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Old May 17th, 2014, 03:46 AM
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Default Re: Smoke Dischargers, And Fragmentation Grenades Fired From These

Originally Posted by Turret View Post
In SPWW2, the stugs, and German SPG's seem to fire NBW forward, and no other direction. Likewise, why can't M10 crews throw out grenades out of the turret?

The angles covered would be 360 degrees.
As to the SPWW2 SPG's (even tho this isn't the SPWW2 forum) that's a game engine limitation thing.
Certain weapon slots have a built-in limited firing arc that's part of the core code and short of a total rewrite can't be changed.

As to tossing grenades out of turrets, usually it's a matter of lack of weapon slots, again the limit if 4, and in the rest of the cases why increase the cost of the unit by adding a weapon that might come into play one battle in a hundred?
Suhiir - Wargame Junkie

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