Hi KAreil,
Thanks for your praise. I'm happy you're enjoying the new War Cabinet!
Originally Posted by KAreil
If you get the country-specific ranks into the tool it will be perfect for keeping track of my games for AARs. 
I knew it!
Had this nagging concern that I didn't cover everything I promised.
Yes, I had completely forgotten about this one.
Originally Posted by KAreil
One very minor thing I noticed...it took me something like half an hour until i figured out how to add a standalone battle. Finding the button was easy and it showed me all my savegames but the button to add it was always greyed out.
Of course i was too dumb to notice that I had to manually enter a name for the battle first...I somehow overlooked that field or at least didn't think it necessary.
Might be a good idea to fill this field with some default battle name to help users like me. So it would be possible to add the battle and in the worst case the user notices only then that he wants to use another name.
Thanks, that's a good suggestion.
If I do this, I think I should also provide a way to edit the name of the battle afterwards.
I am taking a break from War Cabinet for now, but these three items will be on top of the list for the next version:
- Provide default name for standalone battle
- Allow editing standalone battle names
- Support country-specific ranks