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Old March 16th, 2014, 01:37 PM

PvtJoker PvtJoker is offline
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Default Re: Buttoned And Unbuttoned Option

Originally Posted by Brian61 View Post

While this sounds all good at first glance, in game the actual effect leads to non historic results. That is, with the mechanic of having the target's spotting ability a factor in the success of a close assault causes close assault to be the only attack in game whose chances to hit improve with the target's speed.

Largely because of this, the use of historically incorrect tactics and TOE's (infantry leading through open terrain - skipping overwatch due to ineffectiveness - suicidal tank riders in front lines - inverse ratio of infantry to armor in armor maneuver units etc) is the optimal approach in game.

I really wish there was either a checkbox somewhere to disconnect the target's spotting ability from the close assault equation or a percentage control adjusting close assault chances somewhere in either preferences or an ini file.

So while I don't see any utility to a button/unbutton control, I'd give my left testicle for some control over close assault chances.
Well, you are right that it is a problem. While tank riders are not entirely ahistorical (especially in the Eastern Front) and overwatch is still useful against enemy AT guns and tanks, high speed vehicles really should be less vulnerable to close assaults by infantry. I don't know how difficult the decoupling of spotting ability from close assault success probability would be, but it would certainly be something worth looking into in my opinion.

Another possible way of handling it would be to strongly decrease the close assault success probability with increasing vehicle speed so that it would compensate for the decreasing spotting ability. This method would preserve the fact that buttoned-up vehicles really were easier to surprise by close assaults.
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