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Old May 8th, 2022, 07:22 PM
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Default Re: Updates in light of Ukraine war

Originally Posted by Karagin View Post
Y'all do realize that the Russians don't follow the same setup the Western militaries do right? Their NCO Corps is a joke and the duties that MOST Western Mlitraries regulate to NCOs fall on junior and some senior line officers in the Russian and other Eastern European armies? I have seen it in Hungarian and Romanian and somewhat in the Lithuanian militaries and we all know their base is the Soviet model.

So it is no shock or surprise that we are seeing reports of staff/line officers getting killed when it would be reports of captains and LTs if it was a Western military in the same setting. Am I the only one NOT comparing the Russians or Ukrainians to the US military or NATO militires?
And just who are you aiming that comment at exactly ??

If it was me WELL DUH..... this was a lieutenant colonel out on a scouting mission with a rifle........ "The Russians don't follow the same setup the Western militaries" yeah NO KIDDING EH??

"You are never to old to rock and roll if you are too young to die".--- What do you expect to be doing when you are 80?