Thread: Scenario The Battle Of Sokolovo
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Old March 6th, 2015, 07:14 PM
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Default Re: The Battle Of Sokolovo

Played it. Finished it on decisive victory.

Generally interesting scenario, but my first and foremost feedback would be for you to increase German attack power. Their forces are too weak to break though (I say even a player on PBEM would fail), mainly when comes to infantry. They do not have even a 2:1 ratio and should be even more for attacker to succeed in most handbooks. Also, they lack mortars for quick suppresion and smoke. Maxims are massacring their advance from the beginning. AT guns are effective at killing tanks if you do this wisely. PTRS also come in handy.

In short:
More infantry
More artillery, mainly mortars

That should make it quite spicy
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