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Old January 21st, 2017, 09:28 PM

Pibwl Pibwl is offline
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Default Re: Chinese OOB21 v.2016

Just a few minor things concerning guns:

16 37L46 AT-Gun - picture is French 25mm, should be Japanese 17037.
Same for Communist unit 16

45 37L36 AT-Gun - picture is French 25mm, should be Japanese 17037.
Same for Communist 45

46 37L40 AT-Gun - picture should be German
It should be rather standard German Pak 35/36, and supplied from 1936
Same for Communist 46

If anybody wanted Chinese photo, here's one:

49 37L36 AT-Gun - picture is French 25mm, should be probably 17037 (if it is Japanese, but I couldn't find Type 98 37 mm gun, only Type 94 and 1)
Same for Communist 49

62 37L33 AT-Gun - picture is French 25mm, but I don't know what it's supposed to be.

A comprehensive list doesn't indicate other 37mm guns, than German, Japanese and US.

It could be changed to US 37mm M1 gun after 1942, which is lacking now.

104 70mm Cannon - unit 110 has other icon 2108, better for such a light gun (Japanese one has 2109).
Same for Communist 110 (communist 104 has 2108)
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