Originally Posted by AreaOfEffect
The nation of Man salutes the valiant behavior of Bogarus. However, we must condemn their leadership in choosing to side against our ally. We suspect another nation coerced the taxed nation of Bogarus into its stance against those beloved and somehow adorable inhuman abominations.
Our just and noble nation would never stoop to unfairly coerce an ally. I don't speak for Bogarus, but I suspect the multiple atrocities inflicted against them by those evil amphibians might have had something to do with their decision. We tried to assist them, but alas, the forces of evil were too strong.
Originally Posted by AreaOfEffect
I understand you haven't had a very extensive visit of our lands. Please allow us to describe it for you so you can know what to expect. Just beyond what you see are our mountainous castles! Further on we have rolling hills of flush green castles! To the south are beaches of pristine castles! Let's also not forget our majestic fields of more castles! I hope you choke on our delicious looking castles!
That's not true. We've had lots of visits actually -- courtesy of astral window. And you forgot to mention that your poor peasants chafe under nearly unspeakable economic conditions due to crippling taxes (120% taxes on your non-blood provinces for nearly a hundred turns). My fair republic isn't prepared to deal with the flood of refugees that would pour across our borders if we attempted a serious offensive, so we're content to put down the occasional raid and continue to offer hope for a better life for your people.
Originally Posted by AreaOfEffect
Though I suppose if we were to collapse onto our selves and just give up, I'm sure it would still take you the length of this war once over to claim our sacred lands.
That's okay. We're patient and it's only turn 98. We still have a long way to go