I think the point here is to understand what the media is trying to get out there
isn't made for our consumption, I'd say a
very healthy portion of us out here cover
everything from active duty, retired, veteran (Conscripted, volunteer, reserves etc.) and I would imagine disabled veterans.
I will at this time acknowledge all the non-military people that support this forum and the game THANK YOU!
Back to Para 1; we have been there and done that. We've all experienced the "
pitfalls" and successes of the various Chains of Commands we've had to work with in our military careers.
Our overall experiences for the good or bad give us a much better view of military issues than "John Q. Public".
We must
not lose sight of this perspective as the Media is writing this again for
"John Q. Public" where a "
scuttlebutt" might be where you put out your cigarette/cigar instead of the
water fountain where you gather to gossip. Or a "
rack" is a shelve you put your towels on
instead of being your bed.
And let's everyone be honest here, I'm sure at least
once or twice we've used a military term to describe something that has a total different meaning (Or you get that
Huh?) to a civilian.
To us it's stupid to have Generals that close to the front, I'm however sure the Ukrainians have been
very thankful that all those who've trained them since
2014 and somewhat earlier got them away from
Russian Military Doctrine or else this could've been the case for them as well.
Russia has no real
professional cadre in numbers, it is an army of
under trained and inexperienced conscripts, they because of the last don't have a
professional NCO (Non-Commissioned Officer) branch to
train and motivate the troops there is more however, but I'll end with the
Officer Corps inability to delegate and communicate at the various levels/up and down the Chain of Command.
That's all
OLD NEWS going back to
WWII/Cold War/Afghanistan/First Chechen War (Less so in the Second Chechen War) and now the Ukraine.
However, a fair amount of
John Q. Public doesn't read history and
really isn't too concerned about what's going on in the world around them. I will also include in this para, the
hundreds of active-duty service members and retired I see come through the gates every week from
all service branches where the focus is
what are doing this weekend.
We are
outnumbered and
surrounded by
John Q. Public and it would do us well to remember that and
just maybe most of the mainstream media might just be doing something to educate at a basic level
John Q. Public providing they can break themselves and their thumbs away from playing a game, watching a movie, discussing last nights dinner etc. etc.;
well on second thought, I appreciate the Mainstream medias efforts but for the most part I don't think John Q. Public really cares.
As a footnote when I was in the military (
1982 -2002) those serving made up around
0.85-0.90% of the total population in the U.S. and that held true for about
10 yrs. after I retired.
Speaking to some Officers and Recruiters that number has dropped to about
0.7% partly due to the population decrease and other factors.
Anyway and not to take away from anything said elsewhere, those are my thoughts. And I'm
not saying John Q. Public IS STUPID, just their interests are different and as much as Shrapnel Games, Andy and Don might wish otherwise, they're probably not interested in our games, forums or threads.
Governments, CIA, FSB, Mi6 and almost every major military I'm sure are following everything we're doing out here!?!
Anyway, some hackers or others rained on Putin parade and my translator is saying the same ...