Thread: Question Sound trouble...
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Old September 26th, 2014, 11:07 AM

Shan Shan is offline
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Default Re: Sound trouble...

I know now where the problem originates. The feature of having a sound slot in the weapons tab is relatively new. Must've come with the patches in recent years. Now, since I was unwilling to mod the newly patched OOBs again, I just used my old ones, checked them for errors (lbms, icons), updated a few of those and copied in all new additions. But since the old OOBs didn't have this weapon sound option, the programme just assigned a sound, usually #1, in the weapon sound slot... usually it was a sound between 1 and 16 or so, no idea why, but mostly 1.

Now, knowing about this, all I gotta do is change all default weapon sounds to0 - done in a few minutes per OOB.

Anyways, I find this a useful feature and started to assign common default sounds for certain common weapons, standardized across several OOBs. This eliminates the need during OOB design to check for sounds in the unit tabs.
I believe it should be used more - I like the idea that different autocannons all have their unique sound file. If you play a different OOB and some invisible unit is firing at you, you already got an idea what it could be. Aha, a Russian 30mm, so probably a BMP-2? And so on...
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