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Old March 21st, 2013, 04:30 AM
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Originally Posted by JonBrave View Post
If you could replace that Ring of Regen, what would you put in the slot to win this battle?
Tactically, I would have done two things:
  1. Use a Ring of Frost to make El Gato Grande (EGG) immune to the cold aura.
  2. Give EGG an extra astral gem so his Solar Brilliance would kick off and move it earlier into his cast sequence.

The second bone-headed move I made is that I didn't realize EGG would burn an extra astral gem to reduce the fatigue from Power of the Spheres.

Strategically, I wouldn't have moved out the rest of my defensive force from my capitol. I got cocky and figured EGG would kick the crap out of those wights backed up with his ring of regeneration
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