Originally Posted by geoff
OK, I agree with having the turn to face trigger op fire, but is there now a way to see what a unit's field of view is without using up movement points? As I understand this change, any right click could use up a movement point unless it doesn't cause a change in facing.
Unless it's a shift right click on an enemy unit.
So what happens if you shift right click on a blank square?
None of this uses movement points, as we decided to go for KISS, option A.1
only - see the thread above.
Voluntarily changing face
may now trigger an opportunity fire or even several.
It does not cost move points. And as stated, there is already the Unit View button, which shows all hexes a unit can see but without moving it.
Been testing this in an ongoing WW2 LC, and it really doesn't cause massive bursts of fire, even when I forget and swivel a unit just to see if it can see something. A habit I'll simply have to grow out of
