvised "trilogy".
If you want to work backwards from Scn 873 I will meet you in the middle. 